Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Where were you when they were trashing the previous board and continue to trash them. The people that elected this board took them at their word they did not say they were going to try to do better they said they would do better.
This board and their supporters are the ones that started to trash L804 on their website and on TDU.
They were elected and have not delivered in fact something's are worse. It is too bad that some members don't like to read the criticism but the only people that have benefited from their election is TDU and those people aren't members.

The old board is not being trashed. It is just being held accountable for their screw ups that we are still paying for. They endorsed the last two sellout contracts they we have to work under (oops so does Tony , Angelo, John, Bill and Steve). Sucks doesnt it?? I bet that contract looks a little different from this side huh Tony?? They also left our Health and Welfare practically bankrupt ("We spent it on the members!" blah blah blah). Lets not forget the whole mismanagement of our Pension Funds. Yes they are gone for good (sorry Tony) but their legacy lives on!!


Well-Known Member
The old board is not being trashed. It is just being held accountable for their screw ups that we are still paying for. They endorsed the last two sellout contracts they we have to work under (oops so does Tony , Angelo, John, Bill and Steve). Sucks doesnt it?? I bet that contract looks a little different from this side huh Tony?? They also left our Health and Welfare practically bankrupt ("We spent it on the members!" blah blah blah). Lets not forget the whole mismanagement of our Pension Funds. Yes they are gone for good (sorry Tony) but their legacy lives on!!

:happy2: They will be back to clean up the mess


Well-Known Member
Yes they are gone for good

You don't sound so confident about it, its typical of almost all your post to end the say way. You can keep reassuring yourself as much as you like. I bet your (the E Board) next campaign will focus on the same old crap, and not what they accomplished, or what they promised to accomplish. There destroying our local in every level, and this accomplishment will not go unpunished.
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Well-Known Member
Question 804 brown, is Pope running with a slate..? So if she is elected, wouldn't she be with old board members..

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Well-Known Member
Question 804 brown, is Pope running with a slate..? So if she is elected, wouldn't she be with old board members..

The problem isnt the GEB. The problem is the leadership or the lack there of. Sandy knows the GEB members. They respect her. When she wins, she will set the agenda and lead by example. There will be some new people there either way because when Gegare left the GEB, he took several officers with him.


Well-Known Member
LOL, hellooooo, the old board created the mess!! Do you really think the membership is going to put them back in charge of this local?? I think not!!

Question 804 brown, is Pope running with a slate..? So if she is elected, wouldn't she be with old board members..

The problem isnt the GEB. The problem is the leadership or the lack there of. Sandy knows the GEB members. They respect her. When she wins, she will set the agenda and lead by example. There will be some new people there either way because when Gegare left the GEB, he took several officers with him.

now using your words "the old board created the mess!! - POPE will be part of the Hoffa's old board but thats ok.

What Im getting at is HOWIE is gone, it's the MembersVoice 2012 new leadership that will win and build our local stronger than ever.

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Well-Known Member
What Im getting at is HOWIE is gone, it's the MembersVoice 2012 new leadership that will win and build our local stronger than ever.

Build our local stronger??? Please first get your thumb out of Tony Donothings @ss before you type. Most of there slate is a joke ,

Tony D -is a maroon no brains what so ever , doesn't do a thing for the members.

Angelo -is a management kiss @ss lost running for steward 52 - 10. Please Danny be on my slate LOL

John M -put a mirror under his nose just to make sure he is alive.

Alphonso C -his alt Pete R is more of a steward then he is , Tony D should have asked Pete to run at least he knows how to talk to and defend members.

Orlando M - won't be the steward next May take that to the bank , plus he is clueless.

Danny M -also kisses up to management , I would to is UPS hired my family and gave them sweet jobs.

Eddie V -don't know him but from what I here he is OK but another puppet for Tony D

Vinnie G -now there is a real management ball washers heard he goes to the DM of 43rd st house Al friend

Alex Z -another joke doesn't fill grievances but goes to South America on vacation every year for 8 weeks.

Dwight P -stand up guy

Danny B -don't know the man

Rocky D - were should I start , First I lost all respect for him because he is running with Tony D after all the cr@p Tony D has said about him over the years , but Rocky has always been looking to get in the hall , Howie R use to shake his leg and people would say what are you doing and Howie would say "I'm trying to get Rocky off" Tony D use to yell out SPIDERS ON LINE 1 when Rocky would call the hall.

And for the record I don't think the board we have now is all that great they have holes to BUT at least they are honest and up front , and will only get better plus they fixed our medical and pension that Tony D ,Angelo and John destroyed

go ahead Mistake post that you feel that members voice is a slate of all top men, try being honest for once, I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for them but don't say they are all special.
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Well-Known Member
Question 804 brown, is Pope running with a slate..? So if she is elected, wouldn't she be with old board members..

now using your words "the old board created the mess!! - POPE will be part of the Hoffa's old board but thats ok.

What Im getting at is HOWIE is gone, it's the MembersVoice 2012 new leadership that will win and build our local stronger than ever.


