Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Browncafe Steward
Whos the one abandoning their Brothers??? Its not me im trying to help my brothers and sisters unlike your doom and gloom approach. And by the way im not a TDU member, but you can deflect this topic anyway you seem fit so that you dont come off as a P.O,S. LMAO

Had enough

Well-Known Member
go attend your non-union tdu meeting, donate your pay to them so they can brain wash you some more. Let the international steering committee guide you, while you abandon your international brothers and sisters...
You know what mistate many years ago I looked into TDU and all they wanted was money before they even helped !!!! Stay with your own local!!! Stay away from us!!! If you not TDU so be it..... But mind your own business!!!


Well-Known Member
Thats the best that you can do? Keep posting because people can see your true colors. So you dont care about the driver that was fatigued? How abouut the family that he could have crashed into while driving fatigued? How about the stewards who stuck up for him? Thats right you only care about YOU! Bye bye!

I'm behind them 200%
Its the E Boards that should be behind them also... And I dont see them making the effort that they should be. Like standing outside with a big balloon is really scaring UPS,when they should be inside fighting with management and doing what we elected them to do. If you know how bad it is now with these clowns in office, you would be on my side, but you don't being from another local in another state.


Well-Known Member
You speak of the medical being the fault of this new Eboard, in fact wasnt it Howie and his Eboard who dropped the ball on it and was hiding it until after the election that he lost?

What I do know is that you had a driver who after working close to 12 hours was fatigued and brought his truck back because it wasnt safe. I know that UPS was in an attempt to fire him and a couple stewards stepped in and now they are fired. So do everyone involved a favor and shut your whole until this conflict passes and support your stewards and the idea of safety first. Real easy to be a Monday morning quarterback now, but it gets you nowhere in life. Real men know when its time to stand strong while little girly man always find a way to try and piss in someones wheaties.

You my friend are a me me me upser, you dont care about anyone but yourself. i hope the day comes when you need the union but im pretty sure that you are a behind the scenes interent tough guy.

Red,this is the crap our board has to deal with. Some of these guys are either former board members trying to undermine our union or management a holes trying to undermine our union.


Well-Known Member
You know what mistate many years ago I looked into TDU and all they wanted was money before they even helped !!!! Stay with your own local!!! Stay away from us!!! If you not TDU so be it..... But mind your own business!!!

Yeah you "looked into TDU". LOL. You guys always feared TDU because they challenged the old guard and you my friend are bigtime old guard. TDU are reformers . They took down the old guard and helped Ron Carey get in. I t is TDU that informed us about the contract givebacks and Hoffa's lies and all the big salary over paid union officials (like Howie and Tony D and Bill B and Angelo, etc). It helped bring Row A down too, too bad!! Get over it!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Yeah you "looked into TDU". LOL. You guys always feared TDU because they challenged the old guard and you my friend are bigtime old guard. TDU are reformers . They took down the old guard and helped Ron Carey get in. I t is TDU that informed us about the contract givebacks and Hoffa's lies and all the big salary over paid union officials (like Howie and Tony D and Bill B and Angelo, etc). It helped bring Row A down too, too bad!! Get over it!!
Who the friend* are you to say what I did or did not do? Go read Your E-Board Crap!!!! Now that is a total LIE!!!!!! Stut your mouth. You have no Idea what I have done!!!! The only thing I fear is for our Local. Thank god these Idiots will be out in 18 months!


Well-Known Member
TDU are reformers . They took down the old guard and helped Ron Carey get in. I t is TDU that informed us about the contract givebacks and Hoffa's lies and all the big salary over paid union officials

Reform my @ss, only when it benefits TDU. Rank and file bill of rights state there should be elections for all BA and Shop Stewards, and special elections for all vacancies in office. But again they ignore what they preach and they make Liam the brown nose a BA after Kenny R resigned.

Getting back to the real issues, This E Board does not have the members in there best interest.


Well-Known Member
Reform my @ss, only when it benefits TDU. Rank and file bill of rights state there should be elections for all BA and Shop Stewards, and special elections for all vacancies in office. But again they ignore what they preach and they make Liam the brown nose a BA after Kenny R resigned.

Getting back to the real issues, This E Board does not have the members in there best interest.

Mistake, what is more disturbing is the fact that they can hire a fired person and let all the others walk away. Like you previously said what is good for one is good for all.


Well-Known Member
Reform my @ss, only when it benefits TDU. Rank and file bill of rights state there should be elections for all BA and Shop Stewards, and special elections for all vacancies in office. But again they ignore what they preach and they make Liam the brown nose a BA after Kenny R resigned.

Getting back to the real issues, This E Board does not have the members in there best interest.

read the 804 bylaws son

You have no clue of what your talking about. We should call you clueless wolf instead of lonlywolf.


Well-Known Member
read the 804 bylaws son

You have no clue of what your talking about. We should call you clueless wolf instead of lonlywolf.

Straight from your Gods web site:

I. Democratic By-Laws. All business agents and stewards should be elected. Vacancies in office should be filled by special election within three months. Local union committee should be elected. Contract and strike votes should be by majority (not two-thirds). All contracts should provide for elected officers retaining company seniority.

