
Inordinately Right
Thanks Obama. He changed full time jobs into part time. And more people relying on government hand outs.
I mean, it was already happening, but that definitely made it worse. Probably a lot of full time jobs lost during the recession were brought back as part time jobs to dodge the extra obamacare costs.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Don't people already do these things ?
Yeah of course, but how many don’t because they can’t give up their health insurance? Thinking toward the future when/if remote work and app-based tech put jobs on a contractor and gig model. If everyone just paid the flat Medicare tax on income and are covered there would be a lot more dynamism in the employment market.

The big package

Well-Known Member
It’s demand side economics. Poor people, that spend all their money, having more money to spend increases demand for goods and services. This creates more jobs to meet that demand.
All it does is devalue the dollar . These people will make 15 an hour but because of price increases , nothing will change and then we'll have to increase the amount even higher . And everybody else is going to demand a higher wage as well ( cost of living increases) . It's easy to make 80 to 100 grand a year in NY , but you can't buy sh-- !!!!


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
"Trump leaves office a small and insignificant man with a bunch of angry and delusional followers he has easily and thoroughly manipulated. He claims he has lost his ability to communicate since many social media platforms have shown him the door. Twitter, after all, was his go-to crutch. He could preach on twitter with little or no accountability. We couldn’t ask him in real time to clarify, expand, or explain his tweets. Millions of people clicked the “Like” heart button, supplying the instant gratification he craved."

Brian Karem
Please list one thing that trump lied about. With actual facts supporting it.


Well-Known Member
Please list one thing that trump lied about. With actual facts supporting it.
-Stating countless times during his 2016 campaign and then during the first three and a half years of his presidency that he had a healthcare plan ready to go.

- Boasting he had the largest inauguration crowd ever

-promising to release his tax returns

-“Big steel is opening and renovating plants all over the country. Auto companies are pouring into the U.S., including BMW, which just announced a major new plant,”

-“Remember this: President Obama separated children from families,"

-"I am in total support of covering people with pre-existing conditions".

That's just a handful but I have to run.
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Retired 23 years
Your God Emperor sent an insurrectionist mob to try and stop Congress from certifying the 2020 Presidential election results. Talk about crybabies.
Calm down before you blow a gasket. I had nothing to do with the D.C. riot. You sound WAY more concerned about politics than I do. If it was up to me I would have exterminated the radicals on BOTH sides of the fence long ago.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Calm down before you blow a gasket. I had nothing to do with the D.C. riot. You sound WAY more concerned about politics than I do. If it was up to me I would have exterminated the radicals on BOTH sides of the fence long ago.
I never said you had anything to do with the DC insurrection (as described by The Joint Chiefs of Staff). But Trump, the insurrectionists and those who support what happened there are indeed crybabies.