Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Active Member
it just shows you the blatent disrespect the management has for its workers, always putting them in harms way so thier numbers look good for them . they dont care if you get fired or die ! i have seen some of the nicest guys lose thier moms and dads and not even an " im sorry for your loss was said by my manager" to them .. one guy even confronted him a few weeks later, cause he couldnt hold it in any more . what kind of animals are you people?


Active Member
hey george, do you know how broke i am because of tony g`s lies? ive had to boil water and put it in my fridge just so i can have something to drink..ive had friends and family bringing me food so i can eat. but thats ok, cause i will continue my fight till the end because i know im right and i didnt deserve this . i was never offered light duty, but yet i was turned down for unemployement even , something i have only used once in my life, but yet paid into all my life ..its just amazing... and dont think i forgot about you fred a from risk management, i called you the day i found out my case was being contested, you know i told you that they were lying and that you were going to waste my time and yours, but yet you continued on with gallos false claim on contesting my case for something that had nothing to do with my injury..hope you had a good time up in lake george recently, hope your speech went well ...tell me fred, how do you feel when you speak in front of a room of people when you deep down inside know what you are really about ? i bet you dont sleep that well do you ..that would explain why your so fat, you eat your sorrows away dont you ..carma is a bitch, thats all im saying. what comes around goes around, and when it comes around its gonna be like a tornado !


Well-Known Member
WOW I just saw the main photo on Row C website and Rocky D is in it ,,, LOL ,, WOW all the years that Tony D bad mouth and trashed Rocky ,,, LOL Frankie friend is in the back ground standing behind Tony LOL


Well-Known Member
NEWS FROM FOSTER : Local 804 President Tim S was at the building tonite , seen talking to Frankie friend, Heard that Frankie is going around the building hinting that he will be the next BA in the hall.



Well-Known Member
NEWS FROM FOSTER : Local 804 President Tim S was at the building tonite.

President shows up when managements not around, nice job Tim. Your BA in Foster Anthony C is also a wimp, He hides from management when he's there, he dodges them and hides in corners.

I love this one, in Foster yesterday, he was talking to guys in a center. As soon as the supervisor started the PCM, he ran out like a mouse as soon as the supervisor said they abserved over 400 divers and most of them were working unsafe. He ran out with his tale between his legs. Assistant shop steward made commits by protecting the drivers to the sup, and was pulled into office after for distrupting the meeting. Anthony C was no were to be found, maybe hiding in a bathroom stall, meanwhile shop steward fighting it out with management in the office, and our own BA Anthony C didnt even stand up and get involved, just looked the other way. Like I said, Anthony C is in it for the perks, 80,0000 salary, off the truck, out of the heat and cold, time for him to go.

On another occasion, Anthony C tell some members, that Tim is not a TDU member, just a few of the board members are, but not Tim. Just wanted to post this pic

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Well-Known Member
Quote from Tony D: "I now have a broader perspective on what the members needs are being back on the truck in current times" First off those are words Tony D couldn't even spell ,, but really , so in other words , You are saying " I destoyed our union and I'm sorry " Tony D also says " restoring the Respect, Pride, Dignity and Integrity that we all once enjoyed as Teamster Members of Local 804 " You mean what you destroyed over 12 years when you were making $165,000 ,,

And the best is how he starts out this false sense of hope ,, " Hello my Brothers and Sisters " Coming from a man that cares for nothing but himself , members from Foster that were fired under his watch went to Arbitration to fight for there jobs DID HE EVEN OFFER TO GO TO ANY ONE OF HIS FELLOW BROTHERS ARBITRATIONS TO HELP IN THERE FIGHT???? NO , NOT ONE... I would have loved to been there when the member ask Al C "hey , is Tony coming to the Arb? no guy sorry ,Why not? you know Tony ,he's Tony " Maybe some of those guys could have got there jobs back , there life back .... I really dont understand but then again he didn't pay for my schooling.

I can't wait to come out with the deals he made with management to stick it to UNION members that he didn't like , putting UNION members on a 8 hour plan , just ask his little buddy , I asked him "the guys a steward why do you allow that? he needs to be broken in" broken in ??? are u kidding me......cant remember is that on tape? think so "horse trading" members , one for another ,, asking UPS management to fire members just so he can come down on his white horse and save the day.......WHAT A GREAT MAN......


Well-Known Member
"and our own BA Anthony C didnt even stand up and get involved" so you are from Foster ,, :happy-very:

So be a man and when you see him again ask him why he left "if thats what happen" and them post here what he says..........