The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
I don’t know if Snopes is good journalism. I do think Hedges and Nader are hopeless, bomb-throwing idealists.

I mean, who’s the money behind Al Jazeera?
I’m sure we can find something controversial, at least an appearance.

So why do you take Hedges and Nader as gospel soothsayers?
ralph nader appears at the end of a rage against the machine video directed by michael moore, who used to be very honest but starting with sicko became more compromised. michael moore also referred me to chris hedges. i think they are both critics of commercialism. ralph nader and chris hedges frequently refer to each other. ralph is responsible for most of the consumer protections americans enjoy. chris hedges says no one fights / understands corporate power like ralph. they are both pro worker coop and pro democracy. ralph and chris hedges have no ads on their blogs and i think both of their websites are by donation, which i think is the best model of journalism. ive also seen interview with the editor of truth dig (chris hedges blog is posted there) robert scheer and he seems honest as well.

so yea thats what i try and do is have a reference system, by donation, and partly what my gut tells me, and who do they do interviews with. for example chris hedges has done speeches with cornel west, who was in the matrix trilogy, etc.

if you look at the back cover of chris hedges death of the liberal class in 2009, hes sorta predicted whats happened now with the election of donald trump and probably the more overt fascist who follows after.

and i think these times are quite hopeless, im not optimistic about the long term plans of the human species, so id agree with anyone who also has a dark outlook.


Well-Known Member
ralph nader appears at the end of a rage against the machine video directed by michael moore, who used to be very honest but starting with sicko became more compromised. michael moore also referred me to chris hedges. i think they are both critics of commercialism. ralph nader and chris hedges frequently refer to each other. ralph is responsible for most of the consumer protections americans enjoy. chris hedges says no one fights / understands corporate power like ralph. they are both pro worker coop and pro democracy. ralph and chris hedges have no ads on their blogs and i think both of their websites are by donation, which i think is the best model of journalism. ive also seen interview with the editor of truth dig (chris hedges blog is posted there) robert scheer and he seems honest as well.

so yea thats what i try and do is have a reference system, by donation, and partly what my gut tells me, and who do they do interviews with. for example chris hedges has done speeches with cornel west, who was in the matrix trilogy, etc.

if you look at the back cover of chris hedges death of the liberal class in 2009, hes sorta predicted whats happened now with the election of donald trump and probably the more overt fascist who follows after.

and i think these times are quite hopeless, im not optimistic about the long term plans of the human species, so id agree with anyone who also has a dark outlook.

Soooo, you’re a complete nihilist?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
no im like luke skywalker



Staff member
feel free to elaborate on young skywalker
Young Skywalker tried to force the issue (with the force, as it was). Even though Yoda warned him he was not ready, still he left on a quest to save his friends.

Older Skywalker wasn’t much better. He references the power he felt in Leia’s son, the darkness, the rage and yet still thought that he would be able to mentor the boy.

It’s not until he sacrifices himself so that the last Jedi might carry on that he has truly “taken action and let go of the outcome”.


Well-Known Member
feel free to elaborate on young skywalker

That was never Luke’s arc...

He had to face the ‘threshold guardian’.

He finally faced it in ROTJ, when he realized he was going down his father’s path.

That’s when he threw his lightsaber down and explained to Palpatine how he’d lost.

The entire series isn’t about Luke, it’s about you.

Would you throw the lightsaber down?


Well-Known Member
That was never Luke’s arc...

He had to face the ‘threshold guardian’.

He finally faced it in ROTJ, when he realized he was going down his father’s path.

That’s when he threw his lightsaber down and explained to Palpatine how he’d lost.

The entire series isn’t about Luke, it’s about you.

Would you throw the lightsaber down?
i was just talking about episode 4.


Well-Known Member
Young Skywalker tried to force the issue (with the force, as it was). Even though Yoda warned him he was not ready, still he left on a quest to save his friends.

Older Skywalker wasn’t much better. He references the power he felt in Leia’s son, the darkness, the rage and yet still thought that he would be able to mentor the boy.

It’s not until he sacrifices himself so that the last Jedi might carry on that he has truly “taken action and let go of the outcome”.
i dont trust the disney mythology.


Well-Known Member
I tried to keep going and enjoyed Rogue One. Liked that it was a little darker and could stand on its own, outside of the "Skywalker Saga".
yea i think the left wingers on twitter familiar with george lucas's mythology were critical of the actions of the characters in rogue one.