Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
"which side on you on " This is a quote that I hear often and really annoys me. Remember the union,especially the new 804, does not pay your bills and without UPS there is no union. That being said UPS management should treat all with dignity and respect but remember it's a two way street. That's one of the problems with the new 804 ....the us against them mentality......it does not work and never will.

It is this "go along to get along" mentality that hurts our union. UPS does not pay my bills . I pay my bills with the $$ I earned busting my ass for these greedy bastards!! And it is the union that extracts out of their cold, greedy hands every 5 yrs or so a few more $$ . If it was up to UPS we would all be making minimum wage with no benefits or pension.

Tell me do you actually work for this company?? It is exactly us vs them. It is they who fire us and suspend us and follow us and track us and harass us all because they have to hit some manufactured number every day. They are not your friend buddy, wise up!!

Typical to see "mistake" liking this post. He was part of the "go along to get along" crew we threw out of office 2 years ago!!


Well-Known Member
It is this "go along to get along" mentality that hurts our union. UPS does not pay my bills . I pay my bills with the $$ I earned busting my ass for these greedy bastards!! And it is the union that extracts out of their cold, greedy hands every 5 yrs or so a few more $$ . If it was up to UPS we would all be making minimum wage with no benefits or pension.

Tell me do you actually work for this company?? It is exactly us vs them. It is they who fire us and suspend us and follow us and track us and harass us all because they have to hit some manufactured number every day. They are not your friend buddy, wise up!!

Typical to see "mistake" liking this post. He was part of the "go along to get along" crew we threw out of office 2 years ago!!

Like I said, UPS management is not perfect by any means, BUT for the most part if you do your job in a diligent manner you don't have any problems. Yes there are times when certain management people can act like real a..holes and that has to be dealt with on an individual basis. Do you really think that every driver out there is working to his full potential ? In addition what kind of statement is " I pay my bills " of course you write the check but the money comes from doing doing your job for your employer, who by the way is UPS and not the 804 executive board. I can tell by your post that you are a very angry individual who most likely comes to work pissed off...........did you ever hear of the saying "you get more with honey than vinagar " ........and before you accuse me of kissing butt you should try changing the attitude , man up , and realize that this is a labor intense job and there is no way around that. By the way if you really think that this company will survive with service providers making 40.00 dollars an hour you are out of your mind, the public will not tolerate it, people will go to the post office and pay less. Here is a prediction for you also........get ready to pay something for our health benefits......it's inevitable.


Well-Known Member
Only management calls us service providers, I like it.

what kind of statement is that "ONLY management call us service providers" I like being called a service provider because that is what I do...provide service to my customers...........which is what i WILL do in the rain today..........grow up and see what the real problems are.......a weak local with no skills, except on how to blow up inflatable rats and cats.
If you want to consider yourself just a driver thats your business, maybe thats why you are bitter. Have a good day.


Well-Known Member
ACTUALLY I said NOTHING about the eboard, Tom is there from the old board... so as far as stirring up the pot, I did no such thing. the need for mailers / notifications would come from Roberts rules if im not mistaken

Actually you refered to the E board in post 4293 when you said "I completely understand that, BUT why is the local paying for postage ect....... are we not trying to rebuild our funds? im all for suggestions but thats why we have a website. I have a website myself and thats where i post such things, i dont do maileers, why its not worth the cost......"

The "local" is the E board as their responsibility is to disburse treasury money as they see fit. When you refer to the local that's who you're talking about. And you are mistaken with your conception of Robert's Rules. Robert's Rules are the accepted method in how legal meetings are conducted. Required mailings from Trust Funds are not bound or guided by Robert's Rules.


Well-Known Member
Actually you refered to the E board in post 4293 when you said "I completely understand that, BUT why is the local paying for postage ect....... are we not trying to rebuild our funds? im all for suggestions but thats why we have a website. I have a website myself and thats where i post such things, i dont do maileers, why its not worth the cost......"

The "local" is the E board as their responsibility is to disburse treasury money as they see fit. When you refer to the local that's who you're talking about. And you are mistaken with your conception of Robert's Rules. Robert's Rules are the accepted method in how legal meetings are conducted. Required mailings from Trust Funds are not bound or guided by Robert's Rules.
"WE" ARE THE LOCAL US, THE MEMBERS MAKE UP A LOCAL UNION! The executive board is just that! a board elected by its members......once again "WE ARE LOCAL 804" not the suits!


Well-Known Member
"WE" ARE THE LOCAL US, THE MEMBERS MAKE UP A LOCAL UNION! The executive board is just that! a board elected by its members......once again "WE ARE LOCAL 804" not the suits!

Thanks for the tip, CRASH, you're right, you are Local 804. What you're not picking up is the "suits" as you now refer to your e-board, gets to make financial decisions. So here's what you do...go to the next General business meeting, when the chairman asks "is there any new business" make a motion that the members, you know "WE ARE LOCAL 804" members should be consulted before the Health Fund sends out any more mailings. Hopefully you'll bring another Einstein to second that motion, using Roberts Rules that you're so familar with. Then the chairman, when he gets done laughing, will rule your motion out of order because it conflicts with the duties clearly spelled out in your bylaws, which I'm guessing you've never read. Go pet your dog. And by the way... obviously you're not a steward or a very informed member because if you were you would know it almost never "is what it is."


