Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Breaking news! a brush ave steward is leaking that he is the next big thing coming to the hall ~~~ good people up there i can rely on tell me this guys been talking big talk saying he"s the ba for brush ave not dave .o ~~~ lol stay tune for future details Breaking news from long island from nassau the company has loss prevention following mark.h all around the place ~~ these guys are five feet behind this guy lmao ... reports are he harasses the hell outta supervisors about them working and they don"t like it~~~~ WAY TO GO MARK.H give those supervisors hell !!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!! we need more BA"S like this guy !!!!!!

He sure does like to run his mouth in that little building of his. But he is a steward that would run with row c if they drop Angelo , Tony D and John.


Well-Known Member
Breaking news! a brush ave steward is leaking that he is the next big thing coming to the hall ~~~ good people up there i can rely on tell me this guys been talking big talk saying he"s the ba for brush ave not dave .o ~~~ lol stay tune for future details Breaking news from long island from nassau the company has loss prevention following mark.h all around the place ~~ these guys are five feet behind this guy lmao ... reports are he harasses the hell outta supervisors about them working and they don"t like it~~~~ WAY TO GO MARK.H give those supervisors hell !!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!! we need more BA"S like this guy !!!!!!

LMAO , gee after speaking to that same shoppie , ( cough cough cough ) seargant at arms cough cough cough , I KINDA GOT THE SAME IMPRESSION


Well-Known Member
Hey Crash heard that UPS offered to give you back 85% of your back pay but Row B said no , let the arbitrator decide because your pushing row c. silence is golden....
WOW , GEE wish that could be documented as that offer was never presented to me........ im not pushing anything more than the convention and its kinda hard when you dont even get a ballot


Well-Known Member
Hey crash from reading your past forum posts ... are you in good standing with the union????:smart: if not sir you will not be getting a ballot this time around ... your dues must be current ~~~~~~~~~
that thought never crossed my mind , im pretty sure im about 6 months behind, i need to call the hall tomorrow to see what i owe and cut a check


Well-Known Member

LMAO , gee after speaking to that same shoppie , ( cough cough cough ) seargant at arms cough cough cough , I KINDA GOT THE SAME IMPRESSION

He's a good shop steward that has eyes bigger then his mouth right now(i mean that in a nice way), nice to be young LOL ,,, BUT with that said said leverage is every thing , so if he has it , then use it. GOOD LUCK TO HIM


New Member
A lot of men being walked off this week. I guess the circus did not come to town.

The circus did come to town ! And the Clowns are ** ***** ,the new Labor relations manager . The guy who took over for ****** ****** and the loss prevention clowns.These Incompetents take the guys upstairs and ask them did you get Jury duty pay? they say yes. Were you on jury duty ? they say no! Your terminated ! they don't want to hear any explanations!!!!!! 18 drivers Fired ,1 Supervisor resigned ,and the center Manager is sitting pretty saying "I didn't know anything!!!!!!!!!!!
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The circus did come to town ! And the Clowns are ** ***** ,the new Labor relations manager . The guy who took over for ***** ****** and the loss prevention clowns.These Incompetents take the guys upstairs and ask them did you get Jury duty pay? they say yes. Were you on jury duty ? they say no! Your terminated ! they don't want to hear any explanations!!!!!! 18 drivers Fired ,1 Supervisor resigned ,and the center Manager is sitting pretty saying "I didn't know anything!!!!!!!!!!!

how could this be? How can the company not take responsibility for their payroll processes and how their manager inputted this time? I can see in some cases if guys didnt work at all how this can be equal responsibility but what about those who worked and coding was done to benefit the sups and how their numbers looked? Why isnt there an outrage at this point, 18 guys in 2 weeks and no end in sight....
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Well-Known Member
Another Lie from Had enough , but nothing new from him. Your a part timer that runs and kisses up to management so you wouldn't know what happens in the office but I'll be glad to help you. They were all put on a 72 that took place first driver,steward and manager then 3 days later was the hearing for the 72 and at that meeting was Union reps., Labor and Division Manager. All the drivers were paid while on the 72. So again you never have any facts and lie.
YOU are WRONG!!!! I work in 43rd street, I have been in contact with all the drivers who have been fired. They Were first put on 72 hour, then when they came back after their 72 and then were fired without a shopstewart since he was on vacation which was **** *******, I also heard he got fired. I heard now its 27 drivers going to be in total so far. They all getting Lawyers. I knew the supervisor too his name was **** ******* he always used to rob our overtime money and hours. ThEY ARE SO CROOKED. I'm clad they fired **** but they need to check out and do something about **** ******** which is the center manager for Midtown west.
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Well-Known Member
YOU are WRONG!!!! I work in 43rd street, I have been in contact with all the drivers who have been fired. They Were first put on 72 hour, then when they came back after their 72 and then were fired without a shopstewart since he was on vacation which was John caccaro, I also heard he got fired. I heard now its 27 drivers going to be in total so far. They all getting Lawyers. I knew the supervisor too his name was EDDY Padilla he always used to rob our overtime money and hours. ThEY ARE SO CROOKED. I'm clad they fired Eddy but they need to check out and do something about JOHN REINWALD which is the center manager for Midtown west.

Easy there siredline my response was to hadenough that said the contract was not followed , but it was , Had enough said there was no 72 that all the drivers were just fired at the first hearing. Yes John R and Al friend need to be fired. Now reports are this was happening on the 4th Floor also. Which proves this is a practice by management to hide hours and make their numbers look good. Our Union needs to go to the press with this and get it out to the media , get the rat out front of 43rd st.

But like 4drivers said where is the outrage?? because the stewards are still kissing Al friend @ss. No building meeting No floor meetings nothing ,, I know the Union had the drivers and stewards down for a meeting ( Al friend favorites didn't show up I heard) But again just like when Al friend laid off all the air drivers our center stewards could care less , no meetings nothing they only care about there overtime in the morning what a joke.