
Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I hope he diligently drives down to his precinct polling station and casts his vote to stop the dictatorship of one Donald J. Trump! And then reflect on how the "dictator" didn't just seize power without an election.
It’s amazing what those loons will believe or twist to fit their tortured logic.


Well-Known Member
Huge, enormous difference between an insurrection and a protest. Maybe consult a dictionary?
An “insurrection,” by definition, is a “violent uprising against an authority or government.” It is clear that Capitol stormers who dissented against the election outcome, or even sought to obstruct Congress’ certification of the election, were rising up against the government.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
If a party wants a candidate that is only 27 years old, should rules be ignored to allow the party's choice to be on a ballot.


Well-Known Member
An “insurrection,” by definition, is a “violent uprising against an authority or government.” It is clear that Capitol stormers who dissented against the election outcome, or even sought to obstruct Congress’ certification of the election, were rising up against the government.
And it's clear that the Capitol Police opened fire with tear gas and rubber bullets on the crowd infuriating them to attack the police. A tidbit kept from the public by the Jan. 6th Commission who kept a lot from us and we only found out after the Republicans took the House and released the security footage.

The Democratic Party of Colorado is subverting democracy by attempting to dictate who their political opponents can put forth as a candidate. We know what the conservative members of the Supreme Court will say about this. Let's see how the liberal members vote.


nowhere special
And you're likely to see a 9-0 reversal. A civil suit isn't the equivalent of being convicted of treason in a Federal court. For crying out loud there's a Federal special prosecutor going after Trump right now and he's not alleging treason. A riot does not equal an insurrection. An insurrection is meant to overthrow the government. The idea that a bunch of unarmed middle aged men could overthrow the U.S. government is ludicrous on so many levels. And a gross caricature of the judicial process charging Trump with that.
More likely 7-2. A couple of the brain dead liberals will automatically dissent.


Well-Known Member
More likely 7-2. A couple of the brain dead liberals will automatically dissent.
The SC will step aside in an attempt to assist its own PR. The court's legitimacy has been in question since it effectively decided a presidential election in 2000, telling the state of Florida in Bush v. Gore that it could not enforce its own laws governing its own elections.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Correct, the Colorado SC. States control their election processes and eligibility. How far do we let the Federal Government dig into state's laws??
When voters are disenfranchised like this the court gets involved. The libs on the court in this case are attempting to protect a weak candidate with a form of gerrymandering by removing someone they fear. Not only did the court remove someone from the ballot, they also ordered any write in votes not to be counted!

..."the court's ruling also bars the Colorado secretary of state from counting any write-in votes for Trump"...


nowhere special
When voters are disenfranchised like this the court gets involved. The libs on the court in this case are attempting to protect a weak candidate with a form of gerrymandering by removing someone they fear. Not only did the court remove someone from the ballot, they also ordered any write in votes not to be counted!

..."the court's ruling also bars the Colorado secretary of state from counting any write-in votes for Trump"...
Lawfare. Every time they tried this argument in other courts it got slapped down. They will crow about a brief victory before it gets overturned on appeal as expected.


Well-Known Member
The SC will step aside in an attempt to assist its own PR. The court's legitimacy has been in question since it effectively decided a presidential election in 2000, telling the state of Florida in Bush v. Gore that it could not enforce its own laws governing its own elections.
And yet when liberal media outlets did their own recount of the 2000 vote they found that Bush had indeed won. By the way, how many justices on the SC in 2000 are still on the Court today? So how does what that Court did in 2000 prove that today's Court is illegitimate?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Lol, Libs keep trying desperately to hold on to this but he was found by the senate not to have done that. Now the Libs in Colorado will receive a beat down from the Supreme Court.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
“Big protest in Colorado on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
*proceeds to rile up crowd, directs them to where Constituonal duties are being carried out in hopes they’ll be disrupted, disappears in limo for hours while making no contact with others to stop the violence that he will salivate over*

*never once is on record contacting families of beaten police officers to tell them thanks for protecting government he’s in charge of protecting*