Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey crash you met your match. This guy has a lot of energy! Glad to see your helping him out! I thought Stu was pretty good. I guess you can't believe everything you hear. Good luck Flushing Center!!!
STU PLAYS BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE, he is a former employee of liberty mutual , and is not an actual lawyer only a legal rep!
Ryan is a lawyer and DAMN GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES!.
he is handling my case m my wifes comp and disability cases also.
he took on what stew swore was a losing case and stew told me i would be lucky not to do any jail time behind my case, Ryan fought and won as wel as winning the appeal against me. Stew was telling people that I said i was not propperly represented by the former eboard, JOHN N fought tooth and nail until his last day in office on my case and was at 3 days of my arbitration as a witness for me , THAT IS ONLY 1 OF THE REASONS I WILL SWEAR HOW MUCH OF A STAND UP INDIVIDUAL HE IS AS WELL AS HOW MUCH OF A P.O.S. STEW IS!
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Active Member
they just wanted liam gone cause he was trying to straighten things out, i worked with him, i saw how they harassed him, how they followed him every day, how they planted stuff in his truck, how they just didnt want him there..as soon as you stand up to them, they go after you ..it happened to me too...they dug stuff up from many years back on him, stuff that was long over and buried..this company is sick, sick sick....i have absolutely no respect for any of the management at any level in this company..they are criminals, liars and dbags ! they dont care if you die, as long as thier numbers are good the next morning..the ed system screwed things up so bad in my center, they bring this idiot in from texas, who knows nothing about our areas, he asks the route drivers questions and advice, and does the opposite...


Active Member
glad to see that im not the only one that stu mis represented . i thought i was going crazy i swear, everthing i gave this guy that could help me he refused to use. he better pray that i win my appeal and go on to win my case..he definetly plays both sides, i have told him how i feel as well, have had shouting matches with him too.. i tried to get rid of him, but other attorneys told me it was too deep into the trial...he knows everyone in management and im 100 percent sure he screwed me..its ok cause the distric attorney told me where to go about him...what comes around goes around, that i am sure about !


I started this.
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thanks had enough, you have no idea how much energy i have, being in the position i am for almost 2 years has not been easy, has givin me alot of time to research alot of stuff and i have started alot of trouble for my management..they wanted a reason to hate me, they got it !! tony g didnt like it when all 6`3 240 lbs of me got in his face, boy he shut up quick ..and my maroon manager and supervisor listened to him and perjured..such cowards...put me in a ring with them, ill tie 1 arm behind my back and still take care of business...thats my dream !! :) i was fortunate enough to get frank w`s cell phone number from some idiot who answered the 212 number i called, the girl didnt even ask who i was, she was like, ok, heres his cell # , lol, i was like , hey thanks..when i called him, he was so mad that i had his number, he called me a liar and didnt believe me how i got it..i was like sir, just call this number and ask them if they gave it to me...then he tells me that the guys i named were his long time friends and that im the bad one here not them, even though he doesnt know jack about me or my situation ...2 weeks later gallo is gone , so maybe my call had some effect ...who knows...wonder where they sent him, if anyone knows, please let me know, ill be having a subpena delivered to him soon...:)


Well-Known Member
thanks had enough, you have no idea how much energy i have, being in the position i am for almost 2 years has not been easy, has givin me alot of time to research alot of stuff and i have started alot of trouble for my management..they wanted a reason to hate me, they got it !! tony g didnt like it when all 6`3 240 lbs of me got in his face, boy he shut up quick ..and my maroon manager and supervisor listened to him and perjured..such cowards...put me in a ring with them, ill tie 1 arm behind my back and still take care of business...thats my dream !! :) i was fortunate enough to get frank w`s cell phone number from some idiot who answered the 212 number i called, the girl didnt even ask who i was, she was like, ok, heres his cell # , lol, i was like , hey thanks..when i called him, he was so mad that i had his number, he called me a liar and didnt believe me how i got it..i was like sir, just call this number and ask them if they gave it to me...then he tells me that the guys i named were his long time friends and that im the bad one here not them, even though he doesnt know jack about me or my situation ...2 weeks later gallo is gone , so maybe my call had some effect ...who knows...wonder where they sent him, if anyone knows, please let me know, ill be having a subpena delivered to him soon...:)

Hey FCS, good luck with your case. If your call helped get Anthony G moved, more power to you bro. Keep us informed what is going on, but just be careful what you write on here. Some of your language can be taken as threatening to management. Think before you click!!


bella amicizia
And, they are watching what we do here. Be sure of that. It is sad, in a way, how they put so much energy into investigating chit-chat.


