Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
True facts..... The Union did not go to 43rd St and sit in on one of the Hearings. The shop stewards had to do all the hearings themselves. But the union did agree the members were wrong. They did not do a thing to save their jobs.....

Another Lie from Had enough , but nothing new from him. Your a part timer that runs and kisses up to management so you wouldn't know what happens in the office but I'll be glad to help you. They were all put on a 72 that took place first driver,steward and manager then 3 days later was the hearing for the 72 and at that meeting was Union reps., Labor and Division Manager. All the drivers were paid while on the 72. So again you never have any facts and lie.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Another Lie from Had enough , but nothing new from him. Your a part timer that runs and kisses up to management so you wouldn't know what happens in the office but I'll be glad to help you. They were all put on a 72 that took place first driver,steward and manager then 3 days later was the hearing for the 72 and at that meeting was Union reps., Labor and Division Manager. All the drivers were paid while on the 72. So again you never have any facts and lie.

You know what go protect your buddies!!! They need all the help they can get now!!! 43rd Street is so done with them!!!


Well-Known Member
BREAKING NEWS----6 more men discharged yesterday!!!!! And more to come!!!!! 43rd street is a mess.......True facts..... The Union did not go to 43rd St and sit in on one of the Hearings. The shop stewards had to do all the hearings themselves. But the union did agree the members were wrong. They did not do a thing to save their jobs.....
unionbusting 101 at its best


Well-Known Member
Answer me this Hammer why is it ok for Row B supporters to rip apart Row C? Why does he take after me.... What about You and Eye And Brown? You can all say what you want?

You asked Hammer but here's my take on that. Hammer,Brown and I don't back Row B on everything we all rip then in our little way but to you Row C and the old board are perfect "except Howie , we know"

You like to say that row c are experienced men that we need to run our local? Alex Z and Orlando are clueless ,nice guys ,Dwight is a good steward but backs Hoffa , why because he doesn't think we should go against Hoffa , he's to powerful to take on LOL but he doesn't like the last couple of contracts. That came straight from his mouth. Vinnie the safety guy from RD St. all he does is kiss Al friend the Division Managers behind , goes to lunch with him every chance he gets and loves to sell out the members for his own gain.

Your never honest or fair but its your choice......


Well-Known Member
unionbusting 101:angry::sad-little::dissapointed:

You said it. Matt H, the Labor Manager for our district , was sent here to bust this union by any means necessary. He has been doing this since he arrived here in the late summer 2009. He has been doing what that maroon Republican governor Walker is trying to do in Wisconsin. When this election for delegates is over, I hope all 3 slates will bury the hatchet and realize the UPS management is gunning for all our jobs: package, feeder, clerk, carwasher, preload, hub, 22.3, etc. On March 19, of this year, a new thread should be started titled: What we can do to fight back against the UPS management onslaught!


Well-Known Member

Just like Ron said..... way before any election
"Union officers selling out the future and they know they wont be around to answer for their deal making"
" phony negotiators" LOL
He is talking about you Tony

"union leaders forget where they came from" lol


Well-Known Member
God Bless Ron Carey , Thanks to him my family has what we have today, a good life and a good future. He was so ahead of the times , he had the vision and the guts to speak for the members. Now we have old board members like Angelo , Tony D and John that never made one decision when they were in the hall trying to tell members that our union is better off with them in the hall. Like Ron Carey said members of Local 804 are not stupid and know whats going on. March 18 will prove just how our membership feels and after 804 Members win easy hopefully our old board members will help our union or retire and go away. We the members don't trust them and never will.

Had enough

Well-Known Member

Just like Ron said..... way before any election
"Union officers selling out the future and they know they wont be around to answer for their deal making"
" phony negotiators" LOL
He is talking about you Tony

"union leaders forget where they came from" lol

Please let the man rest in peace! Its bad enough Row B destroyed his legacy........


Well-Known Member
Breaking news! a brush ave steward is leaking that he is the next big thing coming to the hall ~~~ good people up there i can rely on tell me this guys been talking big talk saying he"s the ba for brush ave not dave .o ~~~ lol stay tune for future details Breaking news from long island from nassau the company has loss prevention following mark.h all around the place ~~ these guys are five feet behind this guy lmao ... reports are he harasses the hell outta supervisors about them working and they don"t like it~~~~ WAY TO GO MARK.H give those supervisors hell !!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!! we need more BA"S like this guy !!!!!!