
In your mind, what would them "succeeding" look like? The rioters did in fact get in. They didn't do anything other than make a mess, take selfies, and then leave on their own.

I mean really, if you think breaking into a building means you've overthrown the government, then you have a really childish worldview.

Don’t forget 5 people are dead because of
these folks “breaking into a building”


Well-Known Member
Thank God the insurrection did not succeed. Other wise instead of an inauguration trump would be celebrating his coronation as president for life.
Nixon and Trump both tried to make themselves president for life. Then too NIxon didn't as much resign as he was kicked out of office by Barry Goldwater and his fellow republican senators. When it comes to being kicked out of office we might be history repeat itself.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member

McClintock Argues Against Invoking 25th Amendment

Last week, the majority argued the President tried to abuse the Constitution to overturn the votes of the Electoral College. He asserted no direct power; rather, he urged the Vice-President and Congress to do so. Many of us declined his bad advice.

Yet this week, the majority is directly asserting power to misuse the 25th Amendment in a manner that overturns the votes of the previous Electoral College. Don’t they see that they are committing directly the very same offense they accuse the President of committing indirectly?

Every act we take builds a precedent for future acts. Once Congress asserts a new role as armchair psychiatrists and a new power to equate intemperate speech with functional disability, the most important pillars in our government – stability, the rule of law, and the separation of powers – will fracture. It won’t affect this President, but it will stalk future Presidents from this day forward.



Inordinately Right
Not to mention demanding that Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi be turned over to a mob that had gallows erected outside the building.
If only there had been some social workers there to intervene instead of the evil stormtrooper police.

You people are very silent on your calls to defund the police these days....


Well-Known Member

McClintock Argues Against Invoking 25th Amendment

Last week, the majority argued the President tried to abuse the Constitution to overturn the votes of the Electoral College. He asserted no direct power; rather, he urged the Vice-President and Congress to do so. Many of us declined his bad advice.

Yet this week, the majority is directly asserting power to misuse the 25th Amendment in a manner that overturns the votes of the previous Electoral College. Don’t they see that they are committing directly the very same offense they accuse the President of committing indirectly?

Every act we take builds a precedent for future acts. Once Congress asserts a new role as armchair psychiatrists and a new power to equate intemperate speech with functional disability, the most important pillars in our government – stability, the rule of law, and the separation of powers – will fracture. It won’t affect this President, but it will stalk future Presidents from this day forward.

Congress is well passed the 25th and moving straight forward with impeachment. And there are Republicans who not only want Trump impeached but purged from the party as well. And given the business relationships ending and contracts cancelled his eventual bankruptcy may come sooner than originally projected. The New York Democrats didn't want him because they knew the con he was running and were all too happy to dump him onto the GOP.


Inordinately Right
Indeed. Trumpees should talk to their doctors before attempting to participate in violent insurrections.
Or trying to molest their dog after a shower.....


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Indeed. Trumpees should talk to their doctors before attempting to participate in violent insurrection.
So much uniting it is comforting and baffling at the same time! LMAO...

P.S. you've worn out your allotted use of the big bad word "insurrection"... It's like a kid with a new toy. :devil2:

Is Truth Irrelevant?

It is amazing how many people seem to have discovered last Wednesday that riots are wrong — when many of those same people apparently had not noticed that when riots went on, for weeks or even months, in various cities across the country last year.

For too many people, especially in the media, what is right and wrong, true or false, depends on who it helps or hurts politically. Too many media people who are supposed to be reporters act as if they are combatants in political wars.

Someone once said that, in a war, truth is the first casualty. That has certainly been so in the media — and in much of academia as well.

One of the most grotesque distortions growing out of this carelessness with the facts has been a removal of Abraham Lincoln's name and statues from various places, on grounds that he saw black people only as property.

Such criticisms betray an incredible ignorance of history — or else a complete disregard of truth.

As a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln knew that there was nothing in the Constitution which authorized him or any other President to free slaves. But he also knew that a military commander in wartime can legally seize the property of an enemy nation. Defining slaves as property gave President Lincoln the only legal authority he had to seize them during the Civil War. And once they were seized as property, he could then free them as human beings.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
P.S. you've worn out your allotted use of the big bad word "insurrection"... It's like a kid with a new toy. :devil2:
Don't take my word for it. I wouldn't consider The Joint Chiefs of Staff to be the most politically-biased or activist body and that's exactly what they called what happened at the Capitol last Wednesday in their memo to our armed forces yesterday.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So much uniting it is comforting and baffling at the same time! LMAO...

P.S. you've worn out your allotted use of the big bad word "insurrection"... It's like a kid with a new toy. :devil2:

Is Truth Irrelevant?

It is amazing how many people seem to have discovered last Wednesday that riots are wrong — when many of those same people apparently had not noticed that when riots went on, for weeks or even months, in various cities across the country last year.

For too many people, especially in the media, what is right and wrong, true or false, depends on who it helps or hurts politically. Too many media people who are supposed to be reporters act as if they are combatants in political wars.

Someone once said that, in a war, truth is the first casualty. That has certainly been so in the media — and in much of academia as well.

One of the most grotesque distortions growing out of this carelessness with the facts has been a removal of Abraham Lincoln's name and statues from various places, on grounds that he saw black people only as property.

Such criticisms betray an incredible ignorance of history — or else a complete disregard of truth.

As a lawyer, Abraham Lincoln knew that there was nothing in the Constitution which authorized him or any other President to free slaves. But he also knew that a military commander in wartime can legally seize the property of an enemy nation. Defining slaves as property gave President Lincoln the only legal authority he had to seize them during the Civil War. And once they were seized as property, he could then free them as human beings.
Trump was just impeached with bipartisan support for inciting an insurrection. Does the word trigger you?
Diaper Donnie is the first President to be impeached twice in history! Its interesting to note that Trump either incited a riot or his base that stormed the Capitol are mentally ill. Why else would they storm the Capitol? Now you can see the end of the Republican Party. Splintered now, later divided. Trump has ruined the GOP forever. Those clowns are infighting now. Can’t agree on anything!


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Impeachment doesn’t mean much anymore in this hyperpartisan culture. Every president with an opposing congress will get impeached from now on.


Well-Known Member
Impeachment doesn’t mean much anymore in this hyperpartisan culture. Every president with an opposing congress will get impeached from now on.
This one will be entertaining. It's almost made for television. Last year was boring by design. There's so much video evidence yet to be seen. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention demanding that Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi be turned over to a mob that had gallows erected outside the building.

i wonder if the fighters during the revolution would be considered terrorists in todays world. Our country has a history of using violence to fight tyranny and injustice. The riots this past summer were a prime example.