
All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
Do you disregard the testimony of the police who were beaten by the gentle MAGA folks?
No, :censored2: happened. But I also don't disregard the mountain of video that showed Capitol police letting in people who just milled about peacefully. Of the police escorting a supposed ring leader in a funny outfit who literally just walked around looking at everything. The Jan. 6 Commission not only kept that from the public but let that fellow get sentenced for something they lied about. McCarthy released the video over their protests and that "ring leader" was released from prison shortly after. I hope when Trump gets reelected he quickly pardons all involved with the possible exception of a few who seemed to be involved in a plot to do something much more serious. But most people in the crowd that day were there to support their president who they believed got screwed by the Washington establishment.


Strength through joy
There was a huge rally in Washington yesterday to show support for Israel. Estimated 290,000. Totally peaceful. The Washington Post buried it today in their metro section. Meanwhile they and others can't get enough of pro Palestinian protesters smashing things and tearing down American flags.
Let's not forget about the 300 left stranded by a wildcat walk-out by the bus drivers, who couldn't attend the rally.


Strength through joy
Oh, all the outrage because Trump said he wanted to deport illegals.
It's all fake.
All he really wants to do is fix Biden's mistake of not enforcing the existing migration laws.
Just like Ike's Operation Wetback. ( est. 1.3M )


All Trash No Trailer
The Bible calls for responsible stewardship. The millions swamping our border should remain at home where their own governments can see to them. We aren't obligated to break our own country taking care of other nationalities. We have plenty of poor already who need to be helped.
You are aware that Jesus was an illegal immigrant right?
And in the Loaves and Fish Fairytale he fed everyone: he didn’t ask where they were from or what they contributed to society


All Trash No Trailer
The Bible calls for responsible stewardship. The millions swamping our border should remain at home where their own governments can see to them. We aren't obligated to break our own country taking care of other nationalities. We have plenty of poor already who need to be helped.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Trump: Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Hunter Biden

Trump: Leave my children alone!


Strength through joy
Michigan Judge Rules Trump's name will be on the ballot.
The State of Michigan can not refuse otherwise.
Another blow to all the 14th Amendment freaks.
Only Congress can enforce the 14th and has failed to do so.