Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
This is why no one on our center likes you Warrior , and why they laugh at you , and as far as how you represent the drivers LOL thats funny , go alone get alone. If there was an election for alt-steward you would be laughed out. You think you know who I am but I know who you are......

Truth be told I would like to see Anthony C be more aggressive with management but he has his style. I'm surprised at how you trash him here , I know you don't say it to his face. You forget all your buddies that no longer work here thanks to Tony D , you forget how over the years you trashed him about the way he handled the drivers. Still waiting to here a steward say that any member that got fired could have been stopped my Anthony C or suspended did not deserve it but I don't here everything.

You talk about how "
Cyrus he is still a man of high integrity and his commitment to the members of foster ave" sure when he has people like you trying to trade grievances to get a drivers jobs back of course he can look good. If I had a bunch of grievances and it could get a guy his job back I would do it in a minute , but don't act like your boy is above that..That I heard from Bill B talking to a manager. LOL I'v been in Foster longer then you and him together.

Like I'v said in the past I don't have a problem with Alphonso C , but I think he should be more aggressive with management also , but I guess when Tony D sent him to school it made him a better thinker...... LOL
I may not know who you are by your brown cafe username but I do know who you are by your lack of pro union activity. You do realize that being a union member is more than coming to work and standing up against the wall like a scared little child. You speak of Tony D not participating in helping out the members. How do you know this to be true? You feel that Alphonso C should be more aggressive with management. How do you know what is being said and how the members are being defending by Al and Pete? You also said that you still havent heard any steward say that these drivers couldve been saved. Where do you get your info from. Heres the facts and dispute them if you want........ In regards to the grievances being traded you can speak to Cyrus if you want to know how that exactly played out. He will make his self available for questions. You see him in the morning helping any and every union member that walks by whether its a part or full timer. Ask Tony D and get it directly from the source whether he did or didnt help in any cases. As for the stewards who are you and what stewards talk to you. Everything is I heard this I heard that what are you a fuking fly on a wall or a RAT running through the hall way undetected. You of all people should know that this is hearsay. As for fear of voicing my opinions to his face Al C has asked me to reframe from bashing our ineffective business agent in public and i choose to respect his desire to show UNITY amongst us Teamsters. But Al never said I couldnt express myslef under an anoymous name on the cafe. lol.

Stop complaining about what has happened in the past because We are all responsible for short comings on the job as union members. Speak up and say something you say you have soooooooo much time in then maybe you should lend a helping hand to Al C if you really dont have a problem with him. Why would you sit on the sidelines and let him fail or Pete. I will tell you. If this is the green jacket man you are still bitter about everything that happened during the late spring early summer 2009. Remember what you was told beat the kid in the up coming shop steward election and there would be a spot for you on the Row B slate?? Dont be mad at Al, Tony or Pete for the decisions YOU made that DESTROYED your career as a representative of our union. It was you who made those decisions and dont tell us here on Brown Cafe that it was Tonys fault. Be a man and own up to your actions.

Tony D sent him to school it made him a better thinker.... lol?? What school did Tony D send him to and whats your point???


Well-Known Member
If you row b will remember the, June 12, 2011 general membership meeting, your row b executive board call the police on the members.
Does any one have proof that they called the police. So what if they did the way that members like Billy Balls acted. Women and children do go to our meetings.

remember row b supporters, learn to live on your knees because if you need representation from these clowns your going to get fired.
LIE-More members fired of the job in 2008-2009 when Tony D and Angelo G ran the show then in 2010-2011

"REMEMBER", the 10 changes to build a better local 804, take on supervisors working, remember the building raids that never happened, round the clock representation 24/7 HA ha.
Yes it could be better but none of that ever happen under Tony D and Angelo G so its still better then the old boards

Keeping members informed, $50,000.00 up front retirement option , after they voted for it they never told the members about it, that was a deal they worked out with UPS.
LIE- Was lost when pension went in to the red zone , not voted on

Teamster university these are going to teach you how to pleasure the supervisors and the managers, you will be learning from the best. Fight production harassment,
Again classes they had were pretty good never had then in the past so its still a plus

drivers are doing peak stop counts on a daily bases.
Our drivers need to stop going home and get on the 9.5 list

Protect our benefits, every time I go to the doctor its 20 bucks co-pay, 20 bucks co-pay for blood work, 20 bucks co-pay for ex-rays.
NOT A LIE , thanks to Angelo G and Tony D for destroying our union and leaving our medical in arbitration and not telling the members

That is another deal they worked out with UPS, co-pay the crap out of the members,
Our board did what they had to do for the members

and don't even think about the going to the emergency room.
Again thanks to Tony D and Angelo G for letting our medical go from 33 million down to nothing and not telling the members

