Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
My name is T D and I have been a dues paying member of Teamster Local 804 for over 32 years. For the first 20 years as a member and a shop steward I never went to any stewards or general membership meeting. Most of you know, I was one of the old board members for 12 years who did not care about members only myself , I made sure that all of my white italian goombahs got nice easy jobs. It wasn't easy but I even pulled strings with management to make sure some of them were stewards even if they didn't work on that center or were in a different classification. I really could care less about the members or what management was doing to them just as long as my job was easy. Made sure to wear $1,000 dollar suits and wave and smile in the building. If any union member got out of line , I made sure management put them in place , one call and his overtime was gone , one call and they were on a OJS , I was even able to put a steward on the 8 hour plan , yes I could have stopped it at anytime but I needed him in my pocket , I needed him to feel like I was his buddy , come on , do you think if any of my goombah's were on a 8 hour plan I would have allowed that? LOL no way. I even sent him to school , it wasn't cheap but I know he will always be in my corner. Everything was going great but the members got upset because we were hiding the truth from them they got upset. So what if their pension and medical were destroyed we were the one's that build it up (or was that Ronnie , i forget ) Then we got voted out. WOW I had so many bills to pay what was I going to do. I was mad and very upset , I asked all the stewards to step down for my sake , but no one did. Thats the thanks I get for putting them were they are today , all they cared about was the money they get , one guy that I gave a center and the preload was crying like a LITTLE baby , "I can't give this up for him NO WAY. "Some goombah he was. So I went back driving wasn't easy , first thing I did was bump a guy that was doing a early run for 10 years , I could care less , members had the nerve to think I mite show up at there arbitration LOL so what if I was the BA at the time they were fired , what good was me being there anyway , I don't remember nothing , didn't have any notes so what good would I have been , but I almost went because I was thinking , hey I can wear my nice suits there , but I didn't go. Every thing was going pretty well , well until I gave a driver a ride home and made some racial remarks , hey how was I to know a white guy was married to a black woman , he should have told me before he got in my car. After that things were bad , I ran for shop steward , all the guys told me they were going to vote for me , I felt good , I got crushed WOW .. I knew after that I needed someone to stand and back me , thank god my little buddy was there , my goombah's were not happy , the nerve to pick him , had no choice he fit..... So them we put together the Members Voice Slate , so I called Angelo , that wasn't easy , I mean I never liked the guy always thought he was so smart , nothing but a management deal maker , but hey had to get some people. Then Angelo tells me he wants to add Rocky,,, ROCKY , I put my hands together palm to palm fingers open and said ,, are you kidding me ??? him ,, you know I cant stand him , what a kiss up he is ,, stop with him please ,, but I said what the hey... So please find it in your heart to vote for us ,Angelo and I even stopped dieing our hair to look older. I really need to make more money and wear my suits again. I promise this time I will do a better job , I will fight for better contract and only make 150,000 not 165,000 see I'm not an animal, PLEASE VOTE MEMBERS VOICE.......

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Well-Known Member
Please do not print and post up any thing from this site in any UPS building or leave in the locker rooms it agaisn't UPS rules.



Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
My name is T D and I have been a dues paying member of Teamster Local 804 for over 32 years. For the first 20 years as a member and a shop steward I never went to any stewards or general membership meeting. Most of you know, I was one of the old board members for 12 years who did not care about members only myself , I made sure that all of my white italian goombahs got nice easy jobs. It wasn't easy but I even pulled strings with management to make sure some of them were stewards even if they didn't work on that center or were in a different classification. I really could care less about the members or what management was doing to them just as long as my job was easy. Made sure to wear $1,000 dollar suits and wave and smile in the building. If any union member got out of line , I made sure management put them in place , one call and his overtime was gone , one call and they were on a OJS , I was even able to put a steward on the 8 hour plan , yes I could have stopped it at anytime but I needed him in my pocket , I needed him to feel like I was his buddy , come on , do you think if any of my goombah's were on a 8 hour plan I would have allowed that? LOL no way. I even sent him to school , it wasn't cheap but I know he will always be in my corner. Everything was going great but the members got upset because we were hiding the truth from them they got upset. So what if their pension and medical were destroyed we were the one's that build it up (or was that Ronnie , i forget ) Then we got voted out. WOW I had so many bills to pay what was I going to do. I was mad and very upset , I asked all the stewards to step down for my sake , but no one did. Thats the thanks I get for putting them were they are today , all they cared about was the money they get , one guy that I gave a center and the preload was crying like a LITTLE baby , "I can't give this up for him NO WAY. "Some goombah he was. So I went back driving wasn't easy , first thing I did was bump a guy that was doing a early run for 10 years , I could care less , members had the nerve to think I mite show up at there arbitration LOL so what if I was the BA at the time they were fired , what good was me being there anyway , I don't remember nothing , didn't have any notes so what good would I have been , but I almost went because I was thinking , hey I can wear my nice suits there , but I didn't go. Every thing was going pretty well , well until I gave a driver a ride home and made some racial remarks , hey how was I to know a white guy was married to a black woman , he should have told me before he got in my car. After that things were bad , I ran for shop steward , all the guys told me they were going to vote for me , I felt good , I got crushed WOW .. I knew after that I needed someone to stand and back me , thank god my little buddy was there , my goombah's were not happy , the nerve to pick him , had no choice he fit..... So them we put together the Members Voice Slate , so I called Angelo , that wasn't easy , I mean I never liked the guy always thought he was so smart , nothing but a management deal maker , but hey had to get some people. Then Angelo tells me he wants to add Rocky,,, ROCKY , I put my hands together palm to palm fingers open and said ,, are you kidding me ??? him ,, you know I cant stand him , what a kiss up he is ,, stop with him please ,, but I said what the hey... So please find it in your heart to vote for us ,Angelo and I even stopped dieing our hair to look older. I really need to make more money and wear my suits again. I promise this time I will do a better job , I will fight for better contract and only make 150,000 not 165,000 see I'm not an animal, PLEASE VOTE MEMBERS VOICE.......