I dont make things up...



Well-Known Member
The new agents were added just like every other has been for the past 20 years. They were put on the same way as Steve the sandman and Patty D. It is what it is.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The new agents were added just like every other has been for the past 20 years. They were put on the same way as Steve the sandman and Patty D. It is what it is.[/QUOTE]

I'll give you, they were put on without an election. But they were not fired and saved by the E-Board !!! That is a kick is the @$$ to the other 400!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The new agents were added just like every other has been for the past 20 years. They were put on the same way as Steve the sandman and Patty D. It is what it is.[/QUOTE]

I'll give you, they were put on without an election. But they were not fired and saved by the E-Board !! ! That is a kick is the @$$ to the other 400!!!!!

It is far from the same situation.....
Liam was with row B from day 1 and was on that slate. He was represented by a horrible ba with no clue which burned him on the cross. He was one of the original slate members before sam and neil were added. Shame on had enough, I mean Tony D.

Another thing, like it or not, Liam was a great steward.


Well-Known Member
Remember Brothers today we should all be there to support our brother Rick Brandimarte.

WOW at first when I read this I thought "thats really nice of Tony D" but today I got a phone call from someone that was there and not to my surprise the whole Row C slate was there ,, wait wait ,, first that was very nice of them I heard they gave money to a great cause , second does this mean that they will show up to all good causes , I wonder if they bought a table at the Ed Dougherty Memorial Scholarship Dinner??? I heard they all stead together and no one talked to them , they looked so out of place. Did hear that Angelo was buying kids ice cream ,,,, nice of him......

As my friend said , "most of them looked like they didn't want to be there , 804 board members were walking around talking to everyone and row c all stood in the corner" He said that about 5 board members were there but not 804 Pres Tim S. It was a good turn out most members were there with their families. But I did hear that Tony D and Angelo did sing a couple of songs ,,,

Tony D song "Yesterday"


and Angelo song "I know what boys like"

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Well-Known Member
So I get a phonecall earlier with some interesting info
1. This blow up Fat Cat cost about $10,000 out of our funds ( was this voted on? )
2. Since this waste of 10 grand has been getting its exposure, we have embarrassed UPS to the extent that they are looking for reasons to terminate our brothers and sisters! UPS DOES NOT LIKE NEGATIVE PRESS , AND THE PRESS IS BASICALLY LOOKING AT US LIKE CRY BABIES THAT MAKE 85K A YEAR IN THIS ECONEMY!.
3. 23 Of our Union brothers have been walked off the job just to make an example! thats 23 more of us that will be on the unemployment line until .............. well actually 21 I hear the 2 stewards that were madee example of in Long Island are now working in the hall!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
you woder about standing together RED
WOW at first when I read this I thought "thats really nice of Tony D" but today I got a phone call from someone that was there and not to my surprise the whole Row C slate was there ,, wait wait ,, first that was very nice of them I heard they gave money to a great cause , second does this mean that they will show up to all good causes , I wonder if they bought a table at the Ed Dougherty Memorial Scholarship Dinner??? I heard they all stead together and no one talked to them , they looked so out of place. Did hear that Angelo was buying kids ice cream ,,,, nice of him......

As my friend said , "most of them looked like they didn't want to be there , 804 board members were walking around talking to everyone and row c all stood in the corner" He said that about 5 board members were there but not 804 Pres Tim S. It was a good turn out most members were there with their families. But I did hear that Tony D and Angelo did sing a couple of songs ,,,

Tony D song "Yesterday"


and Angelo song "I know what boys like"



Well-Known Member
So I get a phonecall earlier with some interesting info
1. This blow up Fat Cat cost about $10,000 out of our funds ( was this voted on? )
2. Since this waste of 10 grand has been getting its exposure, we have embarrassed UPS to the extent that they are looking for reasons to terminate our brothers and sisters! UPS DOES NOT LIKE NEGATIVE PRESS , AND THE PRESS IS BASICALLY LOOKING AT US LIKE CRY BABIES THAT MAKE 85K A YEAR IN THIS ECONEMY!.
3. 23 Of our Union brothers have been walked off the job just to make an example! thats 23 more of us that will be on the unemployment line until .............. well actually 21 I hear the 2 stewards that were madee example of in Long Island are now working in the hall!

Guess u were not at the last general membership meeting , I know Crash lets KISS THERE @SS , Lets let them go after members for BS , Lets let them fire members because they feel its comp fraud "SURE THAT HIT HOME" after all the crying you did????


Well-Known Member
Guess u were not at the last general membership meeting , I know Crash lets KISS THERE @SS , Lets let them go after members for BS , Lets let them fire members because they feel its comp fraud "SURE THAT HIT HOME" after all the crying you did????
CRYING are you delirious?.
one of my dearest friends was just walked off for bulls..t!
was I at the last meeting i was there for a portion of it , until i recieved an emergency call and had to head back upstate.
maybe if you look in the post there was a question mark after my comment, get it IT WAS A QUESTION AS TO "IF" IT WAS VOTED ON.