Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
the local was audited as soon as row b took over. Hoffa had his auditer in the hall once or twice a month to look over "the books" for the past couple of years. Tim and jim had to change a bunch of things because the old guys were not operating by the international rules or even the local by laws. You are right the old regime should have been under trusteeship but what can you do now besides make sure the old guys do not get back in.

Tos, remember what i just wrote here: Hoffa's man was in this local to look over the books already. Tim and jim and the current board are in the process of fixing what the old board did. They were in power a very long time and nobody really knew how bad it was until the new guys came in. Changes have been implemented and it seems we are finally headed in the right direction. The problem here in lo 804 is some of the old board looking to get back into office by inventing lies to smear the new board . They are following the republican playbook when they blame obama for everything under the sun. The new board has been in office less than 2 years. Im not sure if you are aware but when the old board left, they cared so much for the membership that they destroyed files and computer harddrives and did not assist in the transition at all. Things were chaotic at first especially with our h/w fund in arbitration but they stopped the bleeding and are getting better everyday.

can you prove that ?? No you can not, it's all hearsay.......stop the lies......the old board did right by the membership and more and more people see that everyday by the inability of this current to lead, they are ineffective....no doubt about it and they have to go away and go away soon.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Tim S.has done nothing to show that he is a leader.

Hey Eyes to borrow your quote about leaders.

Now maybe you can help us with this,you seem to know what is going on in our Local.

Members Unite at Melville
Local 804 members rallied at the Melville building on Wed., May 11 to protest unfair production standards and to demand the reinstatement of two shop stewards who were illegally fired in retaliation for action taken by Local 804 to protect the safety of drivers and the public.

UPS Workers Rally for Safety in Melville - YouTube


Well-Known Member
can you prove that ?? No you can not, it's all hearsay.......stop the lies......the old board did right by the membership and more and more people see that everyday by the inability of this current to lead, they are ineffective....no doubt about it and they have to go away and go away soon.

Prove what?? That the new executive board was audited by Hoffa's guy?? That is a fact. Contact Hoffa yourself. As for the missing files and hard drives, that also was true. And as for the old guys helping in transition and old arbitration cases, your boys were a NO SHOW NO CARE!! WHere was Tony and Angelo and John and Pat D and the others when members who were fired needed them for testimony during their arbitrations?? The "old board did right by the membership"?? You couldnt be more wrong. The old board cared little when they were in power and cared even less when they were thrown out.

So that little possy of 433 that follow Tony and co are leading you all down a road to no where. You should be "annoyed"!! I would be too!!


Well-Known Member
prove what?? That the new executive board was audited by hoffa's guy?? That is a fact. Contact hoffa yourself. As for the missing files and hard drives, that also was true. and as for the old guys helping in transition and old arbitration cases, your boys were a no show no care!! Where was tony and angelo and john and pat d and the others when members who were fired needed them for testimony during their arbitrations?? the "old board did right by the membership"?? You couldnt be more wrong. The old board cared little when they were in power and cared even less when they were thrown out. bullsh..! John was at my hearing

so that little possy of 433 that follow tony and co are leading you all down a road to no where. You should be "annoyed"!! I would be too!!
you state they went to no hearings? Were they given dates and were they requested by the current b.a. Handling the case? If so i demand proof!


Well-Known Member
Prove what?? That the new executive board was audited by Hoffa's guy?? That is a fact. Contact Hoffa yourself. As for the missing files and hard drives, that also was true. And as for the old guys helping in transition and old arbitration cases, your boys were a NO SHOW NO CARE!! WHere was Tony and Angelo and John and Pat D and the others when members who were fired needed them for testimony during their arbitrations?? The "old board did right by the membership"?? You couldnt be more wrong. The old board cared little when they were in power and cared even less when they were thrown out.

So that little possy of 433 that follow Tony and co are leading you all down a road to no where. You should be "annoyed"!! I would be too!!

