
Well-Known Member
Indeed. Trumpees should talk to their doctors before attempting to participate in violent insurrection.
I'm sure any of your large protests in DC result in some people there dying of medical emergencies. there were very likely 100000 or more people that that day. Thats a good sized city. How many people die each day in a good sized city of medical emergencies.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you that that is a really stupid idea. There is a talk of trump starting a patriot party which would destroy the republican party
If people want to know where the origins of the next civil war will be found, they are easy to spot. The civil war between Republicans and Trumplicans. The Trumplicans and their god Donald Trump is the first president since Hoover in 1932 to lose the House, the Senate and the White House all in the span of one single presidential term . It will take the GOP years to rebuild it's traditional base. And based on reports it will do it with a lot less corporate money.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if the fighters during the revolution would be considered terrorists in todays world. Our country has a history of using violence to fight tyranny and injustice. The riots this past summer were a prime example.
The outcome of the American Revolution was to overthrow monarchy and replace it with a democracy . What happened last week looked like a attempt to do the reverse. Overthrow a democracy and replace it with a monarchy. The Trump Monarchy.


Staff member


Strength through joy
The outcome of the American Revolution was to overthrow monarchy and replace it with a democracy . What happened last week looked like a attempt to do the reverse. Overthrow a democracy and replace it with a monarchy. The Trump Monarchy.
History has shown that most countries only last around 200-300 years before they collapse.
We are over due.


Well-Known Member
Based on comments and reports from the impeachment proceedings one thing is pretty obvious. This is no longer GOP vs Democrats. It's Republicans vs Trumplicans. The article is going to fly right through the House today and according to Mc Connell's aides he's not going to try to hold his group together. This has also become a grudge match between McConnell and Trump who McConnell holds responsible for him losing his majority.
Look the dems need to tie this to republicans in general. This is not just a trump issue, republican voters when it comes to their understanding of American society are insane and believe a ton of dangerous conspiracies. republican media doesn’t bother reporting reality to its supporters, and republican elected officials focus on bs culture war stuff to anger/scare conservative voters so they’ll ignore their terrible policies. All of that dysfunction is what led to that violence.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
75 million people voted for trump probably 80 million if you count the votes that were switched to biden. Perot never got close to that
Meh, at least 65 million of those would vote for anyone with the (R) next to their name. I’m sure there’s plenty of Trump faithful but republicans crave power and throwing away votes to a 3rd party doesn’t get power.


Well-Known Member
Meh, at least 65 million of those would vote for anyone with the (R) next to their name. I’m sure there’s plenty of Trump faithful but republicans crave power and throwing away votes to a 3rd party doesn’t get power.
I always enjoy it when you share your expertise as a republican with me. do you really expect anyone to believe you have a clue about anything republican?


Strength through joy
Boycott PBS.

“Kids who are growing up, know nothing but Trump, for four years, you’ve got to wonder what they’re (Trump supporting children) going to be like, ” PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller told the undercover journalist. “They’ll (Trump supporters) be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids.”

PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller suggests removing the children from parents who supported Trump and then sending them to enlightenment camps.

I wonder if he thought the same way after 8 years of Obama ?