Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Cyrus should think long and hard about the move he is making, there are a lot of members from his center that are not happy with him. Many members in the building are already saying they know why Tony D will run , its because he only cares about himself , but for Cyrus to run, WOW is he really a pawn, most people know Cyrus was a closet Row B supporter anyway. All he is doing is opening the door for him to loss the next steward election.

Anthony C and a couple of people were at the gate getting signatures for Sandy Pope, they got well over 300. When Anthony was asked if he was going to vote for Sandy? He said "I don't know who I will vote for , but I want to make sure someone runs against Hoffa because we need to get a better contract" This guy is here less then a month and already he has most of Foster behind him . THINK HARD CYRUS


Well-Known Member
I predict big turnout row b -52%- row c 24%-bill.b slate 21% thats my prediction for next years election.
On September 17, 2010 you said "Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!" I don't listen to one thing you say. Got that?


Well-Known Member
Wow its been a long time since I've seen this post. Let's have a quick recap of events that has happened since then.
Anthony C has accepted a couple of non merit suspensions, a couple of dischsrges and lets not forget about him violating our contract agreement with UPS by entering into an agreement outside of the contract lines. So Anthony has been very busy and cooperative with management.

As for Cyrus he is still a man of high integrity and his commitment to the members of foster ave can not be compared. The current e board is not who you think they are. I for one would like to have a debate on the state of the union. There are a lot of decisions that are being masked as being in the members interest but that's not the whole truth.
Just wondering how things are going in spring street Anthony. Heard that the members that know u as a fellow driver and steward are not surprised by your actions. You of all people should becareful because you were never elected. You was appointed because the other 2 couldn't handle the assignment. You was sent into foster cause Dave O wasn't man enough to handle his duties. I know who you are and i promise you will be exposed for the deal maker you are.....

By the way Cyrus is still my steward!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
On September 17, 2010 you said "Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!" I don't listen to one thing you say. Got that?

Well I wont agree with everything he says but will agree with that post..... What has transpired beyond that is out of our control.


Well-Known Member
It's nothing new brother! Its just a different location!! Many families have enjoyed the barbecues for many years!

Just a different location?? There were over 300 people there. In a huge park , not cramped in a tiny parking lot behind the Hall. Volley ball games, members tossing footballs around, games and activities for kids. Admit your just a little jealous Tony!!


Well-Known Member
. Tony D and the boys will be running the local in the future. So you better get used to it..

Another typo. I think you meant Tony D and the boys will be ruining the local in the future.Sorry, they already did that once Ron Carey was gone. This new board should be given the chance to negotiate with UPS for our next contract in 2013. Do you really think the membership will ever trust Tony and co to look out for our best interests after he sat on his hands and backed the last 2 sellout contracts??


Well-Known Member
This is why no one on our center likes you Warrior , and why they laugh at you , and as far as how you represent the drivers LOL thats funny , go alone get alone. If there was an election for alt-steward you would be laughed out. You think you know who I am but I know who you are......

Truth be told I would like to see Anthony C be more aggressive with management but he has his style. I'm surprised at how you trash him here , I know you don't say it to his face. You forget all your buddies that no longer work here thanks to Tony D , you forget how over the years you trashed him about the way he handled the drivers. Still waiting to here a steward say that any member that got fired could have been stopped my Anthony C or suspended did not deserve it but I don't here everything.

You talk about how "
Cyrus he is still a man of high integrity and his commitment to the members of foster ave" sure when he has people like you trying to trade grievances to get a drivers jobs back of course he can look good. If I had a bunch of grievances and it could get a guy his job back I would do it in a minute , but don't act like your boy is above that..That I heard from Bill B talking to a manager. LOL I'v been in Foster longer then you and him together.

Like I'v said in the past I don't have a problem with Alphonso C , but I think he should be more aggressive with management also , but I guess when Tony D sent him to school it made him a better thinker...... LOL


Well-Known Member
Hey how come the ball washer Vinny M was not at the picnic Saturday? Rumor has it out of Foster Ave is now supporting Tony D.

When did I start supporting Tony D ,,, WOW my prozac is out of control. Is Frankie supporting him too ???? LOL Hey Jack lets go kiss his ring and get on board....... LOL


Well-Known Member
Vinny M. how fast you forget when you were the steward. You sold all your men down the river, with Manager Tom s. Just so you can get a light load. You even let your best buddy Joe K. pay for a hand truck that was stolen off his truck. Remember all the deal making you used to do, so the members for your center times plaza got rid of you for good? Now you are trying to get back on Tony D good side so when the Members Voice slate gets back in office they will let you paint the Union Hall.


