The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Not at all. They held a strong position with significant support mechanisms in place. It was done right. They're not in a running gun battle with the Russians and Syrians. They are there to support our allies and prevent ISIS from re-emerging.

like I said risk assessment from your keyboard. better to shut up when you're totally out of your league on this subject.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
like I said risk assessment from your keyboard. better to shut up when you're totally out of your league on this subject.

If you feel like we need our 2,000 well protected US troops to tuck tail and leave Syria to the Turks, Russians and ISIS, we can agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
If you feel like we need our 2,000 well protected US troops to tuck tail and leave Syria to the Turks, Russians and ISIS, we can agree to disagree.
What strategic interest is it for the U.S. to be in Syria? How about arming the Kurds to the point they can defend themselves against Turkey, and let them carve out a Kurdistan. Otherwise let's bring our troops home from the entire area. We have enough oil for our needs, let the countries who need Middle Eastern oil police the region.


Staff member
What strategic interest is it for the U.S. to be in Syria? How about arming the Kurds to the point they can defend themselves against Turkey, and let them carve out a Kurdistan. Otherwise let's bring our troops home from the entire area. We have enough oil for our needs, let the countries who need Middle Eastern oil police the region.
Probably stopping Iranian and Russian aggression in the area. Israel is probably on board with that.


Well-Known Member
Probably stopping Iranian and Russian aggression in the area. Israel is probably on board with that.
Are 2000 troops going to stop that, or are they there as a temptation to get us into a shooting war? We need to get out of the entire region, and let Europe and Asia worry about it.


Well-Known Member
If you feel like we need our 2,000 well protected US troops to tuck tail and leave Syria to the Turks, Russians and ISIS, we can agree to disagree.

I respect your position and I sense you feel strongly about it. I'm sure you're not a keyboard warrior so I challenge you to sign up as a mercenary and put your ass where your mouth is.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
“I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. I have not. I said the president of the United States,” adding that Trump “didn’t commit a crime.”


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
“I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. I have not. I said the president of the United States,” adding that Trump “didn’t commit a crime.”



Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Please explain to me again how Russians influenced tens of millions to vote for Trump? They certainly didn't rig voting machines.

How Russians Used Social Media to Boost the Trump Campaign

"The 37-page indictment issued yesterday by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller alleges that Russian agents used a multitude of tactics to attack Donald Trump’s presidential rivals and sow mistrust of the American political system. Prominent among those tactics was one that journalists, intelligence agencies and cybersecurity experts have been sounding the alarm on for nearly two years – the manipulation of public opinion through social media.

Those early concerns focused on ‘fake news,’ some of it produced by profit-hungry websites simply looking to generate clicks. But the Mueller indictment echoes subsequent findings that masses of false or misleading social media activity was engineered by Russia’s Internet Research Agency, as part of a plan to “defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit” beginning as early as 2014.

According to Mueller’s indictment, the Russia-backed operators of social media groups and accounts posed as Americans, including by using “the stolen identities of real U.S. persons” and servers and computing infrastructure located in the United States. The indictment claims the Internet Research Agency employed “hundreds of individuals for its online operations.”

The IRA, according to the indictment, created social media accounts intended to look like real Americans. One tactic was distributing lists of U.S. holidays to the ‘specialists’ running the accounts, so they could post holiday-appropriate content. The operatives were instructed to target the most hot-button political issues, by talking about and starting groups centered on immigration, police misconduct, race, and religion.

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These tactics of impersonation succeeded to a sometimes stunning degree. One Russia-controlled Twitter account, @TEN_GOP, claimed to represent the Tennessee Republican party, and garnered 100,000 followers. Facebookdisclosed last year that Russia-generated content reached as many as 126 million Americans on its platform. One apparent key to the effort’s success was sheer relentlessness – the indictment says the IRA’s social media specialists were divided into day shifts and night shifts, and made posts that aligned with U.S. time zones.

Again echoing prior reports, the indictment specifies that these efforts primarily supported the Trump campaign and disparaged Hillary Clinton. The Mueller team obtained documentation of an ‘internal review’ of an IRA-controlled Facebook group called “Secured Borders,” whose operator was dinged for creating a “low number of posts dedicated to criticizing Hillary Clinton”. Other accounts and groups created by the IRA had names including “March for Trump” and “Clinton FRAUDation.”

Other tactics were more subtle. One IRA-controlled Instagram account called “Woke Blacks” encouraged politically active African-Americans, who were generally more supportive of Clinton, to abstain from voting altogether. Another account aimed at African-Americans promoted the candidacy of the Green Party’s Jill Stein, in an apparent attempt to pull votes from Clinton. The indictment also cites a number of paid social media ads denigrating Clinton, bought with Russian money funneled through PayPal accounts set up using false U.S. identities.