Active Member
actually i hope they are watching and reading, nothing i say i regret after what they put me through. im not threathing anyone with anything other than legal forces. i know one thing, my big heavy set manager is terrorfied of me though, he saw me in a bar last december when he was out drinking and driving with his supers, and he paniced and ran out the back door so fast he forgot one of the supes , the poor guy had to walk without his jacket about a mile to the other bar to find them..why? i didnt say a word to him, its his own guilt..he knows what he did to me, guilt is a horrible thing to live with , isnt it john w.


Active Member
whats funny is that 5 and a half yrs ago my manager dave m and supes used to tell me to flag stops, like missed commercial or Air that was going to be late...now they are firing guys for it ..MAKE UP YOUR MIND A-HOLES !


Active Member
tony g followed me into the office one morning, closed the door and said to me " i dont even know you and i dont like you " i swear, his exact words...i said to him, why? because of what my manager said about me? because i stand up for myself when i get harassed for no reason , because im tired of my loads being dumped in in old way? because im tired of being put in an unsafe environment? So he proceeds to tell me " if you dont like it here, theres the fn door, and he repeated thAt about a dozen times untill finally i stood up..then my shop steward pushed me out of the office where i waited till tony g came out..i figured that was it, i was fired or something, but when he came out he just said, go to work, its ok...little did i know what he was planning for a few weeks later...I cant wait to see his MUG SHOT


Active Member
what i really want to do is start a class action suit , if anyone is reading this that has been through similar things with this company, write me and let me know if you will sign on. we need alot of signatures for a class action ..


Active Member
Its funny just how fast people talk s--t from ups, im on here 2 days and george b from safety who monitors this site is telling everyone what im saying !! Get a life bro, the facts are real, everything i say on here is 100 percent the truth, and if you or anyone else from ups dont like it, call me personally and discuss it with me. !! All i wanted was the opportunity to get better and go back to work , and that opportunity was not givin to me over the last 2 years. Just because my dm and manager lied, doesn`t make me a bad guy ! Remember that before you bad mouth me ok


Active Member
i reported my injury with my shop steward present and my manager told me to go on comp. do you want to see the trial transcrips? my manager made up a story to save his ass, saying i threatened to go on comp because he was harassing me about attendance . thats the biggest lie i have ever heard. its funny how when i had my shop steward subpenaed it took me 7 months and 3 subpenas to finally get him in, because ups didnt want him to tell his story..the attorney freaked out when i brought him in, sayin, judge, you cant let him testify, you cant..while stu sat there looking at the floor saying nothing when the judge allowed them to not let him testify..they appealed him testifying the next time i had him come in, and liberty was fined for purposly delaying the trial, and i was paid the fine...no corruption there right george?? gimmie a break !!!


Active Member
if my real friends werent so afraid of being fired for helping me, they would speak up and verify everything i said. but unfortunately they have families and have seen how ruthless management is and know they will find a way to punish them for speaking for me..and i understand that, but it shouldnt have to be that way ! i am a good guy, and a hard worker, as a cover driver i gave them better numbers on every route i covered, alot of times i was in hours earlier than the route drivers themselves. not because i was trying to work fast, just because thats the way i work, i focus on my job and i do it, i dont linger around accounts talking, and i dont talk on the phone much while im working. like my lawyer said in court to my manager, you say this guy is a bad guy, then how come he has nothing on his record? no suspensions, no 72`s, nothing. and john w replies, i gave him a break cause i felt bad that he had personal problems ! what a crock of s--t ! what personal problems john, tell me? oh, i broke up with a girl 6 months earlier? big deal, and did i ever tell you my personal busines? no !! so stop the bulls--t already, admit you lied and lets end this journey already ! your gonna lose in the long run and cost this company way more money than it should have ..So, whos the bad guy here, me or my management??