Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey Hammer, how does it feel like drinking that row b KOOLAID, and kissing that big hairy pimply ass of Sylvester's, is it worth your dignity?


Well-Known Member
If you guys spent half as much energy into doing right by the union, you all wouldnt have been booted out. You fight with the members but didnt do much where you were suppost to. Time to move on has beens.


Well-Known Member
Hey E Board, or should I say Hey Aces, brown, hammer, RowA and local

You should spend less time on brown and more time updating the the union's site,
You haven't updated any info, you still have that verizon is on strike, you still have it saying to attend your picnic on Aug 20th, you have about 6 pages about your rallies that have amounted to nothing to benefit the members.

I say you fire TDU from doing our site and demand our $17,050.00 back and then hire a professional web company with that money.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Hey E Board, or should I say Hey Aces, brown, hammer, RowA and local

You should spend less time on brown and more time updating the the union's site,
You haven't updated any info, you still have that verizon is on strike, you still have it saying to attend your picnic on Aug 20th, you have about 6 pages about your rallies that have amounted to nothing to benefit the members.

I say you fire TDU from doing our site and demand our $17,050.00 back and then hire a professional web company with that money.
You tell them Mistake!!! They should choke on all their words! They are nothing but a useless bunch!! Benefit the members? They have not done ONE THING to benefit the members!:angry:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
groucho-marx.jpg Hey Cigar Pete you better stop giving cigars to Management!


Well-Known Member
When Angelo and Tony D were in office the web-site got updated once ever 9 months.

You can keep making up lies Mr Eyes, for your self gains, when you get to the office Monday, call up TDU and tell them to update our 804 site and while your at it, tell them to also update Local805 site (Sandy P) because there site hasent been updated in the last two months also. Like I said before, get our $17,050.00 back from them and hire a professional who will charge less.


Well-Known Member
You can keep making up lies Mr Eyes, for your self gains, when you get to the office Monday, call up TDU and tell them to update our 804 site and while your at it, tell them to also update Local805 site (Sandy P) because there site hasent been updated in the last two months also. Like I said before, get our $17,050.00 back from them and hire a professional who will charge less.

LIES , Howie and Angelo always joked about the web-site. you said "when you get back to the office" what office is that? UPS office , you really are in management......


Well-Known Member
Acesup It's guys like you that destroyed this union. You talk so much B/S, but you never had the bass-$%^ to stand up to management, so go do your 300 stops a day and go get your, " THAT A BOY" tummy rub from your special supervisor. You expected these row b scum-bags to take you by the hand and tell management, don't bother little aces-up, while your sniffling cries could be heard in the building !