These online efforts fed into real-world activity, including promoting a series of Trump rallies in Florida. The indictment says that effort involved direct communication with the Trump campaign and grassroots pro-Trump groups in August of 2016 – though under the pretense of fake U.S. identities.

The actual impact of this meddling on the election’s outcome is hard to firmly quantify. But it was enabled both by the hands-off stances of social media companies, and by what the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos calls the ‘news illiteracy’of many Americans – an inability to identify trustworthy news sources, or spot red flags like grammar and spelling errors. Those problems make it all too plausible that, if drastic action isn’t taken now, the same tactics will be deployed again to disrupt this year’s midterm Congressional elections."


Well-Known Member
How Russians Used Social Media to Boost the Trump Campaign

"The 37-page indictment issued yesterday by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller alleges that Russian agents used a multitude of tactics to attack Donald Trump’s presidential rivals and sow mistrust of the American political system. Prominent among those tactics was one that journalists, intelligence agencies and cybersecurity experts have been sounding the alarm on for nearly two years – the manipulation of public opinion through social media.

Those early concerns focused on ‘fake news,’ some of it produced by profit-hungry websites simply looking to generate clicks. But the Mueller indictment echoes subsequent findings that masses of false or misleading social media activity was engineered by Russia’s Internet Research Agency, as part of a plan to “defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit” beginning as early as 2014.

According to Mueller’s indictment, the Russia-backed operators of social media groups and accounts posed as Americans, including by using “the stolen identities of real U.S. persons” and servers and computing infrastructure located in the United States. The indictment claims the Internet Research Agency employed “hundreds of individuals for its online operations.”

The IRA, according to the indictment, created social media accounts intended to look like real Americans. One tactic was distributing lists of U.S. holidays to the ‘specialists’ running the accounts, so they could post holiday-appropriate content. The operatives were instructed to target the most hot-button political issues, by talking about and starting groups centered on immigration, police misconduct, race, and religion.

Get Data Sheet, Fortune’s technology newsletter.

These tactics of impersonation succeeded to a sometimes stunning degree. One Russia-controlled Twitter account, @TEN_GOP, claimed to represent the Tennessee Republican party, and garnered 100,000 followers. Facebookdisclosed last year that Russia-generated content reached as many as 126 million Americans on its platform. One apparent key to the effort’s success was sheer relentlessness – the indictment says the IRA’s social media specialists were divided into day shifts and night shifts, and made posts that aligned with U.S. time zones.

Again echoing prior reports, the indictment specifies that these efforts primarily supported the Trump campaign and disparaged Hillary Clinton. The Mueller team obtained documentation of an ‘internal review’ of an IRA-controlled Facebook group called “Secured Borders,” whose operator was dinged for creating a “low number of posts dedicated to criticizing Hillary Clinton”. Other accounts and groups created by the IRA had names including “March for Trump” and “Clinton FRAUDation.”

Other tactics were more subtle. One IRA-controlled Instagram account called “Woke Blacks” encouraged politically active African-Americans, who were generally more supportive of Clinton, to abstain from voting altogether. Another account aimed at African-Americans promoted the candidacy of the Green Party’s Jill Stein, in an apparent attempt to pull votes from Clinton. The indictment also cites a number of paid social media ads denigrating Clinton, bought with Russian money funneled through PayPal accounts set up using false U.S. identities.

These online efforts fed into real-world activity, including promoting a series of Trump rallies in Florida. The indictment says that effort involved direct communication with the Trump campaign and grassroots pro-Trump groups in August of 2016 – though under the pretense of fake U.S. identities.

The actual impact of this meddling on the election’s outcome is hard to firmly quantify. But it was enabled both by the hands-off stances of social media companies, and by what the New Yorker’s Evan Osnos calls the ‘news illiteracy’of many Americans – an inability to identify trustworthy news sources, or spot red flags like grammar and spelling errors. Those problems make it all too plausible that, if drastic action isn’t taken now, the same tactics will be deployed again to disrupt this year’s midterm Congressional elections."
How many of those 100,000 followers in that one example were already anti-Hillary, and how many were converted to want Trump? Seriously, there were Reagan Democrats, but do you recall large groups of Trump Democrats waving banners? And just how many hundreds of millions did Clinton spend on her campaign's advertising vs the relatively paltry amount spent by operatives on social media? The truth is Trump understood how the Electoral College worked, and campaigned very hard in States where blue collar workers, reliable Democrats in the past, were seriously hurting financially and enough decided to give him a chance than endure more of the same. And the intellectually superior Democrats(they'll tell you if you don't believe it) can't handle being beat by someone they feel beneath them. And some of them at the FBI and DOJ took it upon themselves to try to correct the issue by committing fraud with the FISA court. They've paid for it with their jobs, and at least some of them will soon pay for it with their freedom.