Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
You think that what UPS is doing is only happening here then you are a pawn. Its happening every where and every place. At least you admit a lot of things were wrong and don't worry but the time the ballots go out they will be changed and the members will be concerned on who will be handling our next contract. We all know what a fine job Angelo and Tony D has done in the past.....


When you post here you don't answer what has been asked. All you can do is bash the old board or call people that dont agree with you pawns.
The statement about what was wrong came from this eboard and their supporters.
Your opinion that 95% of the members don't care about the members who don't do their jobs shows where you are coming from. Keep doing your job UPS is watching you!


Well-Known Member
When you post here you don't answer what has been asked. All you can do is bash the old board or call people that dont agree with you pawns.
The statement about what was wrong came from this eboard and their supporters.
Your opinion that 95% of the members don't care about the members who don't do their jobs shows where you are coming from. Keep doing your job UPS is watching you!

Someone like this guy needs a rude awakening. Vinny go take your meds, you are getting out of control lately.


Well-Known Member
TDU . Their single greatest claim to fame is the election of leadership by the general membership instead of by a handful of people already in power. So why is it in there own leadership there are no elections for there own membership.

So TDU has stepped back in time and used the very tactics they rallied against. The TDU "Steering Committee" is appointed by TDU leadership, not elected by members. You say they are helping to reform, but what they are really doing is dividing our International membership to make us weak and take control.

So keep paying your $40.00 a year membership dues to them.
Meanwhile our E Board pays them 24,000 a year out of our fund for nonsense educational seminars. ( guess its payback time for lending Tim money for his campaign )

Every TDU member needs to ask themselves why they support an organization that isn't even willing to apply it's principles of governance to itself, absolutely stupid!

Do whats best for the members, not what's best for TDU

This is why we call you guys clueless. The "Steering Committee" is the TDU leadership!! It is elected by the TDU membership.

It is amazing how some of you guys have something to say about things that you dont know about or have preconceived ideas about. Then you make up conspiracy theories based on that incomplete or totally wrong ideas. You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts!!


Well-Known Member
By the time the ballots go out, there will be change, because by then every member will see how incompetent our E Board really is, and will be convinced they would not be able to handle our next contract.

Until then, let them keep paying back TDU..

I will say it again. The only people who hate TDU is UPS management and the old board members. Everyone reads the Convoy!!


Well-Known Member
This is why we call you guys clueless. The "Steering Committee" is the TDU leadership!! It is elected by the TDU membership.!

Thanks for correcting me, it should have read as follows, The TDU "Steering Committee" appoints TDU leadership, (Sandy Pope) who is not elected by members, but appointed by TDU

Statement made by TDU below:

"TDU’s Steering Committee voted unanimously to back Sandy P's campaign, after consulting TDU chapters, and activists and members, along with other Teamster leaders."

TDU is and was afraid to let their membership vote upon their endorsement, what would have happened if they didn't vote for her.???? Lets remember, that the majority of TDU is UPS members and TDU endorsed someone outside of UPS.


Well-Known Member
TDU is afraid to let membership vote on endorsement?
Please give me a break. Some points you are on the money, but brother, this isn't one of them.


Well-Known Member
When you post here you don't answer what has been asked. All you can do is bash the old board or call people that dont agree with you pawns.
The statement about what was wrong came from this eboard and their supporters.
Your opinion that 95% of the members don't care about the members who don't do their jobs shows where you are coming from. Keep doing your job UPS is watching you

What you need to do is take the time and go back and read the post here and then talk about who doesn't answer who.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for correcting me, it should have read as follows, The TDU "Steering Committee" appoints TDU leadership, (Sandy Pope) who is not elected by members, but appointed by TDU

Statement made by TDU below:

"TDU’s Steering Committee voted unanimously to back Sandy P's campaign, after consulting TDU chapters, and activists and members, along with other Teamster leaders."

TDU is and was afraid to let their membership vote upon their endorsement, what would have happened if they didn't vote for her.???? Lets remember, that the majority of TDU is UPS members and TDU endorsed someone outside of UPS.

What dont you get?? The members of TDU vote who is to be on the Steering Committee. No one is appointed. The Steering Committee is the TDU Leadership. It changes every year.

The endorsement was a no brainer. Do you really think reformers at TDU would endorse Hoffa?? Im sure they debated her strategy of running alone, but you say TDU was afraid of the membership?? Clueless as ever. This is an organization that single-handedly took on the old guard, the mobsters and pushed for elections for union officials.

On Pope not being UPS, look at your boy Jr Hoffa. Not only never been a UPSer, but he never was a Teamster. He ran on his daddy's name, but you think that is fine and dandy. Clueless as ever!!


Well-Known Member
What would you give to prove that...... But when the time is right there is a lot I can prove on how Angelo and Tony D wasted union members dues money while they were in office.

The time is now , dont make accustations without proof or showing of proof.......... trust me buddy UPS lost their case against me on what was considered EVIDENCE!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
What dont you get?? The members of TDU vote who is to be on the Steering Committee. No one is appointed. The Steering Committee is the TDU Leadership. It changes every year.

The endorsement was a no brainer. Do you really think reformers at TDU would endorse Hoffa?? Im sure they debated her strategy of running alone, but you say TDU was afraid of the membership?? Clueless as ever. This is an organization that single-handedly took on the old guard, the mobsters and pushed for elections for union officials.

On Pope not being UPS, look at your boy Jr Hoffa. Not only never been a UPSer, but he never was a Teamster. He ran on his daddy's name, but you think that is fine and dandy. Clueless as ever!!
This e-board is clueless and they ran on Ron Carey's name.


Well-Known Member
That was the dumbest thing a President could of said!!! That was probably the main reason why Row A lost!!! Thank god Howie is no longer around!!! :wink2:

Howie spoke from the hip. Im sure he regrets saying it. But he was frustrated and didnt have a good answer to the person at the mic!! But to say Row A lost because he said this is way off. Row A lost because they lost touch with the membership. They were close with the stewards only. They backed 2 sell out contracts that they should have opposed. Tim said it right to Howie's face at the mic but Howie and co were in denial. No one on that board stood up and said NO (thats right not even your boy Tony D). It took the Row B guys to put out the info on what a sellout contract it was and it went down to defeat. That is the reason Row A lost!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Howie spoke from the hip. Im sure he regrets saying it. But he was frustrated and didnt have a good answer to the person at the mic!! But to say Row A lost because he said this is way off. Row A lost because they lost touch with the membership. They were close with the stewards only. They backed 2 sell out contracts that they should have opposed. Tim said it right to Howie's face at the mic but Howie and co were in denial. No one on that board stood up and said NO (thats right not even your boy Tony D). It took the Row B guys to put out the info on what a sellout contract it was and it went down to defeat. That is the reason Row A lost!!