Mistake, in Local 804, the problem wasnt just Howie. It was the entire E/B plus all the B/As. They were all complicit in those policies that bankrupted our H/W, endorsed concessionary contracts, played "go along to get along" with management, and horse traded one member for another. Howie was just the head of a sick and dying animal that was put out of its misery.
Now why Sandy decided to run alone I dont personally know but it doesnt mean she cannot win. Most people only know the Hoffa name and none of the GEB. Sandy knows these people and respects most of them. At least this way Sandy wont have to worry about the "old board" destroying records, files and hard drives like the Row A boys did here in Local 804!!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Mistake, in Local 804, the problem wasnt just Howie. It was the entire E/B plus all the B/As. They were all complicit in those policies that bankrupted our H/W, endorsed concessionary contracts, played "go along to get along" with management, and horse traded one member for another. Howie was just the head of a sick and dying animal that was put out of its misery.
Now why Sandy decided to run alone I dont personally know but it doesnt mean she cannot win. Most people only know the Hoffa name and none of the GEB. Sandy knows these people and respects most of them. At least this way Sandy wont have to worry about the "old board" destroying records, files and hard drives like the Row A boys did here in Local 804!!
You are right! Sandy can run on her own. Tony D ran by himself 14 years ago and won on his own. :wink2: To me it looks like he will be winning again!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Where were you when they were trashing the previous board and continue to trash them. The people that elected this board took them at their word they did not say they were going to try to do better they said they would do better.
This board and their supporters are the ones that started to trash L804 on their website and on TDU.
They were elected and have not delivered in fact something's are worse. It is too bad that some members don't like to read the criticism but the only people that have benefited from their election is TDU and those people aren't members.

"They were elected and have not delivered in fact something's are worse." What a mistake we made!


Well-Known Member
Where were you when they were trashing the previous board and continue to trash them. The people that elected this board took them at their word they did not say they were going to try to do better they said they would do better.
This board and their supporters are the ones that started to trash L804 on their website and on TDU.
They were elected and have not delivered in fact something's are worse. It is too bad that some members don't like to read the criticism but the only people that have benefited from their election is TDU and those people aren't members.

No what is to bad is that you waste your time with the garbage you post you must being running with Tony D. You say things are not better well you are truly clueless.

Lets see things that are better....

Building raids though not as many as you would like still more then Tony and Angelo did.

More Union Reps now part timers know who there BA is.

Fix our pension by making changes that needed to be done with the investments.

Fix our medical our fund was losing $500,000 a month under Tony and Angelo now its gaining $300,000 our surplus had doubled since this E Board is in office.

Our membership has NEVER backed Hoffa now we have a E Board that is standing with us not with UPS.

Members Voice is backing Fred Gegare just like Hoffa , he to backed the last to UPS contracts. Tony D and Angelo gave Hoffa money in the past to help him get elected , how much did they give Fred ???? not much Tony and Angelo are not making $165,000 anymore.

Teamster University , member to member meeting , safety classes , something Tony D and Angelo never did.

No deal making with UPS the way Tony D would TRADE members to get what he wanted. He even did it to one of his own stewards. Even a guy thats on his slate Alphonso C he told UPS to put him on the 8 hour plan NO overtime and let it go on for months. It could have been stopped at any time but Tony D did nothing. LOL

Again not saying what this board is doing is great BUT its steps in the right direction Tony D was in the hall for 11 years and it went back-wards.

24 hour answering service , at least now our calls get to a BA after 3pm.



Well-Known Member
One of you Tony D ball washers ask Tony D why he refused to go to any of the arbitration with the guys that got fired while he was the BA also ask him why he never took any notes ( I can answer that he can't read or right )

This guy wants to be President of Local 804? He is a disgrace a fraud , all he cares about is himself.



Well-Known Member
Thanks to Vinnie M not running. Why don't you ask Tony D why they did not count the 700 slate votes that Sam C got since he ran with Howie, if they were counted Sam beats Tony D by 650 votes.
Thx for Vinny not running u have to live in a cave or r a comete idiot. The word has been out on Vinny the sellout. This is a guy that couldnt get more than 20 votes total between the lasr 2steward elections against Alphonso C. Vinny is a has been who should have never been worth anything.


Well-Known Member
No what is to bad is that you waste your time with the garbage you post you must being running with Tony D. You say things are not better well you are truly clueless.

Lets see things that are better....

Building raids though not as many as you would like still more then Tony and Angelo did.

More Union Reps now part timers know who there BA is.

Fix our pension by making changes that needed to be done with the investments.

Fix our medical our fund was losing $500,000 a month under Tony and Angelo now its gaining $300,000 our surplus had doubled since this E Board is in office.

Our membership has NEVER backed Hoffa now we have a E Board that is standing with us not with UPS.

Members Voice is backing Fred Gegare just like Hoffa , he to backed the last to UPS contracts. Tony D and Angelo gave Hoffa money in the past to help him get elected , how much did they give Fred ???? not much Tony and Angelo are not making $165,000 anymore.

