Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Browncafe Steward
Some of you clowns make me sick! This is exactly why we have a hard time fighting against UPS. You have an oppurtunity to stand up for whats right and show unity but your political views cloud the overall big picture here. Times like this really shows peoples true colors and just from reading the last several pages in this thread its obvious who the ME, ME, ME wastes are.

Theres a time and place for everything and this is time to stand united, but you want to bicker like a bunch of little school girls. Grow up and realize the world is bigger than yourselves and try to do something good in life.

I wonder how many different screen names a few of these posters really have???


Well-Known Member
Very Well said RED , sometimes the best advise comes from outside. I've been a member for Local 804 for over 25 years in my time I have done 3 different jobs. Never was a steward or Alt-steward but I have done a lot with the safety commitees over the years. I have seen my Local go from being respected under Ron Carey to being laughed at under Howie R. We are dealing with old board members that will do anything to get back in , even if it means destroy our local even more to get there. Plus we also have UPS Management people here posting as union members to try and help the old board some how get back in. Trust me when I say that most members laugh at this thread and what is posted here.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Some of you clowns make me sick! This is exactly why we have a hard time fighting against UPS. You have an oppurtunity to stand up for whats right and show unity but your political views cloud the overall big picture here. Times like this really shows peoples true colors and just from reading the last several pages in this thread its obvious who the ME, ME, ME wastes are.

Theres a time and place for everything and this is time to stand united, but you want to bicker like a bunch of little school girls. Grow up and realize the world is bigger than yourselves and try to do something good in life.

I wonder how many different screen names a few of these posters really have???

I guess you are part of the circus, because you sound like a clown!!! Looks like you are a fill in, when needed. Look brother you are not from our local so if you don't know what we are living threw I suggest keep your mouth quite. 400 or over members are loosing jobs in a little over a year because of their incompetency. They have rapped us with medical. The poor men who followed their directions are all screwed. Put your nose in your own Union.:angry:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Some of you clowns make me sick! This is exactly why we have a hard time fighting against UPS. You have an oppurtunity to stand up for whats right and show unity but your political views cloud the overall big picture here. Times like this really shows peoples true colors and just from reading the last several pages in this thread its obvious who the ME, ME, ME wastes are.

Theres a time and place for everything and this is time to stand united, but you want to bicker like a bunch of little school girls. Grow up and realize the world is bigger than yourselves and try to do something good in life.

I wonder how many different screen names a few of these posters really have???
exactly go ask your buddies, one of them is Sybil! Multiple personalities in case you don't understand what I am saying!!!!


Had enough

Well-Known Member
Very Well said RED , sometimes the best advise comes from outside. I've been a member for Local 804 for over 25 years in my time I have done 3 different jobs. Never was a steward or Alt-steward but I have done a lot with the safety commitees over the years. I have seen my Local go from being respected under Ron Carey to being laughed at under Howie R. We are dealing with old board members that will do anything to get back in , even if it means destroy our local even more to get there. Plus we also have UPS Management people here posting as union members to try and help the old board some how get back in. Trust me when I say that most members laugh at this thread and what is posted here.
This E-board is not good enough to wipe the old boards @$$


Well-Known Member
Some of you clowns make me sick! This is exactly why we have a hard time fighting against UPS. You have an oppurtunity to stand up for whats right and show unity but your political views cloud the overall big picture here. Times like this really shows peoples true colors and just from reading the last several pages in this thread its obvious who the ME, ME, ME wastes are.

Theres a time and place for everything and this is time to stand united, but you want to bicker like a bunch of little school girls. Grow up and realize the world is bigger than yourselves and try to do something good in life.

I wonder how many different screen names a few of these posters really have???

Very true brother, very true
One just answered and I guess he forgot which account he was logged into.
Nice to see you around :)


Browncafe Steward
I guess you are part of the circus, because you sound like a clown!!! Looks like you are a fill in, when needed. Look brother you are not from our local so if you don't know what we are living threw I suggest keep your mouth quite. 400 or over members are loosing jobs in a little over a year because of their incompetency. They have rapped us with medical. The poor men who followed their directions are all screwed. Put your nose in your own Union.:angry:

exactly go ask your buddies, one of them is Sybil! Multiple personalities in case you don't understand what I am saying!!!!