Well-Known Member
Not sure why you got into this "eyes" but Crash needed a little correction. You guys can't keep criticizing everyone for doing jobs you don't understand. Crash probably is a good union guy, but reread the posts. He's hitting up the "union" for spending money in a way he doesn't approve. If he understood the process, he'd know they have no choice when it comes to required Fund mailings. Then he wants to challenge my comments...OK but bring some facts.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip, CRASH, you're right, you are Local 804. What you're not picking up is the "suits" as you now refer to your e-board, gets to make financial decisions. So here's what you do...go to the next General business meeting, when the chairman asks "is there any new business" make a motion that the members, you know "WE ARE LOCAL 804" members should be consulted before the Health Fund sends out any more mailings. Hopefully you'll bring another Einstein to second that motion, using Roberts Rules that you're so familar with. Then the chairman, when he gets done laughing, will rule your motion out of order because it conflicts with the duties clearly spelled out in your bylaws, which I'm guessing you've never read. Go pet your dog. And by the way... obviously you're not a steward or a very informed member because if you were you would know it almost never "is what it is."
HONESTLY BUDDY, YOU NEED TO CHILL OUT! and learn to accept whats called constructive criticism.......as per robertss rules im pretty sure I said that I could be wrong......


Well-Known Member
Not sure why you got into this "eyes" but Crash needed a little correction. You guys can't keep criticizing everyone for doing jobs you don't understand. Crash probably is a good union guy, but reread the posts. He's hitting up the "union" for spending money in a way he doesn't approve. If he understood the process, he'd know they have no choice when it comes to required Fund mailings. Then he wants to challenge my comments...OK but bring some facts.
amd again, you missed the entire point of ther post! my point was why is the union promoting a clinic?


Well-Known Member
amd again, you missed the entire point of ther post! my point was why is the union promoting a clinic?
I'm chilled Crash, real chilled, cooler than the other side of the pillow chilled, and I'm pretty sure I got the point. Ask yourself that same question, why do you suppose they're promoting a clinic? Maybe, just maybe it could save your Fund some money if members utilized it. Isn't that what your point was?

I'll work on learning how to accept constructive criticism, you work on learning how to give it.


Well-Known Member
Isn't staying in the network saving members money, so why promote a clinic, if its to save additional money this should be mentioned. I'm sure it had to do with more than just giving members some additional resources. Why not list a bunch of clinics in all the areas where all members live, no kick backs then perhaps.


Well-Known Member
"IT IS WHAT IT IS, NOW I REALIZe WHY I HAVENT POSTED IN WEEKS." I make a simple post and some ass kissing b..tard turns it around to make it seem like im salamming the board! Next time i will take my dear friends advice and just let you morons have your lil opinions and keep my 2 cents in my pocket! "im done"


Well-Known Member
"IT IS WHAT IT IS, NOW I REALIZe WHY I HAVENT POSTED IN WEEKS." I make a simple post and some ass kissing b..tard turns it around to make it seem like im salamming the board! Next time i will take my dear friends advice and just let you morons have your lil opinions and keep my 2 cents in my pocket! "im done"

Where there is smoke there is fire......how do you spell KICKBACK....!


Well-Known Member
"IT IS WHAT IT IS, NOW I REALIZe WHY I HAVENT POSTED IN WEEKS." I make a simple post and some ass kissing b..tard turns it around to make it seem like im salamming the board! Next time i will take my dear friends advice and just let you morons have your lil opinions and keep my 2 cents in my pocket! "im done"
Crash buddy calm down. I'm sorry if I got under your skin. I do believe you're a good union guy, it just is troubling when posts come around that question every move the board makes. I don't know where you stand on this present E board, I think they're doing OK but time will tell. I do know they saved a bundle on salaries compared to the past board, and most of the messes they inherited. Unlike you, some posters on this thread have criticized this group from day one, which is really weak. Anyway Crash I am sorry, but I'm not an ass kissing b..tard, just a guy that wants a great Local like 804 to succeed. What I think many don't know is how influential 804 is. The eyes of locals throughout the country watch the events at L804. And the eyes of UPS management. So when I see posts that just don't add up, I react. Brother Crash, be proud of your membership in L804.


Well-Known Member
Crash buddy calm down. I'm sorry if I got under your skin. I do believe you're a good union guy, it just is troubling when posts come around that question every move the board makes. I don't know where you stand on this present E board, I think they're doing OK but time will tell. I do know they saved a bundle on salaries compared to the past board, and most of the messes they inherited. Unlike you, some posters on this thread have criticized this group from day one, which is really weak. Anyway Crash I am sorry, but I'm not an ass kissing b..tard, just a guy that wants a great Local like 804 to succeed. What I think many don't know is how influential 804 is. The eyes of locals throughout the country watch the events at L804. And the eyes of UPS management. So when I see posts that just don't add up, I react. Brother Crash, be proud of your membership in L804.
I have to ask you, what planet are you from? This Circus destroyed Local 804! You got to be on the board or drinking their Koolaide.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Crash buddy calm down. I'm sorry if I got under your skin. I do believe you're a good union guy, it just is troubling when posts come around that question every move the board makes. I don't know where you stand on this present E board, I think they're doing OK but time will tell. I do know they saved a bundle on salaries compared to the past board, and most of the messes they inherited. Unlike you, some posters on this thread have criticized this group from day one, which is really weak. Anyway Crash I am sorry, but I'm not an ass kissing b..tard, just a guy that wants a great Local like 804 to succeed. What I think many don't know is how influential 804 is. The eyes of locals throughout the country watch the events at L804. And the eyes of UPS management. So when I see posts that just don't add up, I react. Brother Crash, be proud of your membership in L804.

Where were you when they were trashing the previous board and continue to trash them. The people that elected this board took them at their word they did not say they were going to try to do better they said they would do better.
This board and their supporters are the ones that started to trash L804 on their website and on TDU.
They were elected and have not delivered in fact something's are worse. It is too bad that some members don't like to read the criticism but the only people that have benefited from their election is TDU and those people aren't members.