How about the $ 00.12 cents cola we all just got and they never told you about,
Yea I'm upset they didn't tell me I was getting 12 cents more , but I will thank the goverment since thats were it came from.

feeling informed yet.
You need to be informed and no the truth and stop being a ball washers , just keep drinking their koolaid


Well-Known Member
Hey Warrior , I bet your the type that goes up to Anthony C and smiles and shakes his hand every morning you see him , I've never seen you post anything here that said "we'll yesterday I talked to Anthony C and he said this or he said that" I know Tony D for over 25 years and I'm glad Anthony C is our BA , because unlike what we had here before he knows what he's talking about and helps and teaches members. This guy comes into our jungle Foster ave the home of Tony D has to deal with Dog,Cyrus,Frankie,Mema people who are loyal to Tony D ( ok maybe not Frankie ) replaced 2 BA's because they could not handle it and he's holding his own very nicely , you say he's ineffective but since your not Cyrus or Pete how would you know? from what you hear? , then I guess your no better then me.

We both have lost good friends over the years because Tony D would pick and choice who he would deal for , you know thats a fact. And as for Tony D helping the members , if he really cared about the members that got fired under him he should have demanded to be at those arbitration to help them in any way he could. We have drivers that took personal days off to go to friends arbitration for support , not Tony D, he's a piece of garbage and unlike you I have already said it to his face more then once.....

Also I did not bring this back up "ROW A" did.....

AS for the schooling who do you think paid for him to go to Cornell?? You did with your union dues.... thanks Uncle Tony


Well-Known Member
Because he scares me LOL But your right every on does know how I feel about Tony D , this will be my last post until around election time. "not that anyone really cares LOL"


Believe me Green jacket man nobody listens to what you say. Have a field day typing you need to get it out. Maybe the green mold in your basement made you green with envy.


Well-Known Member
Hey word out east in Melville and Suffolk is that Vinny M in foster Ave is supporting Tony D and the Members Support Slate. He is telling everyone in foster ave to vote for the Members Voice Slate 2012 Election. He is even calling the old timers in other buildings. He is passing out the members voice slate card with their site on in at Foster. He finally realized if you can't beat them, Join them.


Well-Known Member
Useless row A board, hey 804 hammer get used to working at ups on your knees. You got what you wanted, now you got to pleasure your supervisor! HA HA HA


Well-Known Member
Hey word out east in Melville and Suffolk is that Vinny M in foster Ave is supporting Tony D and the Members Support Slate. He is telling everyone in foster ave to vote for the Members Voice Slate 2012 Election. He is even calling the old timers in other buildings. He is passing out the members voice slate card with their site on in at Foster. He finally realized if you can't beat them, Join them.

LOL, yeah I heard this right before the delegate's election too. How'd that work out again?? Listen the only chance those guys have is if they dump all old Row A former board members from their slate. Tony D, Angelo, John N, Bill B all carry too much lousy baggage. We all remember what they did to this local. We will not allow that to happen again. The local is in good hands now. Once again, things are not perfect, but a helluva lot better than what we had!!


Well-Known Member
Hey aces up804 I know you, your the driver that goes out with UPS management, and helps them with there zippers!!! HA I am right yes.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
LOL, yeah I heard this right before the delegate's election too. How'd that work out again?? Listen the only chance those guys have is if they dump all old Row A former board members from their slate. Tony D, Angelo, John N, Bill B all carry too much lousy baggage. We all remember what they did to this local. We will not allow that to happen again. The local is in good hands now. Once again, things are not perfect, but a helluva lot better than what we had!!

Hey Brown open your eyes see for yourself!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Useless row A board, hey 804 hammer get used to working at ups on your knees. You got what you wanted, now you got to pleasure your supervisor! HA HA HA
804 Hammer is on the board and he plays on this Brown Cafe all day long instead of doing what a Business agent should be doing, Like they promised!


Well-Known Member
804 Hammer is on the board and he plays on this Brown Cafe all day long instead of doing what a Business agent should be doing, Like they promised!
Hahaha you wishNot on the board brother. I know id do a bettter job than Tony D at any position though. Ps, you look like a fool with your sleeves rolled up Goomba. LOL

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Hahaha you wishNot on the board brother. I know id do a bettter job than Tony D at any position though. Ps, you look like a fool with your sleeves rolled up Goomba. LOL

That is what this board said and members voted for them and if you would open your eyes you would see what is happening to those members.
Do us all a favor if you can do a better job then run for office because this board doesn't know what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Your husband is not part of the row B team, row B works like this, if you brown nose them like, Aces-up804 does with management. Then they like you, and you will be graced by them. If not you when you get into some trouble, and management brings you into the office you get fired.