Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Response to mistake:

You are an incredibly ignorant fool!! Thats right it was Dave O who did this. Not Tony or Angelo or any of the other old board members!! It took alot of b@##$ to do this and I give him lots of credit. He has energized this local. It is in every building and every center. It spread like wild fire.

They have been walking men and women out for nonsense for years, not just the last year or so!! That weak consessionary contract that your boys pushed on us didnt stop them the past few yrs, DAVE STOPPED THEM!! Face the truth, give credit where it is due!!

Be a real union guy instead of the az whole you seem to be on this thread. So tell me, if you were in that building and Dave did what he did, YOU WOULD HAVE WENT TO YOUR TRUCK AND DEFIED YOUR B/A ?? It is so amazing with you fools . You criticize them when you perceive them as weak. And then when they step it up and pull a ballsy move you bitch and moan like a little girl!!

On the parking lot thing, I now hear he didnt pull the drivers into the parking lot. He had all 3 centers gather by the center where they were planning on walking a driver out. So he actually DID speak with the drivers "right in front of management"!! No one ran away , clueless!!

Stop the crying, the election is over, you lost. Believe me, if that election was today, these Row B guys would win in a landslide!!


Well-Known Member
Stop , you really are a clown if the guy was walked off and UPS took his ID you would have been on here crying how the union did nothing and Dave O is weak , it doesn't matter what happens you use it for Row C. Even if Dave O was wrong it will bring our union together and thats what you clowns don't like. Tony D , Angelo are done.....

What I and many realize is that UPS does what they want because Dave O and the E Board are afraid and weak. This is what is going on, and you are so far up there Aces to notice, but everyone else sees it clearly. UPS is in control and in charge now. They even have our Union paying for OSHA training classes, when it UPS responseability by law. For someone with 20+ years its obvious you dont have the members in the best interest.


Well-Known Member
Was a good move and the stewards will be at work next week. Get a grip Tony. Dave has more balls in one day than you had in your complete tour in the hall. Dave proved himself, you have not.

Also heard that as one of the stewards(Greg friend) was walking down the stairs after the meeting, he slipped and fell and cracked his head. An ambulance had to take him to the hospital. Do you know what the DM Fatso Bill Q said when he heard about what happened to Greg?? Fatso Bill put on a phoney concerned look and incinuated that Greg fell on purpose!! friend@#$ him!! I hope this goes all the way to Atlanta!! If Greg and Jerry M are discharged at their 72, I hope every member in that building walks out on their own!! Believe me they will not need to be "directed" to do so!!

All the members on this thread should keep contact with someone in Melville Monday morning. Every building should be on alert if they try to walk those stewards off!! The time for action has come!!


Well-Known Member
I guess the big guy Tim S will be pulling Dave O out of Melville soon. He probably will resign and return back to UPS. This is probably one of the stupidest thing a Union Rep has ever done in 50 YEARS. How is his father Cigar Pete going to get him out of this mess?

Are you kidding me?? I hope they reward him and make him a Trustee!!


Well-Known Member
After what happen to Dave O. it looks like Cigar Pete's advice really shows how they don't know what they are doing. The big guy is really happy now too! We know about the two way split and how they don't get along!!! Dave O. bad move!!!! But after this week the members are buzzing around like crazy. Calling you @ss holes!!!! If I were you Dave I would look for a new father!!!!:happy-very::wink2:

Wow, you really dont know s@#$ do you?? A matter of fact, I heard when some of the board went to Melville Friday, they were cheered and hugged by the members!! Dave created a lot of believers on Thursday morning!!

Had enough, I have one question for you: WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Response to mistake:

I now hear he didnt pull the drivers into the parking lot. He had all 3 centers gather by the center where they were planning on walking a driver out. So he actually DID speak with the drivers "right in front of management"!! No one ran away , clueless!!

Lol - The only clueless one is you, keep changing the story, you are a wash woman and have no longer any credibility, nothing you post is ever proven correct, never. - LMFAO

You should change your name to fairy tale !!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol - The only clueless one is you, keep changing the story, you are a wash woman and have no longer any credibility, nothing you post is ever proven correct, never. - LMFAO

You should change your name to fairy tale !!!!

