Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
How lazy and afraid are our Local 804 E Board. There afraid to speak to the members on UPS property, there lack of leadership is getting out of control. They hold building meetings off UPS property, away from management. When they show up inside, its like there not even there, there presents are ignored and they are totally ineffectual. Our E Board is distroying our Local 804 and as many are putting it, " We dont have a Union anymore "

Had enough

Well-Known Member
You have 47 likes out of a 7000 membership, great job. If you guys can't gain steam on the laxed board we have now, your just a bunch of jokers.
This was posted on the Members voice Facebook! I just cut and pasted off their FB site! Alot of people interested......Keep on counting the like button if it makes you feel more powerful.

Local 804 Members Voice 2012
The number of times people (Fans) have viewed our Page. This data corresponds to 08/24/2011 - 09/22/2011. "11,321":wink2:


Well-Known Member
This was posted on the Members voice Facebook! I just cut and pasted off their FB site! Alot of people interested......Keep on counting the like button if it makes you feel more powerful. Local 804 Members Voice 2012The number of times people (Fans) have viewed our Page. This data corresponds to 08/24/2011 - 09/22/2011. "11,321":wink2:
Never seen a counter clicker on facebook before but did see one on the www wep page and your not even close.


Well-Known Member
Members voice is supporting Fred Gegare guess they had to pick someone. Funny to see the link goes to Ron Careys son's sellout video. Fred backed the last 2 UPS contracts and sold out he's own members to UPS.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Members voice is supporting Fred Gegare guess they had to pick someone. Funny to see the link goes to Ron Careys son's sellout video. Fred backed the last 2 UPS contracts and sold out he's own members to UPS.

You have shown your true colors! You and your buddies used the Carey Family and Ron Carey's name to get these TDU pukes elected!!!!!!
Did you ever consider that his son knows what his father thought of these candidates????
Gegare was the only one on Hoffa's slate to stand up and run against him, if you are looking for someone who has knowledge and balls. you should atleast hear what he has to say.
Let me ask you a question, because the past two contracts were accepted does that mean you accepted it and we should all blame you !!!!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
You have shown your true colors! You and your buddies used the Carey Family and Ron Carey's name to get these TDU pukes elected!!!!!!
Did you ever consider that his son knows what his father thought of these candidates????
Gegare was the only one on Hoffa's slate to stand up and run against him, if you are looking for someone who has knowledge and balls. you should atleast hear what he has to say.
Let me ask you a question, because the past two contracts were accepted does that mean you accepted it and we should all blame you !!!!!!!!!!

Ron Carey's family backed Tim S because he was a friend of the family , he didn't turn is back on Ron when he was in trouble, like our old board did. Those friend'em backstabber did even go to his funeral. I see he took his ear ring out and comb his hair like his father but he still has the shakes ( wipe your nose , Dan ), Dan was upset because he wanted a job in 804 and didn't get it. If he did get a job you would be bashing him now.

I have listened to Fred and he is full of sh/t if he cared so much he should have said something when it happen not wait to see who Hoffa was going to pick as Sec Tres first. Just like hall said "Fred you complained after you announced you were going to run" Know some facts you clown

He doesn't know his father thoughts because if he did he would have been a TEAMSTERS a long time ago. He's a really family man that Dan is....

Fred told his UPS members to VOTE FOR THE LAST 2 UPS CONTRACTS.... YOU TALK THE TALK , WALK THE WALK.. what is he going to say I didn't mean it, get your head out of the sand.


Well-Known Member
Dan was upset because he wanted a job in 804 and didn't get it. If he did get a job you would be bashing him now.

You are a fool, if that was true, Tim would have handed a job to him in a heart beat. Dan realized Tim S and the rest of the 804 E Board used his fathers name for there own selfish reasons to get elected, and quickly realized they dont have the members in there best interest like his father did. In fact our Board is destroying our LOCAL 804



Well-Known Member
He doesn't know his father thoughts because if he did he would have been a TEAMSTERS a long time ago. He's a really family man that Dan is.....

