The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
USA interfering with venezuela political process.

wheres sportello to protect us? seems like as long as its not his country he doesnt care.

moral inconsistency.


Well-Known Member
So are you clearly admitting that you don’t know what you are talking about?

Because that would be a first in Current Event and we’ll have to ask you to leave. We don’t admit such things here! Ever!

lol, ive only seen TFA and i dont count that towards the star wars myth developed in episodes 1 to 6


Well-Known Member
i was rereading a democracy now book called static, and they were talking about america taking terrorism suspects and putting them on a cia plane to syria or egypt where they are tortured and have little if any rights.

a canadian was sent to syria by the americans i believe and tortured for a year. his underground pit was 7 feet deep, 3 feet wide, and had barely any light and rats pissed on him from the crack of light above. people who were tortured got their nails pulled out, whipped, punched, dunked in feces, a chair which breaks spines, beat by clubs, drowned, hung, etc.

eventually after a year someone in the canadian govt demanded his release, so he returned to canada and sued the pm, the president, a bunch of other high up the chain crooks including...........................POS robert mueller


Staff member
i was rereading a democracy now book called static, and they were talking about america taking terrorism suspects and putting them on a cia plane to syria or egypt where they are tortured and have little if any rights.

a canadian was sent to syria by the americans i believe and tortured for a year. his underground pit was 7 feet deep, 3 feet wide, and had barely any light and rats :censored2: on him from the crack of light above. people who were tortured got their nails pulled out, whipped, punched, dunked in feces, a chair which breaks spines, beat by clubs, drowned, hung, etc.

eventually after a year someone in the canadian govt demanded his release, so he returned to canada and sued the pm, the president, a bunch of other high up the chain crooks including...........................POS robert mueller
ricky, does Canada do anything wrong? Ever? As part of the coalition, Canada can’t possibly have clean hands in all this horror, can they?


Well-Known Member
listening to jeremy scahill on the recent intercepted podcast he says it doesnt look like trump campaign colluded with the russians but the guest says its too early to say.


Staff member
listening to jeremy scahill on the recent intercepted podcast he says it doesnt look like trump campaign colluded with the russians but the guest says its too early to say.
Not sure how that conclusion is reached if Manafort turned over internal polling data to Russia. Somebody wanted it and somebody gave it to them. Why?


Well-Known Member
Not sure how that conclusion is reached if Manafort turned over internal polling data to Russia. Somebody wanted it and somebody gave it to them. Why?
beats me i dont follow it closely. i dont think its a big deal either way, i sincerely believe trump won regardless of which forgien power did or did not help him.

the electoral college is likely a bigger deal than russians. and media coverage for example trumps empty podium.


Staff member
Why? I think I’ve made it clear that I’m fine wit waiting for the investigations to finish.

I still think Trump’s Putin’s ho.

We’ll see.


Staff member
beats me i dont follow it closely. i dont think its a big deal either way, i sincerely believe trump won regardless of which forgien power did or did not help him.

the electoral college is likely a bigger deal than russians. and media coverage for example trumps empty podium.
E tu ricky?

Nobody says Trump didn’t win. He did.

Whether he had foreign help and is now compromised because of it is what matters.