Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey Aces-up you keep talking about 33 million lost in medical. It was not lost it was spent on the members and their families. Doctor visits, surgery, prenatal care, births, cancer care, heart attacks, broken limbs,hospital stays, long term illness, in home care, and many many more. So stop talking about something you have no knowledge on. For Christ sakes read, pick up a paper once in a while and read what is going on the USA, in your neighborhood to your relative read you maroon, READ!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Since ROW B took control we have 532 members fired as of today. We have been backed door on the medical, members are paying in with co-pays, that is a quote out of BOSS HOGS mouth. UPS and TDU are controlling our union. I have never seen management so happy to see our executive board. Retirees medical will be going up a minimum of 10% in January. They are to scared to inflate the rat or cat. I hear they are now using Steve Auz as there new RAT.... Dave Oringer is on the hook for three stewards jobs and 90 drivers getting a week off without pay. Pete Masterbaiter is still handing out cigars to management, hoping to get his old job and tractor back when he returns to feeder, because he can not retire with the medical he just screwed up. And what is up with NIEL O'BRIENS head it's getting bigger then Reynolds and Sylvesters.


Well-Known Member
Hey Aces-up you keep talking about 33 million lost in medical. It was not lost it was spent on the members and their families. Doctor visits, surgery, prenatal care, births, cancer care, heart attacks, broken limbs,hospital stays, long term illness, in home care, and many many more. So stop talking about something you have no knowledge on. For Christ sakes read, pick up a paper once in a while and read what is going on the USA, in your neighborhood to your relative read you maroon, READ!!!!!

Yes it was spent on the members , They saw with there own eyes what was going on and did nothing about it , changes should have been made years ago , and our board did nothing only worried about getting re-elected , we should have fought for more money in our last 2 supplemental contracts but they did not. We were never told what was going on.

Sorry I have a lot of knowledge co-pay should have went up 10 years ago to off set the cost. It was our old board the decided to put more money into the pension then the medical. Out of network in NYC should have been stop 10 years ago.

BUT THEY DID NOTHING , while there salaries went up and up.


Well-Known Member
Since ROW B took control we have 532 members fired as of today. We have been backed door on the medical, members are paying in with co-pays, that is a quote out of BOSS HOGS mouth. UPS and TDU are controlling our union. I have never seen management so happy to see our executive board. Retirees medical will be going up a minimum of 10% in January. They are to scared to inflate the rat or cat. I hear they are now using Steve Auz as there new RAT.... Dave Oringer is on the hook for three stewards jobs and 90 drivers getting a week off without pay. Pete Masterbaiter is still handing out cigars to management, hoping to get his old job and tractor back when he returns to feeder, because he can not retire with the medical he just screwed up. And what is up with NIEL O'BRIENS head it's getting bigger then Reynolds and Sylvesters.

You keep talking to your buddies in management and posting lies. There are less then 40 members fired and on the street right now. Glad to know you are that close to them to know who big their heads are. Stand up and act like a Teamster.


Well-Known Member

I know also, Our Union did company a favor to get guys back to work faster that are on comp, by eliminating there benefits after 6 months on comp - nice deal making by our E Board and screwing the members once again....

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Since ROW B took control we have 532 members fired as of today. We have been backed door on the medical, members are paying in with co-pays, that is a quote out of BOSS HOGS mouth. UPS and TDU are controlling our union. I have never seen management so happy to see our executive board. Retirees medical will be going up a minimum of 10% in January. They are to scared to inflate the rat or cat. I hear they are now using Steve Auz as there new RAT.... Dave Oringer is on the hook for three stewards jobs and 90 drivers getting a week off without pay. Pete Masterbaiter is still handing out cigars to management, hoping to get his old job and tractor back when he returns to feeder, because he can not retire with the medical he just screwed up. And what is up with NIEL O'BRIENS head it's getting bigger then Reynolds and Sylvesters.
Everything you have just written is 100% accurate!!! Again you are one funny guy!:happy-very:

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Yes it was spent on the members , They saw with there own eyes what was going on and did nothing about it , changes should have been made years ago , and our board did nothing only worried about getting re-elected , we should have fought for more money in our last 2 supplemental contracts but they did not. We were never told what was going on.

Sorry I have a lot of knowledge co-pay should have went up 10 years ago to off set the cost. It was our old board the decided to put more money into the pension then the medical. Out of network in NYC should have been stop 10 years ago.