804 brown you have no clue. I know as a fact Tony D and Pat D were scheduled to give testimony at the return clerk arbitration two weeks ago but the case settled.


Well-Known Member
804 brown you have no clue. I know as a fact Tony D and Pat D were scheduled to give testimony at the return clerk arbitration two weeks ago but the case settled.

That's funny because at first Tony said NO but since he is running he changed his mind and said he would go


Well-Known Member
you state they went to no hearings? Were they given dates and were they requested by the current b.a. Handling the case? If so i demand proof!

Tony D knew when every date was and did not go to any. Was he asked? Are u kidding me he was there when UPS fired them if he really gave a sh/t he would of been there no matter what. Anthony C has said that he had a argument with Tony D about going to a members arbitration and he said NO. If John N went to your hearing that shows he cares and was doing his job as a Teamster but as for Tony he is garbage.


Well-Known Member
tony d knew when every date was(dates change constantly . My last 3 have been postponed!)and did not go to any. was he asked?(yes was he asked, to appear at the panel on union buisness the acting b.a. Must request his presence) are u kidding me he was there when ups fired them if he really gave a sh/t he would of been there no matter what. Anthony c has said that he had a argument with tony d about going to a members arbitration and he said no. If john n went to your hearing that shows he cares and was doing his job as a teamster but as for tony he is garbage.
im not defending tony, im just styating the facts!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acesup804
tony d knew when every date was(dates change constantly . My last 3 have been postponed!)and did not go to any. was he asked?(yes was he asked, to appear at the panel on union buisness the acting b.a. Must request his presence) are u kidding me he was there when ups fired them if he really gave a sh/t he would of been there no matter what. Anthony c has said that he had a argument with tony d about going to a members arbitration and he said no. If john n went to your hearing that shows he cares and was doing his job as a teamster but as for tony he is garbage.

im not defending tony, im just styating the facts!

The facts are that Tony D didn't give a sh/t. I know Tony D a very long time he only cares about himself. Anthony C told drivers in Times Plaza center that , he was shocked that Tony D was not at any of the arbitration that members got fired under him. He also said that many of the arbitrations he went to Dave O was there even though he was no longer in Foster and that at ever one the arbitrator would ask who was at the 72 hearing and who was the BA at the time. Even the drivers would ask is Tony going to be here? NOW I don't think the union would go out of there way to ask Tony to be there but if I got fired and he was the one asking the questions at my hearing I would want him there just like you wanted John.

I was never a steward or a BA but if a member that I represented was to get fired under my watch I would be there no matter what. Also about 5 drivers out of Alphonso C center all went to arbitrations and lost there jobs , Tony D was the BA when they were fired so It was easy for Tony to know all the dates since Tony and Al are good friends.

And Crash here is something else about Tony , when he got back to Foster he told us that after they lost the election that "John N was in he office crying like a little girl" don't know if its true but I was standing there when he said it to about 5 guys.


Well-Known Member
no no no....it's just proof that you can sell anything now a days to the new 804 members....thank god the rest of the country has a brain.....pope is history get on with with your lives.

thank god the rest of the country has a brain? So when the rest of the country passes a sh/t contract like the last 2 them what? You think members at 804 give a sh/t about the rest of the country? Most of there homes don't cost what ours do , their gas and tolls are not the same as ours , their cost of living is not like ours. The last 2 contracts have been nothing but give backs. Funny how people like Crash and Mistake like what you posted. What has Hoffa done for you??????? NOTHING JUST RAISED YOUR DUES

You really have no clue, We have gotten the shaft on the last 2 contracts I'd rather Sandy handle the next one and if it sucked then we would of voted her @ss out to.

The only reason our International is in good shape is because Hoffa raised the dues from 2 to 2 1/2 times the hourly rate.


Well-Known Member
My whole career with UPS has been in Brooklyn , I know Tony D for a long time people think I'm the guy in the green jacket but there wrong. I use to like and respect Tony in the beginning it was great when he walked in the building we all felt good "Tony was here" and he was a good BA in the beginning but like with most things it didn't last.

