
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I know a transwoman who blends in very well. Keeps to herself. Makes a good living as a stylist. Pays her taxes and minds her business. But there are people that, given the opportunity, would beat her to death, literally, if they knew they could get away with it. It’s a miserable way to live, I’m sure, being so full of hate and intolerance.
Does he have a penis? I ask from a place of love and concern.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I provided you with evidence citing why that’s not true.

Carry on.


Inordinately Right
They aren’t necessarily the gender identity that would match their sex at birth.
Not believing your "gender" matches your sex is a mental illness.

Democrats "help" heroin addicts by trying to make drugs legal and providing government funded programs for free needles and other drug paraphernalia.

They "help" mentally ill "gender "confused by aiding them in mutilating their bodies.

It's sad that leftists "help" these people harm themselves.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
How are you "assigned" a sex? Either you are or you aren't.
Sometimes that isn’t even so clear. Ever heard of intersex births? The doctor and family sometimes have to decide the sex because it’s not clear which sex the child was born as.

Nature is complicated. Humanity is complicated. It’s ok. Everything will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes that isn’t even so clear. Ever heard of intersex births? The doctor and family sometimes have to decide the sex because it’s not clear which sex the child was born as.

Nature is complicated. Humanity is complicated. It’s ok. Everything will be ok.
That's the problem. You folk drag out the most extreme exceptions to the rule to justify your social engineering and indoctrination. If you get an extremely rare case you deal with it. You don't turn the whole world upside down because some people have convinced themselves they're something they aren't.

If a baby is born with a penis between it's legs it's a boy. If there's no penis it's a girl. Only recently have people tried to separate gender from sex. Before then the terms were interchangeable. If a girl thinks she's a boy it's psychological, not biological.

With all the issues in the world it's hard to believe we're arguing over these things. And y'all make it sound like it's as important as the American Revolution or freeing the slaves. At this point can only imagine what's simmering out there that'll be sprung on us next.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
That's the problem. You folk drag out the most extreme exceptions to the rule to justify your social engineering and indoctrination. If you get an extremely rare case you deal with it. You don't turn the whole world upside down because some people have convinced themselves they're something they aren't.

If a baby is born with a penis between it's legs it's a boy. If there's no penis it's a girl. Only recently have people tried to separate gender from sex. Before then the terms were interchangeable. If a girl thinks she's a boy it's psychological, not biological.

With all the issues in the world it's hard to believe we're arguing over these things. And y'all make it sound like it's as important as the American Revolution or freeing the slaves. At this point can only imagine what's simmering out there that'll be sprung on us next.
Sometimes there’s both characteristics of boy and girl. A penis and vagina. Which sex is the child?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes there’s both characteristics of boy and girl. A penis and vagina. Which sex is the child?
Again, you take the most rare exception and use it to justify the rest. I would think a hermaphrodite situation is best addressed by parents and doctors. And it may happen, but I've never heard of an example where there were both on the outside for all to see. When it does happen it's usually a vagina that has underdeveloped male sex organs tucked up inside it. But again, just what I've read. Not an expert.


Inordinately Right
Sometimes there’s both characteristics of boy and girl. A penis and vagina. Which sex is the child?
Your defense of transvestites is that "gender" is different then sex.

So why are you deflecting to an extremely rare genetic defect of someone's sex rather than defending your position on gender ideology?