Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


bella amicizia
70 miles north of Syracuse. Go Orange!!

The election is over. As with all elections, only one side wins.

Shake hands, Had Enough. I like you, its just time. I bet 804 brown is a nice guy if you just get to know him.

You are both great union guys. I wish everyone had the enthusiasm you two do!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I would like the thank our E board for costing me 100.00 bucks in copays to Regional, another 20.00 bucks for the doctors visit and another 30.00 on meds. $150.00 bucks to take my kid to the doctor. Thanks E board.......



Well-Known Member
I would like the thank our E board for costing me 100.00 bucks in copays to Regional, another 20.00 bucks for the doctors visit and another 30.00 on meds. $150.00 bucks to take my kid to the doctor. Thanks E board.......

Fact is Mistake, the old board screwed up the medical. It took this new board to fix the neglected problems. If changes werent made, by this June you would have no medical! But the new board made the difficult choices that needed to be made. A matter of fact, that new $200 emergency room fee has saved the fund alot of money. I dont know the exact figures but it has stopped a lot of the previous abuses of the system. Are the new co-pays high?? Absolutely, but when compared to other plans it still is a good deal. They are trying to work out the kinks. It does suck on the fact that we have to practically proof any one who medically attends to us or our family to see if they are in our plan!! But this is our union , our fund, we all have to read the fine print and know to stay in the network. It is in all of our interests!!


Well-Known Member
Fact is Mistake, the old board screwed up the medical. It took this new board to fix the neglected problems. If changes werent made, by this June you would have no medical! But the new board made the difficult choices that needed to be made. A matter of fact, that new $200 emergency room fee has saved the fund alot of money. I dont know the exact figures but it has stopped a lot of the previous abuses of the system. Are the new co-pays high?? Absolutely, but when compared to other plans it still is a good deal. They are trying to work out the kinks. It does suck on the fact that we have to practically proof any one who medically attends to us or our family to see if they are in our plan!! But this is our union , our fund, we all have to read the fine print and know to stay in the network. It is in all of our interests!!

Tell us the real Facts Brown, Our E board designs a projected graft stating where the benefits would be in June of 2011 if they did not make these changes to our health benefits. And you actually believe there lie's. There projection of no benefits by June was another one of there lies and another way to blame others for there poor excuse of defending our pensions, health & welfare and retiree healthcare benefits as they promised in there campaigne. It wasn't a difficult choice for them to make because UPS told them what to do and they just did it. The only difficult choice for them was who they could blame for there screw ups. Brown, if you knew how to read that phony graft you would see the medical was to run out by about may of 2010 not June 2011.

Now you blame the members for abusing the system. Who are you and the e board going to blame next.....

You say this plan is a good deal, you must be on the e board. A good deal to you means paying a co-pay for every type of x-ray, blood work or radiology test your doctor sends you to is a good deal. I posted my medical bill in my last post. 100.00 in copay's from one visit for 4 tests done from the same lab on the same day in the same place at the same time, and you say this plan is a good deal. These testes where done to rule out some serious illness, and the only thing your E board has done by reducing our once good benefits and raising our co-pays and out of pocket expense is deter our members from getting the medical attention we really need because we are afraid of getting hit with a 150.00 bill if we go to the doctor.

Now do you actually think I want them to netgociate our next contract. lol
They cannot be trusted...plain and simple


Well-Known Member
Regional Radiology , Staten Island ... Tony D and Angelo G live on Staten Island.... wonder which one you are......

But getting back to our medical , Our old E Board was planning to make the same changes as this E board did. Only differents is that their changes were going to be a lot worse and cost our retires more money. Our President Tim said that the funds lawyers told him and showed him a drafted of what Howie's plans were if they won the election. The fund still has the same lawyers looking over it. Part of Howie , Tony D and Angelo's changes were doctor visits $25 , xray $25 , lab work $25 also that a retiree could not buy medical cover until he hit his 30th year with UPS so if you retired after 25 years you had to wait 5 years to get back in the plan. Guess it makes sense why they were so willing to give up 25 and out. Plus all hosiptal visits for retiree's were a $100 co-pay no matter what. Tim said that he has proof at the hall. Go down and check it out Tony D or Angelo...


Well-Known Member
Ohh, our President said, that makes me feel so much better, lol

Tim this, Tim that, how far are you up his !!!!!

Hers what Tim is really saying, I fooled everyone the fist time and now I will try to do it again.

Tim is in the pocket of UPS trustees to make up for the E boards salary cuts.

It was a big Mistake Voting 4 This Eboard.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mistake , little upset are u ??? Well call his bluff and go down to the hall (I'm sure you still know how to get there) and find out. Maybe Aces is drunk , I know I am GO UCONN.......