To many deals going on buddy buddy with management , any members that voiced his opinion against Tony paid the price. The old 8 hour plan or worst but for people like me we were his buddies , I mean he did get me into this sweet job I have now, only because it kind of shout me up.

The reason I feel that he is garbage is the way he came back to Foster when he lost. Said the members were :censored2: they don't know sh/t , sure maybe he was upset I would be to making $165,000 and a cozy job. Then he ask the stewards to step down and not help the new board, Phil C has over 300 members he looks after , he looked at Tony like he had 3 heads "no way how does that help my guys? " Phil said.

Then we get new BA's in the building and things were getting bad, Dave O and Pete were very green and management was trying to take advantage of them, but every morning Tony D would be in the hallway talking to Joe R DM, Ralph L LP laughing it up. Members would go to Tony for help and his response was "you voted these :censored2: so now you live with them" Tony just turned his back on them.

All Tony would say is the worse it gets the better for me, I hope UPS fires people like crazy. Drivers from Foster were getting ready to go to arbitration and when we asked Tony if he was going he would say "friend^ck that I'm not going to make this new board look good" yea but what about the drivers? "their all done anyway"

I want to hear 1 person from Foster tell me I'm lieing , tell me what I'm saying isn't true and try and tell me something this PBG has done since he's been back........

So this Is why I act the way I do. Teamsters for Teamsters not Tony for Tony.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Aces why don't you sit on a Reindeer atlers ....I am sure there are alot of Reindeer you can choose from at this time....Do you have a life or are you just obsessed with Tony D????


Well-Known Member
I don't think he is obsessed I think he knows Tony better then most and is just putting it out there.

Tony is going to be running for President of Local 804 (maybe) so members should know what kind of person he really is. Its one thing when your a BA but now he wants to be Prez,, I'd vote for Bill B any day over Tony or Angelo. They were just puppets in Howie and Bill's world anyway.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he is obsessed I think he knows Tony better then most and is just putting it out there.

Tony is going to be running for President of Local 804 (maybe) so members should know what kind of person he really is. Its one thing when your a BA but now he wants to be Prez,, I'd vote for Bill B any day over Tony or Angelo. They were just puppets in Howie and Bill's world anyway.

You would vote for Bill B after he was part of Howie's boys?? He was VP under Row A. He was one the Board of Trustees for our pension and H/W funds; we know how well that went. He also backed Hoffa numerous times as well as sold Hoffa's contracts. And maybe most importantly, he is responsible for lots of the wonderful language in our local supplemental.

Sorry eyes, but Im not not that forgiving of any of those guys. Im willing to give Tim and co a shot at proving we made the right decision in 2009, that he is up to that great responsibility. I know negotiating a contract is about give and take. It is just that under Howie, Bill, and Tony and co, our side just gave and UPS just took. The jobs that we do day after day were made harder and with less protections under the old guys. Granted under the new regime, the day to day stuff we do has not gotten any better either. The only way that will change is if we come together as one union and push our local board to improve that situation with a great contract!!

Imagine what UPS would think if Tony D and his slate decide in the best interests of the membership to NOT run in 2012?? Imagine the power Tim and co will have with 100% of the membership backing them in negotiations-not the 50-60% Row B will get?? That is what solidarity is. That is what being in a union is supposed to be about: Putting the interests of the whole above the one.

It is a win -win. Tim and co get 100% backing to get the best contract or we all walk and UPS knows that. And Tony does a stand up thing and unifies our union and helps heal his reputation!!


Well-Known Member
You guys have more stories than the Empire state building, Lets talk about real facts, not hear say with no proof to back anything you say..

Lets talk about the deals our E Board is making with UPS, like part-timers making book as full timers and management telling our Board "lets wait, I dont need full timers right know."

Keep posting the same none sense while your E Board is letting UPS destroy us.