Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
You are a parrot,

you have made the same point over and over and we get it, what you are missing is the good outweighs the bad ( in your argument, OT)...

"Our union is taking overtime from every member in our local when we need ever penny to "servive" today"

LOL, you meant survive,

but let me clear something up - your local is NOT the be-all-end-all of the Teamsters, it's a blip on the map in reality. So when you say "our local" "my local" , it is really selfish to hear, because many of the same problems occur EVERYWHERE and not just in your little corner of the world....and as I was saying, our local pulled out of the safety committee and it was a long time coming given the past 10 years spiraling downward

another thing,

There are many shops nationwide that are NOT UNION and these people on the committees ARE NOT PAYING DUES AT ALL while harrasing those that DO pay dues, following drivers with the center manager and DM, and making reports for them etc....

Every local seems to be controlled by UPS as it is a huge money maker for union , that is just how it is.

I could keep going, but honestly it is beating a dead horse. Your arguments seem pretty weak complaints against your local board.

I think your sleeve meet nose,

I don't care what your union did,
If you had the littlest clue how incompetent local 804's E board is, you would understand.
It's about a board who does not have the members in it's best interest. They are getting us fired from there stupidity.
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Well-Known Member
Sleeve is correct but our local is one of the top 3 in numbers so maybe its a little more than a bleep. The board showed today they are for the members and will tomorrow in melville. Thank God we have them not the row A clowns in office.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I think your sleeve meet nose,

I don't care what your union did,
If you had the littlest clue how incompetent local 804's E board is, you would understand.
It's about a board who does not have the members in it's best interest. They are getting us fired from there stupidity.

Another one lost job today because of incompetency. Not only did Dave O get two Shop Stewards fired in Melville, he also got a member fired in foster because he never filed the Arbitration!!!! The Arbitrator said it was an automatic fire! Anthony C came and he could not even save the members job either. But Anthony C is passing the buck to Dave saying that Dave messed up. :angry: I thought Anthony C was the guy was knew his $h*t? I have never heard of such stupidity!!!! How can they call themselves Union Men???????????? Somethings got to give. this is totally ridiculous!!!:sick::sick::sick:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Sleeve is correct but our local is one of the top 3 in numbers so maybe its a little more than a bleep. The board showed today they are for the members and will tomorrow in melville. Thank God we have them not the row A clowns in office.
You are a piece of $h*t!!! for what your E-board is doing to the members!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
You on here fighting with me @$$ meanwhile you lost another guys job today! Be a man a go fight with management instead of hiding behind blowup dolls and a computer!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
You are a parrot,

you have made the same point over and over and we get it, what you are missing is the good outweighs the bad ( in your argument, OT)...

"Our union is taking overtime from every member in our local when we need ever penny to "servive" today"

LOL, you meant survive,

but let me clear something up - your local is NOT the be-all-end-all of the Teamsters, it's a blip on the map in reality. So when you say "our local" "my local" , it is really selfish to hear, because many of the same problems occur EVERYWHERE and not just in your little corner of the world....and as I was saying, our local pulled out of the safety committee and it was a long time coming given the past 10 years spiraling downward

another thing,

There are many shops nationwide that are NOT UNION and these people on the committees ARE NOT PAYING DUES AT ALL while harrasing those that DO pay dues, following drivers with the center manager and DM, and making reports for them etc....

Every local seems to be controlled by UPS as it is a huge money maker for union , that is just how it is.

I could keep going, but honestly it is beating a dead horse. Your arguments seem pretty weak complaints against your local board.

You have no idea what you are talking about when it come to Local 804 E-Board. Have you not been reading our post? If you are in our local and supported them you would totally have changed your mind about them or be a complete fool. I truly do not mean to sound harsh on you at all buddy! But we are suffering man!!!



Well-Known Member
Who told you about the blow up doll?

Section 5 – Illegal Strikes​
It is further mutually agreed that the Local Union will, within two
(2) weeks of the date of the signing of this Agreement, serve upon
the Employer a written notice which notice will list the Union’s
authorized representatives who will deal with the Employer, make
commitments for the Union generally and in particular have the sole
authority to act for the Union in calling or instituting strikes or any
stoppages of work in a case where a strike or stoppage is authorized
under this Agreement, and the Union shall not be liable for any
activities unless so authorized.
It is agreed that in all cases of unauthorized strikes, slowdown,
walkout, or any unauthorized cessation of work in violation of this
Agreement, the Union shall not be liable for damages resulting from
any unauthorized action of its members. While the Union shall
promptly undertake every reasonable means to induce said employees
to return to their jobs during such period of unauthorized stoppage
of work mentioned above, it is specifically understood and
agreed that the Employer shall have the sole and complete right of
discipline, including the sole and complete right to discharge any
employee participating in any unauthorized strike, slowdown, walkout
or any other cessation of work and such employee shall not be
entitled to have any recourse to any other provision of this


