Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
The so-called empire is crumbling.....Instead of staying strong and united, there is a three way battle for power at the Local 804 Office!!!!!! How can a Union stay strong and protect their members when they are like catty ladies staying in clicks:you_go_girl::you_go_girl:


Well-Known Member
The so-called empire is crumbling.....Instead of staying strong and united, there is a three way battle for power at the Local 804 Office!!!!!! How can a Union stay strong and protect their members when they are like catty ladies staying in clicks:you_go_girl::you_go_girl:

voted out?? by who? old e board members that cant become stewards in there old centers.... and the vote wasn't even close,, they got crushed ,, so who , who ,, keep dreaming and wishing no one will bet them until 5 1/2 years from now ,, I'm sorry to bust your bubble ,, you started posting here under that name in may... where were you when our pension was cut , where were you when we got the split raises ,, where were you when the part times had to wait a year for medical , year and a half if they have a family,, I know where you were you were in the union hall because you are an X executive board member by the way you type and spell I'll guess your Tony D from my building or the little midget in our package room..... keep posting...


Well-Known Member
voted out?? by who? old e board members that cant become stewards in there old centers.... and the vote wasn't even close,, they got crushed ,, so who , who ,, keep dreaming and wishing no one will bet them until 5 1/2 years from now ,, I'm sorry to bust your bubble ,, you started posting here under that name in may... where were you when our pension was cut , where were you when we got the split raises ,, where were you when the part times had to wait a year for medical , year and a half if they have a family,, I know where you were you were in the union hall because you are an X executive board member by the way you type and spell I'll guess your Tony D from my building or the little midget in our package room..... keep posting...

Answer the questions...............where were you when our pension was cut , where were you when we got the split raises ,, where were you when the part times had to wait a year for medical , year and a half if they have a family


Well-Known Member
The so-called empire is crumbling.....Instead of staying strong and united, there is a three way battle for power at the Local 804 Office!!!!!! How can a Union stay strong and protect their members when they are like catty ladies staying in clicks:you_go_girl::you_go_girl:
hey david .C we lost the election!!!! I supported row a more than any other 804 member.... but now we have to wait our turn lets show support for the e board remember they represent you too.... and if you get yourself into trouble you will need help from them.... im still giving the company hell!!!! they are the real enemies!!!!!! howwie and bill are gone be respectful david.... I cant believe im saying this but i support the new board...


Well-Known Member
the old board scale 1 to 10 1 is worst 10 is the best .... howie 3 tony .m 4... bill .b 3.. tony .d 3.. pat. d 4... angelo ... 3.. bill .l 2 ......the new board.... tim. s 3.... jim.r 3 ... pete. m 4... dave. friend 5..... niel .o 5... mark. h 5... chris. s 4.. thats my honest take on things from what i have seen myself these guys got along way to go for sure !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I cant believe im saying this but i support the new board... of course you can your a union person you look at things the right way ,, maybe if ROW A listened to Tony D they would still be there,, MAYBE LOL


Well-Known Member
Sorry to tell you Row A ,Jr. Member....You better not get yourself in trouble....Because this E-Board cant get themselves out of a paper bag....Members are loosing jobs left and right....We are not protected anymore...Stay safe my brother....for your ownsake....


Well-Known Member

QUESTIONS!!! What is get along go along Cris S. going to do when he looses his job in Arbitration???? Not that this board would ever be re-elected, but he can't even run with them.......HAHAHAHAHHA:not_fair: SORRY CHRIS!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am telling you phone are ringing like crazy.....Sources are saying that Mark Holmes not only "NOT SHOWS UP" to his buildings, he never shows up at the Union Hall....Not even a phone call is ever answered....
ANOTHER FINE EXAMPLE OF 24 - 7!!!!!:sick:


Well-Known Member

QUESTIONS!!! What is get along go along Cris S. going to do when he looses his job in Arbitration???? Not that this board would ever be re-elected, but he can't even run with them.......HAHAHAHAHHA:not_fair: SORRY CHRIS!!!!!!
Ok im new to this... i did hear that Mister Pushy.. Chris.S was a strange guy.. the go along get along I have to it check out .. But this fcking guy Holmes lives in the uniondale bldg .. it upsets me when i see his ugly face almost everytime Im over there ... the union hall part i dont know but uniondale that big dudes there man .....i guess he feels safer in his home bldg huh ......


Well-Known Member
Sorry to tell you Row A ,Jr. Member....You better not get yourself in trouble....Because this E-Board cant get themselves out of a paper bag....Members are loosing jobs left and right....We are not protected anymore...Stay safe my brother....for your ownsake....
Thanks lonewolf I will be fine i know the ropes .... the company knows i cant stand them ... from mike.b to charlie.g ......


Well-Known Member
We have to watch out for eachother Row A....This new e-board has no backbone....Members are being walked out of the buildings like crazy...You call that Union hall, they all dont know what they are doing....Stay out of trouble and protect yourself....Thats all you have for now is yourself....stay cool!!! Its a hot summer... By the way I know what you mean about an ugly face, but whats make them ugly is their lack of experience....:2scared:sweating these two years out!!!!


Well-Known Member
This is just what I mean..... Sources say Dave O, Does come to the building about once a week, Good Job...He actually drives his car and gets out....But Dave!!!!! Get some courage and get out of the cracks....Let us actually see you,:stalker: not just your car....Stop hiding and do your job!!!! What kind of representation is this when a Union Official is afraid to do his job????? LOL LOL LOL


Well-Known Member
Clueless wolf, before you submit a post, please read it and make sure it makes sense. You have shown myself and many others what type of people UPS employs and I feel ashamed to work with you and even have you part of this local. Diaf


Long Time Member
Clueless wolf, before you submit a post, please read it and make sure it makes sense. You have shown myself and many others what type of people UPS employs and I feel ashamed to work with you and even have you part of this local. Diaf

804...I read these posts and also wonder what's going on????? I'm not into daily UPS Ops, but this is really confusing...:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
dave do your job!!!!!! Don't hide in the corner....show your face and speak up to help the members!!!! I do hope that is clear enough!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys like i stated before im new to this.... some of these row b guys .. im sorry new e board guys!!!! got some balls .. Im hearing some of them are cracking the whip .. Im just reporting what im hearing .. I want to be fair if i hear it and it has legs i will state it on here good bad and ugly .... These company asssholes ie managers... supervisors like to make fun of the way some of these guys dress ... I just walkout the room when they start talking that nonsense . Like i said these guys got a ways to go .. Dress better guys your executives now !!!!! Some of them get it and some dont .........