Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Still under under construction but up and running!!!! local804membersvoice.com

"Up and running"?? More like limping!! I bet the same clueless people who post on here might be setting up this new website. I mean cant any of you guys spell!! It's comical, talk about a circus!!

And then there is Tony D's message on the website. I think it was Aces who said it is all about Tony. Just in the first paragraph he uses the word "I" six times. Every sentence has the word I in it. Further on he asks the members to "help me take back our union"!! Aces you were right on brother!! What an egomaniac he is.

He writes about their "proven record of success". Yeah I guess it all depends on the definition of the word success. Success like bankrupting our health and welfare fund. Success like the frozen pension after they allowed UPS to cut it. Success like the numerous contract givebacks and lost language. Success like the ever popular split raises. Success like overloading our arbitration docket. Success like horse trading the members. Success like bloated salaries (over $150,000 a year plus matching 401Ks).

The only thing that is "proven" is that they are not worthy of being back in that hall again!!


Well-Known Member
Hey the calls are flooding in about the site. Its looking extrememly good. They are not collecting money to do the site like Row B did and ask for money. You see when they win they will not have TDU on their payroll. Its about time we get rid of this circus. Local 804, aces, brown, and row A last but not least Hammerhead DON'T WORRY THEY DONT EXPECT YOUR SUPPORT.

LOL, "the calls are flooding in"!! LOL Im sure. Lets see you dont have to be an 804 Teamster to text to the poll, yeah that sounds like a fair and reasonable poll. LOL So what is the count after you subtract had enough, mistake, lonelywolf, their wives and kids with cell phones, Tony D and co, plus the entire UPS management team texting in. LOL Real professional boys!! Keep the comedy show going.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey the calls are flooding in about the site. Its looking extrememly good. They are not collecting money to do the site like Row B did and ask for money. You see when they win they will not have TDU on their payroll. Its about time we get rid of this circus. Local 804, aces, brown, and row A last but not least Hammerhead DON'T WORRY THEY DONT EXPECT YOUR SUPPORT.
The Members Voices are speaking. Let the morans here laugh all they want. There are only four of them.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The current board has a proven record of givebacks and lies. Let’s take a look at just a few of them.

Our union Trustees voted with UPS to have members – pay additional co-pays on different Procedures.
Our union Trustees voted with UPS to have members pay a $200.00 co-pay for Emergency room visits.

Our union Trustees voted with UPS to cut the lump sum benefit, they also voted with UPS to eliminate Health and Welfare benefits and voted with UPS to increase the largest co-pay in the history of LOCAL 804
Our union Trustees Voted with UPS to increase retiree Health Care Premiums up to $525.00 a month and the rates will go up by 10% each year beginning in January 2012. This represents a pension cut through the back door
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not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
"Up and running"?? More like limping!! I bet the same clueless people who post on here might be setting up this new website. I mean cant any of you guys spell!! It's comical, talk about a circus!!

And then there is Tony D's message on the website. I think it was Aces who said it is all about Tony. Just in the first paragraph he uses the word "I" six times. Every sentence has the word I in it. Further on he asks the members to "help me take back our union"!! Aces you were right on brother!! What an egomaniac he is.

He writes about their "proven record of success". Yeah I guess it all depends on the definition of the word success. Success like bankrupting our health and welfare fund. Success like the frozen pension after they allowed UPS to cut it. Success like the numerous contract givebacks and lost language. Success like the ever popular split raises. Success like overloading our arbitration docket. Success like horse trading the members. Success like bloated salaries (over $150,000 a year plus matching 401Ks).

The only thing that is "proven" is that they are not worthy of being back in that hall again!!

And now tell us all about the dignity & respect that the current board has gotten the members.

How about the 24/7 oh thats right it is an answering service !!!!!

The only thing proven is that you can not admit a mistake.


Well-Known Member
I was actually truly effing offended today to find out that my BA was not aware of my mothers passing 4 weeks ago, now I know there is alot going on right now that is way more important to most , but in the old days, " YOUR EXECUTIVE BOARD PAYED THIER RESPECTS"! or atleast knew about such a situation........THIS COMPANY BLOWS!


Well-Known Member
The current board has a proven record of givebacks and lies. Let’s take a look at just a few of them.

Our union Trustees voted with UPS to have members – pay additional co-pays on different Procedures.
Our union Trustees voted with UPS to have members pay a $200.00 co-pay for Emergency room visits.

Our union Trustees voted with UPS to cut the lump sum benefit, they also voted with UPS to eliminate Health and Welfare benefits and voted with UPS to increase the largest co-pay in the history of LOCAL 804
Our union Trustees Voted with UPS to increase retiree Health Care Premiums up to $525.00 a month and the rates will go up by 10% each year beginning in January 2012. This represents a pension cut through the back door

Our union trustees voted to save our health plan by implementing some difficult changes. Some of us have tried to explain it to you Row C (aka Row A) guys but you fail to understand . So I will type slow so you can understand. Without the changes, some of which you mention, our health plan would have been $4 million in debt as of this June. Your boys knew back when they were in charge the condition of that plan and decided to punt until after their (losing)election. They knew the truth but did nothing. A matter of fact they secretly agreed with UPS management to put in into arbitration in which case an arbitrator could have stopped all retirees from any coverage!! That would have been something huh?? Face the facts, your boys lack of leadership (Tony D, Angelo G, John M, Bill B) forced the new board's hand to make difficult decisions that had to be made!! A matter of fact the funds are running surpluses thanks to those changes. That is leadership!! That is good union stewardship!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Our union trustees voted to save our health plan by implementing some difficult changes. Some of us have tried to explain it to you Row C (aka Row A) guys but you fail to understand . So I will type slow so you can understand. Without the changes, some of which you mention, our health plan would have been $4 million in debt as of this June. Your boys knew back when they were in charge the condition of that plan and decided to punt until after their (losing)election. They knew the truth but did nothing. A matter of fact they secretly agreed with UPS management to put in into arbitration in which case an arbitrator could have stopped all retirees from any coverage!! That would have been something huh?? Face the facts, your boys lack of leadership (Tony D, Angelo G, John M, Bill B) forced the new board's hand to make difficult decisions that had to be made!! A matter of fact the funds are running surpluses thanks to those changes. That is leadership!! That is good union stewardship!!

Thank the members and retirees for the surpluses they paid for it.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey brown "maroon is that any better? Go proof read the site and help The member's voice. I see a few mistakes myself. I will do my good deed and tell them!:wink2: By the way where is your other personality? LOL


Well-Known Member
I was actually truly effing offended today to find out that my BA was not aware of my mothers passing 4 weeks ago, now I know there is alot going on right now that is way more important to most , but in the old days, " YOUR EXECUTIVE BOARD PAYED THIER RESPECTS"! or atleast knew about such a situation........THIS COMPANY BLOWS!

You drunk or something because what you posted makes no sense.....

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I was actually truly effing offended today to find out that my BA was not aware of my mothers passing 4 weeks ago, now I know there is alot going on right now that is way more important to most , but in the old days, " YOUR EXECUTIVE BOARD PAYED THIER RESPECTS"! or atleast knew about such a situation........THIS COMPANY BLOWS!
I received a bible when my mom passed away and about 7 of the E-board showed at the viewing!