This was edited?? LOL Great rant Aces, but next time use something called paragraphs.
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Please do not print and post up any thing from this site in any UPS building or leave in the locker rooms it agaisn't UPS rules. THANKYOU:smart:
That has to be THE funniest post I have ever read about the Potato because it is so sadly true! You just forgot about being mute at a stewards arbitration so he could get fired and let the company scare the hell out of everyone with a decision on production! What would happen though if absolutely no one could maintain? The potato never explained that to the members because he couldn't use it as a leverage tool to get all of members afraid of him alongside management. Made him feel more needed? Possibly?You can't get in trouble printing it up and handing it out if it happens off work time outside the building though! Maybe even a copy and text messge joke! Great job! Almost split my sides!


Well-Known Member

Here's our union dues at work, now I know where to find our E Board when there MIA



Well-Known Member
Here's our union dues at work, now I know where to find our E Board when there MIA

View attachment 5440

Dues money?? Stop the lies!! Any money that Tim or Jim gives to her campaign comes out of their own pocket. Just like Howie and Tony D and Angelo and the boys all donated big bucks to the Hoffa campaign!! The picture was staged by the magazine that took the picture and did the article. I think it was in New York Magazine back in April.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 5446 Lets go along to get along

Ahh, the good ol times, right Tony. You got to walk around like you were important all decked out in your fancy suits. Now you are an old has been trying to scratch your way back into the hall by destroying our union in the process. So Tony if you get back in (not) would you re-implement your old salaries?? Would you give yourselves the matching 401ks again?? Would you put our health fund into arbitration again?? Would you re -implement 9-5 hours at the hall?? Would you go back to horse trading one member for another or one group of members for another?? Would you take down the pictures of Ron Carey that are presently hanging on the walls of the hall?? Would you go back to the soft go along to get along polices of Row A?? Would you go back to donating big bucks to Hoffa's campaign?? Would you go back to keeping the membership in the dark about everything and selling out drivers behind closed doors??

LOL, this membership will never go back to those bad ol days. We are better off for voting Row B. Perfect they are not, but at least we have adults running the show who tell us the truth and keep us all in the loop. They work very long hours at the hall and hit their buildings at all times of the day and night. The change didnt happen on Jan 1 2010, but it is slowly happening. But most of all, we do not want to go backwards. So Tony, give it up its over!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Ahh, the good ol times, right Tony. You got to walk around like you were important all decked out in your fancy suits. Now you are an old has been trying to scratch your way back into the hall by destroying our union in the process. So Tony if you get back in (not) would you re-implement your old salaries?? Would you give yourselves the matching 401ks again?? Would you put our health fund into arbitration again?? Would you re -implement 9-5 hours at the hall?? Would you go back to horse trading one member for another or one group of members for another?? Would you take down the pictures of Ron Carey that are presently hanging on the walls of the hall?? Would you go back to the soft go along to get along polices of Row A?? Would you go back to donating big bucks to Hoffa's campaign?? Would you go back to keeping the membership in the dark about everything and selling out drivers behind closed doors??

LOL, this membership will never go back to those bad ol days. We are better off for voting Row B. Perfect they are not, but at least we have adults running the show who tell us the truth and keep us all in the loop. They work very long hours at the hall and hit their buildings at all times of the day and night. The change didnt happen on Jan 1 2010, but it is slowly happening. But most of all, we do not want to go backwards. So Tony, give it up its over!!
Vinny take your prozac, and clean the mold out of your ears. That is why you are living in a basement. You have multiple personalities. What flavor prozac does sell outs like? Ask you friend Joe K.