
Well-Known Member
Donald Trump the guy who:
  • is married to a Slovenian
  • was previously married to a Czechoslovakian
  • is the son of a Scottish Immigrant
  • is the grandson of a German Immigrant
claims that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country".
Did any of them come here illegally?


Well-Known Member
Is Trump correct when he says illegal immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country"?
It's a bit extreme. He would've been more correct in saying by breaking the law coming here illegally they are putting a huge burden on the country. By not being vetted there are criminals among them and possibly terrorists. That a nation has a right to secure its borders and make coming here a legal process only. But Trump isn't the most diplomatic person. Often says things bluntly without giving it some thought to how it sounds.


All Trash No Trailer
It's a bit extreme. He would've been more correct in saying by breaking the law coming here illegally they are putting a huge burden on the country. By not being vetted there are criminals among them and possibly terrorists. That a nation has a right to secure its borders and make coming here a legal process only. But Trump isn't the most diplomatic person. Often says things bluntly without giving it some thought to how it sounds.
It’s interesting that in Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler claimed the Jews were “ poisoning the blood of Germany “

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It’s interesting that in Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler claimed the Jews were “ poisoning the blood of Germany “



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Correct, the Colorado SC. States control their election processes and eligibility. How far do we let the Federal Government dig into state's laws??
When it’s a BS decision, all the way to the top. Maybe you’re ok with Democrat controlled courts subverting our rights?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
When it’s a BS decision, all the way to the top. Maybe you’re ok with Democrat controlled courts subverting our rights?
No, I believe individual states have the representative rights under the Constitution to determine who's eligible to be on their ballots. If, at some time it's determined that state elections and the electoral college are outdated and the Federal Government should run national elections, then I will accept the will of the people or their representatives.


Well-Known Member
Correct, the Colorado SC. States control their election processes and eligibility. How far do we let the Federal Government dig into
Geez, kind of sounds like the abortion issue?
This was a silly decision, whether we like Trump or not, this is the beginning of the unraveling of our country. God forbid the people decide if he should be in office or not.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No, I believe individual states have the representative rights under the Constitution to determine who's eligible to be on their ballots. If, at some time it's determined that state elections and the electoral college are outdated and the Federal Government should run national elections, then I will accept the will of the people or their representatives.
Why is the US Supreme Court there? Lol. States don’t always get it right when it comes to the constitution. I know that’s an antiquated concept.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Geez, kind of sounds like the abortion issue?
This was a silly decision, whether we like Trump or not, this is the beginning of the unraveling of our country. God forbid the people decide if he should be in office or not.
True, but people don't determine the presidency. The states send electors to their capitals to cast a vote for the winner of the popular vote. The president is the candidate with the most electors votes not necessarily the greatest number of votes.


Well-Known Member
True, but people don't determine the presidency. The states send electors to their capitals to cast a vote for the winner of the popular vote. The president is the candidate with the most electors votes not necessarily the greatest number of votes.
Gonna be hard for the electors to do their job if the Supreme Court of that state said they can’t be on the ballot. And the electors usually follow the will of the people.