Well-Known Member
If you row b **** will remember the, June 12, 2011 general membership meeting, your row b executive board call the police on the members. That is the first time that has every happened in the history of local 804 or any local. Police in the past have beat up and killed union members on strike lines. So your so called row b executive board are a bunch of scum, remember row b supporters, learn to live on your knees because if you need representation from these clowns your going to get fired. "REMEMBER", the 10 changes to build a better local 804, take on supervisors working, remember the building raids that never happened, round the clock representation 24/7 HA ha. Keeping members informed, $50,000.00 up front retirement option , after they voted for it they never told the members about it, that was a deal they worked out with UPS. Teamster university these **** are going to teach you how to pleasure the supervisors and the managers, you will be learning from the best. Pass out cigars to management. Fight production harassment, drivers are doing peak stop counts on a daily bases. Protect our benefits, every time I go to the doctor its 20 bucks co-pay, 20 bucks co-pay for blood work, 20 bucks co-pay for ex-rays. That is another deal they worked out with UPS, co-pay the crap out of the members, and don't even think about the going to the emergency room. How about the $ 00.12 cents cola we all just got and they never told you about, feeling informed yet.:sick:


Well-Known Member
If you row b **** will remember the, June 12, 2011 general membership meeting, your row b executive board call the police on the members. That is the first time that has every happened in the history of local 804 or any local. Police in the past have beat up and killed union members on strike lines. So your so called row b executive board are a bunch of scum, remember row b supporters, learn to live on your knees because if you need representation from these clowns your going to get fired. "REMEMBER", the 10 changes to build a better local 804, take on supervisors working, remember the building raids that never happened, round the clock representation 24/7 HA ha. Keeping members informed, $50,000.00 up front retirement option , after they voted for it they never told the members about it, that was a deal they worked out with UPS. Teamster university these **** are going to teach you how to pleasure the supervisors and the managers, you will be learning from the best. Pass out cigars to management. Fight production harassment, drivers are doing peak stop counts on a daily bases. Protect our benefits, every time I go to the doctor its 20 bucks co-pay, 20 bucks co-pay for blood work, 20 bucks co-pay for ex-rays. That is another deal they worked out with UPS, co-pay the crap out of the members, and don't even think about the going to the emergency room. How about the $ 00.12 cents cola we all just got and they never told you about, feeling informed yet.:sick:

I will agree with most of your post but local 804 did not call the police and we have went through this before.......
I will agree with the rest of the post though.....
btw The police officers are union also and they do have to protect the public.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Tom you have posted the truth.
Unfortunately some members are in denial. All they want to do is support this board even though they didn't have the knowledge before the election and have done nothing but prove that since they were elected. This wish did not come true.
They have done Nothing to Restore Local 804. UPS thinks they are a joke.
The guy that they blame in the IBT that raised the dues with a slogan of a nickle an hour for Teamster Power didn't restore it either.
This board is not qualified to run a Local they don'i know what they are doing!!!!!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
If you row b **** will remember the, June 12, 2011 general membership meeting, your row b executive board call the police on the members. That is the first time that has every happened in the history of local 804 or any local. Police in the past have beat up and killed union members on strike lines. So your so called row b executive board are a bunch of scum, remember row b supporters, learn to live on your knees because if you need representation from these clowns your going to get fired. "REMEMBER", the 10 changes to build a better local 804, take on supervisors working, remember the building raids that never happened, round the clock representation 24/7 HA ha. Keeping members informed, $50,000.00 up front retirement option , after they voted for it they never told the members about it, that was a deal they worked out with UPS. Teamster university these **** are going to teach you how to pleasure the supervisors and the managers, you will be learning from the best. Pass out cigars to management. Fight production harassment, drivers are doing peak stop counts on a daily bases. Protect our benefits, every time I go to the doctor its 20 bucks co-pay, 20 bucks co-pay for blood work, 20 bucks co-pay for ex-rays. That is another deal they worked out with UPS, co-pay the crap out of the members, and don't even think about the going to the emergency room. How about the $ 00.12 cents cola we all just got and they never told you about, feeling informed yet.:sick:
Very Well said!!!! Members are outraged !!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Do you mean you did not call the police! The only way 282 would call the police is if they were asked to, they would not know what is going on in 804 that was a first for 804 no Board has ever called the police on the members. You can deny it all you want it is history now.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I will agree with most of your post but local 804 did not call the police and we have went through this before.......
I will agree with the rest of the post though.....
btw The police officers are union also and they do have to protect the public.
How ironic the police has never been to a meeting before this E-Board!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Tom you have posted the truth.
Unfortunately some members are in denial. All they want to do is support this board even though they didn't have the knowledge before the election and have done nothing but prove that since they were elected. This wish did not come true.
They have done Nothing to Restore Local 804. UPS thinks they are a joke.
The guy that they blame in the IBT that raised the dues with a slogan of a nickle an hour for Teamster Power didn't restore it either.
This board is not qualified to run a Local they don'i know what they are doing!!!!!!
However you have known from the beginning how incompetent this E Board really was!!!! You see it for what it is! They are un******ing believable!!!
T.A.W. question
We have x number of clerks on lay off and yet the safety steward out of Brush ave is working a light duty gig as a result of an off the job injury, How is this bing allowed?