BUT THEY DID NOTHING , while there salaries went up and up.
You just have a vendetta against one person and everyone knows that! You are letting them screw you just to spite a certain member. You are near retirement age! Your medical sucks now! That makes you happy? God forbid you need medical help you cannot choose the doctors you are comfortable with. Its a very uneasy feeling to go to a doctor you have never used. My family and I want our doctors who we trust and have been using for years. They took away the major medical! If we use the doctors we have been using it is costing hundreds and thousands and you are defending these morons.. Give me a Break. You will defend them and cut you nose just to try and spite someone! I really do feel so bad for you!:sick:


Well-Known Member
Driver back from comp today, says our local 804 union would not cover his benefits after being out of work for 6 months, had no choice but to come back to work because his family was no longer covered. I always thought the Company picked up the first 6 months and the union would then cover the member for another 6 months, when did this change, and why didn't the Union post this information to the members and inform us. Didn't they promise to keep the members informed.....
Almost exactly what happened to me, I was granted the 6 month extention by the old board and it was taken back by the head of the medical office, after the election and back dated at some point , I had documentation 3 days B4 the extention was to expire that I was covered and suddenly startyed getting extensive bills from my doctors.
TWell it could be two things. They are just so clueless or just so sneaky!!! Either way very wrong!! The sad part is they probably didn't even realize it, that is where the incompetency is.
What union contract are you working under? You must be one of the imposter's on this site! You sure don't know what you are talking about!!!!!!
you are 100% wrong it's either work 2 days plus the holiday or not at all in that week to be paid for the holiday!

I know also, Our Union did company a favor to get guys back to work faster that are on comp, by eliminating there benefits after 6 months on comp - nice deal making by our E Board and screwing the members once again....
the 6 month extention must be requested and granted!


Well-Known Member
you are 100% wrong it's either work 2 days plus the holiday or not at all in that week to be paid for the holiday!

He was actually 100% correct(hammer) as are you with your post, he just didnt add that you didnt have to work any days during the week to get paid for the holiday. Mistake was the wrong poster. Double time all day, paid reg pay for the holiday. Not that big of a deal if you do the math to miss if your slammed all week with OT.


Well-Known Member
Hey annoyed804 its easier if you hit "Reply with Quote" then type your response , so people know what post your replying to... just a tip hope it helps.

Yes I agree with your post , this year in Foster over 100 drivers did not work on election day because of being over worked but don't loss the triple time put it some were else.

Thanks for the tip


Well-Known Member
Why do the drivers , well most of the drivers at my location, Brush Ave bust their butt on the road all day but some of our union clerks have the balls to complain to management when we give them packages that we can,t deliver. I got spoken to on the side and was told where it came from....that's total b/s. ....by the way who looks at them when they are hanging out, which is quite often......anyone ever look at our counter at night, lines lines lines lines, lines created by deceiving money hungry clerks.....so there when I give you a package to correct it's real......complain to management again and and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
the 6 month extention must be requested and granted!

From the few guys I spoke with it seems to me that the extentions are not being granted, and its leaves them no choice but to come back to work. And if a few are getting granted, by what standards, I guess you have to be A...... kisser like aces, for the Board to grant you an additional 6 Months....


Well-Known Member
I cut and pasted from another posting

Let's get real, the old board although not perfect, were men that fought hard for the membership,this new order does not have a clue...blow up dolls , building raids are just a smokescreen for their incompetence...just ask all of the members that are on the arbitration list because the company fired them and the new order does not have the skills needed to save their jobs. Or let's ask the retirees whose health care premiums will be eating into their pensions year after year because the new order once again blew it.


Well-Known Member
I cut and pasted from another posting

1/6 less the members fired NOW them when Angelo and Tony D were in there and thats just going by looking at 2008-09 to 2010-11 thats one..For a board that all got in at once , no help from the old board at all ,they are holding their own (some of them LOL ) and well only get better.. Who do you think trashed your medical my friend and left it dead.... not dieing , dead.. I'm not saying that many of the old BA's didn't fight hard for us ( not Steve M , Bill L or Tony D ) but they destroyed our union a union that Ron Carey left in great shape.....

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I cut and pasted from another posting

1/6 less the members fired NOW them when Angelo and Tony D were in there and thats just going by looking at 2008-09 to 2010-11 thats one..For a board that all got in at once , no help from the old board at all ,they are holding their own (some of them LOL ) and well only get better.. Who do you think trashed your medical my friend and left it dead.... not dieing , dead.. I'm not saying that many of the old BA's didn't fight hard for us ( not Steve M , Bill L or Tony D ) but they destroyed our union a union that Ron Carey left in great shape.....