
Well-Known Member
I have no doubt if the left thinks all that's needed is a declaration from a judge that someone has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States. Especially since those terms haven't even been clearly defined.

What might a conservative judge label as rebellion against the US?
With the current precedence just set by Colorado's judges, it could be anything they see fit by accusation.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Of course you guys would come to the aid of Trump over this and threaten to pigeon hole Biden into “insurrection” as avenge Trump. You don’t care about this country. You don’t care about American democracy. You just want to get “even”. What an absolute joke.


Long Time Member
Of course you guys would come to the aid of Trump over this and threaten to pigeon hole Biden into “insurrection” as avenge Trump. You don’t care about this country. You don’t care about American democracy. You just want to get “even”. What an absolute joke.
You haven't been paying attention to anything that's been going on, have you? What an absolute joke.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
Of course you guys would come to the aid of Trump over this and threaten to pigeon hole Biden into “insurrection” as avenge Trump. You don’t care about this country. You don’t care about American democracy. You just want to get “even”. What an absolute joke.
At least fore all I've said was due process. Something we all are afforded. If you are so blinded by that then it is YOU who don't care about this country. I couldn't care less about either honestly but I won't sit back and be silent when crap like this ACTUALLY threatens our country. And if you support this crap than you can :censored2: off as well. You should be accused and tried as a traitor. Oh wait. You wouldn't need a trial anymore. Again. The absolute irony.


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt if the left thinks all that's needed is a declaration from a judge that someone has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States. Especially since those terms haven't even been clearly defined.

What might a conservative judge label as rebellion against the US?
Letting 8 million people in illegally and unvetted should do it.


Well-Known Member
Of course you guys would come to the aid of Trump over this and threaten to pigeon hole Biden into “insurrection” as avenge Trump. You don’t care about this country. You don’t care about American democracy. You just want to get “even”. What an absolute joke.
The Colorado SC brought Trump into this when they legislated from the bench by convicting him without due process. Either what they did was correct or it wasn't. But if you think they did the legally correct thing then shouldn't it be ok for another court in another state to do the same thing for accusations put against your guy?


Well-Known Member
Of course you guys would come to the aid of Trump over this and threaten to pigeon hole Biden into “insurrection” as avenge Trump. You don’t care about this country. You don’t care about American democracy. You just want to get “even”. What an absolute joke.
We want a secure border and a peaceful world. We want lower prices. Biden is failing on all fronts.


Well-Known Member
We want a secure border and a peaceful world. We want lower prices. Biden is failing on all fronts.
A court could construe that to be reason to believe it's a purposeful action taken as an insurrection to our country. Take him off the ballot. That's the new precedent for now.


Well-Known Member
The Colorado SC brought Trump into this when they legislated from the bench by convicting him without due process. Either what they did was correct or it wasn't. But if you think they did the legally correct thing then shouldn't it be ok for another court in another state to do the same thing for accusations put against your guy?
This started with a group filing a lawsuit in Colorado. What if another group decides that Biden has harmed their state because they suddenly have 300,000 illegal immigrants that the Federal government has forced them to feed and shelter? Say Biden has failed to uphold the Constitution by not keeping a secure border? As someone said, it's a Pandora's box.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
This started with a group filing a lawsuit in Colorado. What if another group decides that Biden has harmed their state because they suddenly have 300,000 illegal immigrants that the Federal government has forced them to feed and shelter? Say Biden has failed to uphold the Constitution by not keeping a secure border? As someone said, it's a Pandora's box.
I believe CREW brought the lawsuit representing 6 Colorado voters. I believe most if not all the voters were Republicans.


Well-Known Member
I believe CREW brought the lawsuit representing 6 Colorado voters. I believe most if not all the voters were Republicans.
It's a civil case that doesn't take precedent over Federal law. Why hasn't this happened in other states? They tried in Minnesota and the Minnesota Supreme Court wouldn't touch it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Constitution of the United States doesn’t say anything about needing to be convicted of such crimes to be found by courts to have committed the rebellion and thus barred from appearing on the ballot.

Fifth Amendment​

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.