
Inordinately Right
Your God Emperor sent an insurrectionist mob to try and stop Congress from certifying the 2020 Presidential election results. Talk about crybabies.
Drama queen.


Retired 23 years
I never said you had anything to do with the DC insurrection (as described by The Joint Chiefs of Staff). But Trump, the insurrectionists and those who support what happened there are indeed crybabies.
You said MY God Emperor ----who ever said I was a Trump lover? I've stated on here many times that yes I voted for him but I didn't agree with everything he did. If he would have just learned to keep his mouth shut and stay off social media I don't think people would have developed the hatred for him that they have. You've had your turn running down a President (not that he hasn't deserved a lot of it) now the other side will have their turn bashing Joe and the Hoe. Unfortunately that is modern politics. Personally I don't give a crap about any of it anymore. :-)


Retired 23 years
The funniest thing I've heard on the news talking about Trump and the voting in the Senate to remove him is,

"Trump should be very glad the Senate vote to remove him from office is not a 'secret ballot'!
That's exactly how he got elected in the first place. Most people wouldn't admit they were going to vote for him.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ironically, lawmakers are protected from legal culpability from their congressional actions, so unlike they are doing with the president, they cannot be sought for the allegations against them.

"But the only sanction is to vote them out of office and to bring them to trial in the court of public opinion," Dershowitz told host Carl Higbie. "Senators and congressmen are immune from lawsuits for what they do or say on the floor of the Senate, so there can't be any personal lawsuits.

"And I wouldn't favor recriminations."


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
No lie , just didn't submit them !!! Joe Biden is already starting off on a lie and he hasn't even gotten in the White House yet . He said he was going to bring the American people together that is truly a lie !!!
He said he was going to submit his tax returns and did not. He lied.

The big package

Well-Known Member
He said he was going to submit his tax returns and did not. He lied.
Democrats claim to be for the American people and keep the American citizens safe and now they're going to open the borders and let everybody come in so nobody is safe , so they are liars . So I guess we can agree everybody is a liar !!!


Inordinately Right
Ok. Trump still lied about his tax returns. Sorry you can’t accept that. Facts don’t care about your feelings
Ya I said he should have released them.
In hindsight, he was right not to.

When the deranged liberals got ahold of a small piece of them they lied to people about him not paying taxes. And stupid people believed the trash media.

President Trump was right.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Ya I said he should have released them.
In hindsight, he was right not to.

When the deranged liberals got ahold of a small piece of them they lied to people about him not paying taxes. And stupid people believed the trash media.

President Trump was right.
He could have proven them wrong by releasing the rest.

Unless of course he would be outed as a fake billionaire. Which he probably is.