Well-Known Member
Another one lost job today because of incompetency. Not only did Dave O get two Shop Stewards fired in Melville, he also got a member fired in foster because he never filed the Arbitration!!!! The Arbitrator said it was an automatic fire! Anthony C came and he could not even save the members job either. But Anthony C is passing the buck to Dave saying that Dave messed up. :angry: I thought Anthony C was the guy was knew his $h*t? I have never heard of such stupidity!!!! How can they call themselves Union Men???????????? Somethings got to give. this is totally ridiculous!!!:sick::sick::sick:

One of you nit wits said yesterday that youre "not on the union's side". Its starting to make sense now. I think some of us have been arguing with management on this thread. I really think "had enough" and "mistake" and "lonewolf" and even agitator2 are all management personnel! You guys seem to get some inside info really fast, too fast. And of course you cant stand this board, they are driving management crazy!!
You guys are so slick you even try to write the way some of the old board members spoke, stupid misspellings and tough guy bravado. Management would never have a good thing to say about the exec board and neither do you nit wits. Youre all one and the same. Game over!!


Well-Known Member

Section 5 – Illegal Strikes​
It is further mutually agreed that the Local Union will, within two
(2) weeks of the date of the signing of this Agreement, serve upon
the Employer a written notice which notice will list the Union’s
authorized representatives who will deal with the Employer, make
commitments for the Union generally and in particular have the sole
authority to act for the Union in calling or instituting strikes or any
stoppages of work in a case where a strike or stoppage is authorized
under this Agreement, and the Union shall not be liable for any
activities unless so authorized.
It is agreed that in all cases of unauthorized strikes, slowdown,
walkout, or any unauthorized cessation of work in violation of this
Agreement, the Union shall not be liable for damages resulting from
any unauthorized action of its members. While the Union shall
promptly undertake every reasonable means to induce said employees
to return to their jobs during such period of unauthorized stoppage
of work mentioned above, it is specifically understood and
agreed that the Employer shall have the sole and complete right of
discipline, including the sole and complete right to discharge any
employee participating in any unauthorized strike, slowdown, walkout
or any other cessation of work and such employee shall not be
entitled to have any recourse to any other provision of this

Read it again. It does not say immediate discharge does it??? What management did to the 2 stewards was immediate discharge. Again, this was not a cardinal sin!!


Well-Known Member
Well I guess its time to start posting. This blog started over a year ago and it is still going strong, who would of thought. I was going to post after my name sake quit BUT I held back. Easy to throw stones KR YOU WERE ALWAYS SOFT but im not suprised you quit. I would think twice before you stand outside any building handing out your propaganda everyone knows you are soft and a quitter. If you really care about this local and want to gain some respect THEN TELL THE TRUTH about that that circus (i like that had enough) you worked with.
NOW NOW NOW tHATS A FINE MESS YOUVE GOTTEN US INTO DAVE O. EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE why in god name would Dave O have the stewards get involved knowing they would be part of an illegal strike. BALLLS maybe BRAINS HAHAHA NONE. Read the contract ( employee shall not be entitled to have any recourse to any other provision of this agreement. DOES THAT MEAN THEY CANT FIGHT THIS IN ARBITRATION, I THINK SOOOOOO.
Now we have a big fancy ralley outside melville tomorrow GREAT then what. You guys had the balls to stop the job last week and anything short of pulling the whole local untill the two stewards are back is a sure sign of being a big bunch of COWARDS and quitters just like my name sake KR.


Well-Known Member
What does that article have to do with? Employees did not call for the work stoppage, they didn't instruct the work force either. I will not go into further details on this page. The steward did nothing wrong and did not instruct the work force....


Well-Known Member
I agree THEN WHY DID THE E BOARD LET THEM GET WALKED OFF THE JOB. Oh keep on reading they have no recourse they are done. I hope by some miracle they get their jobs back


Well-Known Member
what does that article have to do with? Employees did not call for the work stoppage, they didn't instruct the work force either. I will not go into further details on this page. The steward did nothing wrong and did not instruct the work force....

you must be part of the circus your quitting to. Lmfao