Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Dues money?? Stop the lies!! Any money that Tim or Jim gives to her campaign comes out of their own pocket. Just like Howie and Tony D and Angelo and the boys all donated big bucks to the Hoffa campaign!! The picture was staged by the magazine that took the picture and did the article. I think it was in New York Magazine back in April.
Where is the proof that Tony. Angelo and John did?

Had enough

Well-Known Member
So far everything we posted we have had back up. Show me where Tony, Angelo and John put funds in for Hoffa

Show us is right!!!!! YOU CAN'T BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS LIE!!!


Well-Known Member
Just this time, when you lose the next election, retire and take your jeep and cadillac to Florida.

just a tip........
For the election, you would do a lot better from a positive campaign instead of the negative smear that you do. If your going to copy Tims strategy that he did on you with the polls, webpages, ect..... you might want to take that from his book to.....

Bada Bing good buddy


Well-Known Member
Just like the $18,000 rat delivered by fedex and the 400 people fired under this board?
Its over 400 by now, plus we did not see a receipt that fed ex did not deliver it. Who believes your word. Your whole campaign was a lie. It was told to me it was 18,000. Maybe your right on the amount. The fact that we have no job security is more of an issue and we know how many were walked out. So shove it!


Well-Known Member
Its over 400 by now, plus we did not see a receipt that fed ex did not deliver it. Who believes your word. Your whole campaign was a lie. It was told to me it was 18,000. Maybe your right on the amount. The fact that we have no job security is more of an issue and we know how many were walked out. So shove it!

This 400 number is a made up number unless you can confirm it with proof. On the receipt, you were at the meeting. You had every opportunity to ask for it, but did nothing!! On job security, this is America in the year 2011. Corporate America has too much power and are attacking unions both public and private. Our problem is not unique to local 804.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, the good ol times, right Tony. You got to walk around like you were important all decked out in your fancy suits. Now you are an old has been trying to scratch your way back into the hall by destroying our union in the process. So Tony if you get back in (not) would you re-implement your old salaries?? Would you give yourselves the matching 401ks again?? Would you put our health fund into arbitration again?? Would you re -implement 9-5 hours at the hall?? Would you go back to horse trading one member for another or one group of members for another?? Would you take down the pictures of Ron Carey that are presently hanging on the walls of the hall?? Would you go back to the soft go along to get along polices of Row A?? Would you go back to donating big bucks to Hoffa's campaign?? Would you go back to keeping the membership in the dark about everything and selling out drivers behind closed doors??

LOL, this membership will never go back to those bad ol days. We are better off for voting Row B. Perfect they are not, but at least we have adults running the show who tell us the truth and keep us all in the loop. They work very long hours at the hall and hit their buildings at all times of the day and night. The change didnt happen on Jan 1 2010, but it is slowly happening. But most of all, we do not want to go backwards. So Tony, give it up its over!!

Tony, why dont you answer my questions?? We know you are on here.


Well-Known Member
Take away the people stealing (like steve m with his bogus 9 vacations he didn't take while in office) and comp fraud and how many do you really have? The local is actually winning arbitrations now, unlike Tonys track record in that battle.


Well-Known Member
Take away the people stealing (like steve m with his bogus 9 vacations he didn't take while in office) and comp fraud and how many do you really have? The local is actually winning arbitrations now, unlike Tonys track record in that battle.
How many arbitrations did your Carey win?


Well-Known Member
How many arbitrations did your Carey win?

Very revealing "your Carey"!! Tony never did like Ron Carey. But thats ok Tony wasnt worthy of even of being Ron's caddy!! But you are trying to compare Ron Carey to Tony ??? Are you kidding me?? Ron Carey was a true leader. He took this local and made it the most respected local in the entire International. He got us things other locals only dreamed about. And management feared him. Tony and co allowed this local to crumble under their leadership. They allowed UPS to dictate the terms and they became tools of management. Ron Carey would never horse trade one member for another. Hey Tony who did you save when you sacrificed Liam R, one of your stewards, and saddled the entire Intl with a lost production case on SPORH?? Great job Tony!!