The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Inordinately Right
It was the worst selection choice for the American voter in the last hundred years.
I'm tempted to agree but it sounds so self-important when you say it.....
I mean is this really the worst we can do in 100 years? I refuse to believe that! I won't stop until we have the worst choices in the last 200 years!
Cyrus v. Snooki?


Well-Known Member

Well, since he over-leveraged himself, left his workers/creditors/investors on the hook, I'd say 'colossal failure'.

Trump's self-promoted image as a 'deal-maker' and a business 'king-pin' is based on misrepresentations of the actual facts.

I get it, you're a Trumpatista, so no matter what I give you, you're not buying.

Fine, but, please don't throw up NYPOST BS for me.

Might as well quote BREITBART.


Inordinately Right
Well, since he over-leveraged himself, left his workers/creditors/investors on the hook, I'd say 'colossal failure'.

Trump's self-promoted image as a 'deal-maker' and a business 'king-pin' is based on misrepresentations of the actual facts.

I get it, you're a Trumpatista, so no matter what I give you, you're not buying.

Fine, but, please don't throw up NYPOST BS for me.

Might as well quote BREITBART.
He just has hope for change, it's a bipartisan sentiment apparently, depending on the year.
Good intentions paves roads to.... I forget how that saying goes, something about updating our infrastructure.


Well-Known Member
He just has hope for change, it's a bipartisan sentiment apparently, depending on the year.
Good intentions paves roads to.... I forget how that saying goes, something about updating our infrastructure.

It occurs to me, if Bernie had won the D nomination, he might have been the choice for the rightfully disenfranchised Americans who just wanted someone in the Oval Office who was going to throw furniture around...


Inordinately Right
It occurs to me, if Bernie had won the D nomination, he might have been the choice for the rightfully disenfranchised Americans who just wanted someone in the Oval Office who was going to throw furniture around...
If only there had been a dozen democratic primary candidates like there were republicans.....


Well-Known Member
Are you so clueless that you don't realize the GOP was working against Trump?
No, very well aware. Majority of Republicans voted for him anyways. But DNC and Hillary campaign colluded behind scenes for Hillary. They made sure Bernie never had a chance. Repubs were hoping for Bernie. It would've been the biggest slaughter since McGovern.


Well-Known Member
It occurs to me, if Bernie had won the D nomination, he might have been the choice for the rightfully disenfranchised Americans who just wanted someone in the Oval Office who was going to throw furniture around...

I think that argument has some validity to it as from the POV of being a mere political spectator as opposed to a vested outcome, that would've been interesting to watch.

Unlike the GOP who had less control over Primary outcomes, the DNC was set on a coronation which they assured themselves of getting but it may cost them at their base in the long run.

Mid terms aside, 2020' and 2024' could be very interesting to watch for both parties. If Trump has done anything, he has shown that the unconventional can run and even win as more voters are sick of the status quo and willing to take risks on election day.

That much I do love as IMO the best course forward is to metaphorically burn it to the ground and build something new in its place, risky though that may be.


Staff member
Majority of Republicans didn't vote for Trump? How'd he win the nomination then?
Majority of republicans voted for other candidates, Trump got about 13 million votes, the rest of the field got around 16 million. The top 3 challengers Cruz, Kasich and Rubio combined for around 15 million. Trump won because he got more votes than any other candidate, but he didn't win a majority.


Well-Known Member
Majority of republicans voted for other candidates, Trump got about 13 million votes, the rest of the field got around 16 million. The top 3 challengers Cruz, Kasich and Rubio combined for around 15 million. Trump won because he got more votes than any other candidate, but he didn't win a majority.
Well of course other candidates got votes. I voted for someone else too. But he won because he got the most votes of any one candidate. And before someone says it not the same as the general election and the Electoral College. Didn't realize we were using semantics. To be exact, more Republicans voted for other candidates totally than voted for Trump. But he got more than any other, he won the nomination. Now watch DIDO tell me I'm wrong.


Staff member
Well of course other candidates got votes. I voted for someone else too. But he won because he got the most votes of any one candidate. And before someone says it not the same as the general election and the Electoral College.
You asked how he won the nomination if the majority of republicans didn't vote for him. I gave you the answer.