Like I said to "had enough", all you do is bitch and moan like a little girl. WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON!!!!!! Because people like you and had enough certainly are not on the unions's side!!


Well-Known Member
Like I said to "had enough", all you do is bitch and moan like a little girl. WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON!!!!!! Because people like you and had enough certainly are not on the unions's side!!

When I see the Union on our side, then I will applaud them, till then I made a mistake voting 4 this eboard.

Tell me why are we paying for OSHA training..... You and your boys Ace and eyes keep avoiding the real issues....


Well-Known Member
When I see the Union on our side, then I will applaud them, till then I made a mistake voting 4 this eboard.

Tell me why are we paying for OSHA training..... You and your boys Ace and eyes keep avoiding the real issues....

Incredible, Dave O pulls a mini work stoppage on a safety issue and you still want to bitch and moan about OSHA training. Get over it!!


Well-Known Member
Incredible, Dave O pulls a mini work stoppage on a safety issue and you still want to bitch and moan about OSHA training. Get over it!!


[FONT=arial, Arial, Helvetica]As defined by the OSH Act, an employer is any "person engaged in a business affecting commerce who has employees, but does not include the United States or any state or political subdivision of a State." Therefore, the OSH Act applies to employers and employees in such varied fields as manufacturing, construction, longshoring, agriculture, law and medicine, charity and disaster relief, organized labor and private education. Such coverage includes religious groups to the extent that they employ workers for secular purposes.[/FONT]

Under the OSH Act, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace. OSHA's mission is to assure safe and healthful workplaces by setting and enforcing standards and by providing TRAINING, outreach, education and ASSISTANCE
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Well-Known Member
When it comes to real issues, you guys call it bitching and moaning as you quoted....804 Brown,

Come on think of something good, each response back to me took 3- 5 min, Between the 3 of you online, You guys cant think of a coca mani story yet with no real facts............. I am waiting for a good laugh.. Your creditbility is in the toilet. Oh wait you just called the hall and ask to speak to Tim for the answer and waiting for him to call back LOL .... Dont hold your breath.... Tim is having sheri's Berries who delivered them via FedEx to the hall, hope he saves some for tomorrow,... Guy's I want to wish you and all Happy Mothers Day. Be safe (and I mean on UPS's Dime) all -
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Well-Known Member
Poor little Dave O. He messed up big this time. The rest of the board is looking to get rid of him like Kenny R. The big guy is taking the heat from the International. All the members are saying what a joke this board is. Even his father has to put his head in the ground and hide.
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Well-Known Member
Like I said to "had enough", all you do is bitch and moan like a little girl. WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON!!!!!! Because people like you and had enough certainly are not on the unions's side!!
This is no Union its every man for themselves now. Didn't you hear two stewards got fired? Did you see the U-tube? This is the greatest show around, better then going to the circus. Now what are all the members going to do when all the drivers get fired in Melville? Are they going to listen to Dave O again and stand outside the building. I DONT THINK SO.


Well-Known Member
The big guy and his crew are going out to Melville this week to make bigger idiots of themselves. Did'nt Dave O do that already? Whats next is Cigar Pete going to put this local into trusteeship and have people from the International run this local that dont know anything about UPS. Pete your going to need cases of cigars this week.


Well-Known Member
This is no Union its every man for themselves now. Didn't you hear two stewards got fired? Did you see the U-tube? This is the greatest show around, better then going to the circus. Now what are all the members going to do when all the drivers get fired in Melville? Are they going to listen to Dave O again and stand outside the building. I DONT THINK SO.

The circus left town Dec 31, 2009!!

What Dave O did only made us all stronger. Now UPS has to think before they try to pull the same crap again. Maybe next time it will happen in 43st or Elmsford and it wont be for 10-15 minutes. Maybe it will be 30 minutes or an hour!!

Listen if they "fire" all the drivers, who is going to deliver UPS's packages?? But if they do attempt to walk those guys off this week, the drivers should follow them out!!
Lonely wolf, what are you going to do if that happens??? Run to your management buddies because you are no real union guy!! Which side are you on??