This E-board is not good enough to wipe the old boards @$$

You speak of the medical being the fault of this new Eboard, in fact wasnt it Howie and his Eboard who dropped the ball on it and was hiding it until after the election that he lost?

What I do know is that you had a driver who after working close to 12 hours was fatigued and brought his truck back because it wasnt safe. I know that UPS was in an attempt to fire him and a couple stewards stepped in and now they are fired. So do everyone involved a favor and shut your whole until this conflict passes and support your stewards and the idea of safety first. Real easy to be a Monday morning quarterback now, but it gets you nowhere in life. Real men know when its time to stand strong while little girly man always find a way to try and piss in someones wheaties.

You my friend are a me me me upser, you dont care about anyone but yourself. i hope the day comes when you need the union but im pretty sure that you are a behind the scenes interent tough guy.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
You speak of the medical being the fault of this new Eboard, in fact wasnt it Howie and his Eboard who dropped the ball on it and was hiding it until after the election that he lost?

What I do know is that you had a driver who after working close to 12 hours was fatigued and brought his truck back because it wasnt safe. I know that UPS was in an attempt to fire him and a couple stewards stepped in and now they are fired. So do everyone involved a favor and shut your whole until this conflict passes and support your stewards and the idea of safety first. Real easy to be a Monday morning quarterback now, but it gets you nowhere in life. Real men know when its time to stand strong while little girly man always find a way to try and piss in someones wheaties.

You my friend are a me me me upser, you dont care about anyone but yourself. i hope the day comes when you need the union but im pretty sure that you are a behind the scenes interent tough guy.[/QUOTE)

Listen you little Runt!!!!

Why don't you crawl back under the rock you came from and stop kissing the Fat mans @$$. Go drink some more of that TDU Koolaide


Well-Known Member
You speak of the medical being the fault of this new Eboard, in fact wasnt it Howie and his Eboard who dropped the ball on it and was hiding it until after the election that he lost?

What I do know is that you had a driver who after working close to 12 hours was fatigued and brought his truck back because it wasnt safe. I know that UPS was in an attempt to fire him and a couple stewards stepped in and now they are fired. So do everyone involved a favor and shut your whole until this conflict passes and support your stewards and the idea of safety first. Real easy to be a Monday morning quarterback now, but it gets you nowhere in life. Real men know when its time to stand strong while little girly man always find a way to try and piss in someones wheaties.

You my friend are a me me me upser, you dont care about anyone but yourself. i hope the day comes when you need the union but im pretty sure that you are a behind the scenes interent tough guy.


Like they say about you TDU guys, There Too Dumb to Understand....


Browncafe Steward
Thats the best that you can do? Keep posting because people can see your true colors. So you dont care about the driver that was fatigued? How abouut the family that he could have crashed into while driving fatigued? How about the stewards who stuck up for him? Thats right you only care about YOU! Bye bye!


Well-Known Member
And here comes another little interent tough guy troll. You guys show that you only care about yourself. So spend all the time in photo shop that you want because I cant take you seriously and if I cant than you DONT MATTER to me.
Meanwhile since your friends are in our Local its been downhill all the way. They are nothing but a lie ,


Browncafe Steward
I have friends in many locals, so whats your point? My point here is you have a perfect chance to stand together and stand strong on behalf of the 2 stewards and yet a couple of you here come off as you hope they lose their jobs for defending their members. Yet you cry that the union is not doing there job. Ask many of the members on here if they would trade to have the obvious support that your local is showing on behalf of you the member.

Union members should not be figjhting amongst each other because it only shows weakness, yet some of you cant because it doesnt effect you so you dont care. Theres a difference in being a union member and just paying ones dues and in this thread there are alot of dues paying members but it lacks union members.


Well-Known Member
And here comes another little interent tough guy troll. You guys show that you only care about yourself. So spend all the time in photo shop that you want because I cant take you seriously and if I cant than you DONT MATTER to me.

It's you and TDU that dont Matter... This is what is destroying our membership...