Teamster University , member to member meeting , safety classes , something Tony D and Angelo never did.

No deal making with UPS the way Tony D would TRADE members to get what he wanted. He even did it to one of his own stewards. Even a guy thats on his slate Alphonso C he told UPS to put him on the 8 hour plan NO overtime and let it go on for months. It could have been stopped at any time but Tony D did nothing. LOL

Again not saying what this board is doing is great BUT its steps in the right direction Tony D was in the hall for 11 years and it went back-wards.

24 hour answering service , at least now our calls get to a BA after 3pm.

Teamsters University whats the graduating rate. What have these students learned?? As for the membee to member meetings this was orignally organized and still influenced by D Scott and the proactive stewards in foster ave. You would know that if u would participate in union activities on the weekend instead of painting peoles apts hoping for sexual favors in return. :) Take had enoughs advice and walk awY from the mold.


Well-Known Member
Posted: 2009-02-12 by law
Complaint Rating:
Company information:
United Parcel Service
United States

Inside UPS - What did brown do for me?
As a former employee of UPS, I felt a compelling urgency to write this letter about discriminatory and harassing work conditions that are practiced and tolerated by management within United Parcel Service Company.
There is an individual - known within the organization as the hatchet-man - who worked/works as a Division Manager for UPS buildings::censored2:. On a daily basis he singles out and viciously targets, African-Americans, Hispanics and female staff. He verbally intimidates and threatens the jobs of his subordinates, undermines their efforts to complete assignments, belittles them in front of their colleagues and staff. His behavior in formal settings such as meetings has been witnessed to escalate and cause stress related medical symptoms in staff. The list of people he harassed over several years is enormous. . His actions have been reported yet continue to go ignored by his superiors, HR and top management. In fact, his interrogational style is supported as hardnosed and effective. He is allowed to discriminate against whomever he wants because he has no direct oversight. Projects have unreasonable timeframes for completion and outcomes. His behavior is vindictive, and personal attacks are implemented against those who do not conform to him. Information is not effectively communicated so that you are not informed about changes in meetings or deadlines and then he uses public forums to ostracize lower level management staff. Personally, I have required return visits to my physician who considered returning me to medical treatment for hypertension during my length of time working there. These harassments are documented with HR and UPS Employee Complaint Line. Although many people have complained - including myself, repeatedly - nothing has been done about this person. I know that my complaints led to my termination, but no matter how much I complained to HR I was never heard; my cases were never investigated. I was subsequently terminated by the organization and denied unemployment in November of 2008 for an offense the organization categorized as grounds for dismissal and refused to allow mediation.
When people like this individual are allowed to rule as he does, it creates a fearful and abusive environment. I witnessed it first hand and feel it is important to expose the truths about such happenings because people - who are afraid to loose their jobs or to speak out - are still being abused by his actions. My constant complaining led to my termination and no investigation was ever conducted on my behalf. I have sent complaints to the UPS complaint Line and EEOC to report such happenings but no action was taken to resolve this. I know these actions continue to go unmonitored, therefore, I want others to be aware that this oppressive behavior affects the daily lives of those persons suffering at these locations.
When I applied for employment at UPS, I came on board with an extensive background (26+ years) as a Computer Programmer. I was told that I had to earn the IT jobs and had to take a series of tests to qualify for an available position after a year with the company. In the interim, I worked as a package scanner making $9.00/hr. After a year, I tested for management and wrote a letter to the head of Human Resources stating my expectations and goals. Each year as required, I wrote a letter requesting the opportunity to be considered for a position in the area of my expertise but did not receive a response. When I questioned the rationale for not being given the opportunity to be considered as a candidate for positions in the informational technology division I was informed by HR that they are "special jobs" and not everyone has the qualifications as a candidate. I further asked if all candidates with a background in Computer Science have to start as non-technical worker before they could transfer, I was not given a definite answer. In response I forwarded this question to EEOC to investigate. As of today, I have not received a response.
I, like many of his other victims, are not getting the help or support we need to stop this type of behavior. I realize UPS is a private company and they can select whomever they choose but I feel that without having been informed of their policies or protocols in writing, as well as verbally by the human resource department I question the integrity of this practice and I have been denied my right to opportunities. It is my expectation that those responsible for regulating unfair practices, such as the Department of Labor, should do something to assist a person that was obviously harassed and discriminated against. I intend to send this letter to all that will listen until I am offered an appeal.
Please note that I have a list of persons willing to testify and persons who were abused mentally and quit rather than deal with the company unjust politics. Also, since I worked as a Safety Specialist for the company I have knowledge and witnessed violations of OSHA laws in which many of the documents that OSHA reviews were falsified to appear compliant. I can easily prove this information since I maintained the books and witnessed such activities.
There are so many truths that should be exposed about UPS, harassment/discrimination and noncompliance that strongly exist and are not being addressed.
I look forward to intervention to take place on my behalf and those who remain at UPS.

The real life problems with UPS
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