Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Just in case your Cigar Pete "Used Car Sales Men" THE NEW NAME the men think you are a compLete idiot singing and dancing at the rally! Come on Now! Why would you want to look like a maroon? You are suppose to represent us and your making a mockery of our Union! SHAME - SHAME!!!

He is just taking a page from Ron Careys book. Ron used to sing that song with the guys, but I'm sure you knew that. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Another thing, Anthony is doing a fine job in
Foster.....get over it.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
What is going on with our two stewards ?
I just heard today from a very reliable source that the two stewards are done!!!The board is telling everyone they are going to arbitration... It is a complete lie to save their face!!! I repeat the two stewards are done!! This is what happens when you listen and follow the directions of an inexperienced person!!!:angry:


Well-Known Member
I just heard today from a very reliable source that the two stewards are done!!!The board is telling everyone they are going to arbitration... It is a complete lie to save their face!!! I repeat the two stewards are done!! This is what happens when you listen and follow the directions of an inexperienced person!!!:angry:

This circus cant do anything right. It is fend for yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Anthony is doing a fine job in
Foster.....get over it.

Anthony C is done in Foster, Guys hate him there.

Question for Anthony C, way is it that everyone who is put on a 72 is not working.

Why arent you and the circus outside singing and dancing about all these members getting fired, It's the circuses fault they are coming down hard on the members now.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Anthony C is done in Foster, Guys hate him there.

Question for Anthony C, way is it that everyone who is put on a 72 is not working.

Why arent you and the circus outside singing and dancing about all these members getting fired, It's the circuses fault they are coming down hard on the members now.

Anthony C is done in Foster, Guys hate him there.
Because he is a Marshmallow!!!!


Well-Known Member
[gQUOTE=MistakeVoting4ThisEboard;841843]Anthony C is done in Foster, Guys hate him there.

Question for Anthony C, way is it that everyone who is put on a 72 is not working.

Why arent you and the circus outside singing and dancing about all these members getting fired, It's the circuses fault they are coming down hard on the members now.

Anthony C is done in Foster, Guys hate him there.
Because he is a Marshmallow!!!!



Well-Known Member
They can hate him all they want as long as he continues to do a fine job.


Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey hammer what can't you admit the board is a friend* Up? They have not done one thing right yet!! They friend** up everything they do. They have become the laughing stock of all the garages. They have not kept one promise they made. They will never come close to their legend Ron that he must be cringing in his grave at the sight of what happened to his Union!!! So please tell me what is so great that they have done??? We are waiting for 1 1/2 years to turn things around like they promised!!! And it has been downhill ever since they got in!!! I dont' think the "Old Board" is looking so bad anymore to the members" So if I were you I would keep my mouth shut.!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Delusional member of the old board....
Has been and never ever will be again.....
Open your eyes and learn to shut your mouth. It will get you in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Anthony C is done in Foster, Guys hate him there.

Question for Anthony C, way is it that everyone who is put on a 72 is not working.

Why arent you and the circus outside singing and dancing about all these members getting fired, It's the circuses fault they are coming down hard on the members now.
so lets bring back the good ole days of go along get along dont upset ups --you can not have it both ways -- first you say they do whatever ups tells them to do ---now your saying the e boards pissing off ups which one is it liar


Well-Known Member
Hey hammer what can't you admit the board is a friend* Up? They have not done one thing right yet!! They friend** up everything they do. They have become the laughing stock of all the garages. They have not kept one promise they made. They will never come close to their legend Ron that he must be cringing in his grave at the sight of what happened to his Union!!! So please tell me what is so great that they have done??? We are waiting for 1 1/2 years to turn things around like they promised!!! And it has been downhill ever since they got in!!! I dont' think the "Old Board" is looking so bad anymore to the members" So if I were you I would keep my mouth shut.!!!!!
hey how is those crown vic payments going sore loser


Well-Known Member
first you say they do whatever ups tells them to do ---now your saying the e boards pissing off ups which one is it liar

Liar, not

example: UPS tells the E board to raise co-pays and higher premiums, and they do without a fight.

The E boards outside complaining when they should be inside doing there job. But they dont know how to do there job, so they hang with a big blow up. If they knew how to read a contract and protect the members, management would not be walking out members for every little thing, and putting them on non working 72's

They promised Tough, fair contract enforcement, and are giving us Weak enforcement, UPS is now in charge and Tough.


Well-Known Member
Yes , I found out that 2 drivers were fired yesterday at Foster. 1 had 15 years and the other had 4 months. Both were fired for ADMITTED DISHONESTY , for falsifying documents. Maybe drivers need to do there jobs and not cut corners. STOP FLAGGING PACKAGES. I'll say it again ADMITTED that means they said they did it. BOTH got paid while on 72, the reason they were not working is because the company (UPS) told them they can stay home and wait for the 72 and get paid. BOTH SAID YES.......... This is UPS's way of not dealing with workers comp cases they rather pay them.


Well-Known Member
Yes , I found out that 2 drivers were fired yesterday at Foster. 1 had 15 years and the other had 4 months. Both were fired for ADMITTED DISHONESTY , for falsifying documents. Maybe drivers need to do there jobs and not cut corners. STOP FLAGGING PACKAGES. I'll say it again ADMITTED that means they said they did it. BOTH got paid while on 72, the reason they were not working is because the company (UPS) told them they can stay home and wait for the 72 and get paid. BOTH SAID YES.......... This is UPS's way of not dealing with workers comp cases they rather pay them.

Ace, keep lying to cover up your boy Anthony C

I have the real facts, direct from the (female) 15yr driver who got walked out.

I will be posting just enough to prove you wrong later on today.


Well-Known Member
Ace, keep lying to cover up your boy Anthony C I have the real facts, direct from the (female) 15yr driver who got walked out. I will be posting just enough to prove you wrong later on today.

There is nothing to lie about the facts are the facts. First off there were 2 people fired and I hope they both get there jobs back.

Your the one that wants to say that Anthony C does not know what he's doing , you sound bitter , like you wish you were the BA , are you TONY D or FRANKIE friend ? LOL

I know her steward and he said that Anthony C did every thing he could have done in her behalf. This is not the first time that she has been called in the office for this stuff or disciplined for it. Female or Male , drivers need to do there job sorry if thats harsh but its the truth , make every dicision like a sup is next to you and you will not get fired.
POINT BLANK........stop flagging stops , stop changing commericial stops to residental so they dont come up missed , stop padding stops , stop cutting corners to get in early.