You are a sounding very desperate with you Walt Disney Stories, He knows his father thoughts very well, and this is upsetting you because Dan wants his fathers vision to continue, and he knows its not going to happen with Tim S and Pope as teamster leaders.


Well-Known Member
You have shown your true colors! You and your buddies used the Carey Family and Ron Carey's name to get these TDU pukes elected!!!!!!
Did you ever consider that his son knows what his father thought of these candidates????
Gegare was the only one on Hoffa's slate to stand up and run against him, if you are looking for someone who has knowledge and balls. you should atleast hear what he has to say.
Let me ask you a question, because the past two contracts were accepted does that mean you accepted it and we should all blame you !!!!!!!!!!

Heres a prediction for the Intl vote in local 804: 11 votes for Gegare (what a coincidence, could it be the 11clowns from Row C??), 2 vote for Hoffa (could it be big daddy Bill B and his little boy Steve M??), and 3000 votes for Sandy Pope!! Like I said before, this local has always been a reform local. We voted for Ron Carey many times. Then we voted for Ron's VP Tom L three times. And now we will vote big time for Ron's Union Rep Sandy Pope!!


Well-Known Member
You are a fool, if that was true, Tim would have handed a job to him in a heart beat. Dan realized Tim S and the rest of the 804 E Board used his fathers name for there own selfish reasons to get elected, and quickly realized they dont have the members in there best interest like his father did. In fact our Board is destroying our LOCAL 804

Used his fathers name? Tim stood next to Ron Carey the whole way , even sat behind him in court. I was there when they renamed the Carey's street in honor of Ron Carey.

And I was there when Dan hugged Tim and said "thank you Tim for everything you did for me and my family , god bless you " then the rest of the family hugged Tim. So you keep talking out your @ss. Doesn't matter it stinks from both ends.


Well-Known Member
Now Tony D and Angelo put a link on there web-site that plays a video from Dan Carey son of the late great Ron Carey. When James Hoffa became IBT President he told them to take down all photo's of Ron Carey from Local 804 and they did. They are nothing more then sell-outs, and they always will. This is why they will never get in office , Tony D has a big mouth the problem is he never thought people were recording what he was saying, Yes I have a problem with any member running for office from our old board and will do everything in my power to make sure that does not happen.

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Well-Known Member
Used his fathers name? Tim stood next to Ron Carey the whole way , even sat behind him in court. I was there when they renamed the Carey's street in honor of Ron Carey.

And I was there when Dan hugged Tim and said "thank you Tim for everything you did for me and my family , god bless you " then the rest of the family hugged Tim. So you keep talking out your @ss. Doesn't matter it stinks from both ends.

The radon fumes down your basement seem to be making you delusional.

I repeat, Dan realized Tim S and the rest of the 804 E Board used his fathers name for there own selfish reasons to get elected, and quickly realized they dont have the members in there best interest like his father did.


Well-Known Member


Thats funny. He says nothing about the current e board. He never accuses the new e board of being liars. More Row C (aka Row A) lies!!

Dan is supporting Gegare probably because Ron's friend Aaron Belk is on the Fred's mini-slate and he feels obligated to Aaron. That is understandable. Dan always hated Hoffa because of what Hoffa did during the 97 strike- he colluded with UPS behind his dad's back!! But it is funny because you guys (Row A) hated Ron and his friends in TDU. You didnt show any support during his trial in which he was acquitted. You didnt even show up at Ron's wake or funeral. In one case you had no balls. In the other you had no heart!!

And now you guys come out for Gegare?? LOL!! What did he promise to help fund your campaign next year if he won since your sugar daddy Hoffa will no longer be around?? Or maybe it is because you know that this local would never vote for Hoffa and that if you backed Hoffa publicly like you guys did when you were in control of this local, you would look even more foolish!! "So I guess Fred's our guy" LOL.

God forbid you should support a reform candidate like Tom L or Sandy Pope!! Give it up you guys are meaningless!!