Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
this is now posted on members voice web-site by Tony D: [/COLOR]Throughout my career with UPS, I was a strong supporter of Ron Carey for 20 years, during which time we all benefited from a strongly led Union

So Tony D tell us why you and the rest of the old board did not go to his funeral?

Tell us why you and the old board did not have 1 photo of him in the union hall?

Tell us why at a general membership meeting you and Dan Carey had to be separated and you keep yelling "I'll punch you in the face and this is what I think of your father" you then spit on the floor

Tell everyone why you told a bunch of people in Foster (I was there) that you wanted to go and piss on Ron Carey's grave.

oh no! Now your obsessed with their site? Or maybe their facebook page? Don't worry I know You were not the Jackass at the last meeting! You were Vinny Green jacket man in the back with the mold all around you! What are we going to do with you after "The Members Voice wins":winnersmiley: ROTFL::rofl:


Well-Known Member
I was there at Local 282 when Tony D threatened to punch Dan Carey in the face. I was also at Ron Carey's funeral not one board member showed up didn't even send flowers. I always talked to Anthony M and he said that "it was to political to go because they already distanced themselves from Carey so going to the Funeral would add fire to Tim's slate", people like to say that Hoffa told them not to go , but Anthony said that wasn't true.

So now Tony D is using the Carey name just another example that he will do anything to try to get elected.

Bill B and Steve M are putting a slate together and they will have people from members voice on it. Half of members voice is either very weak or don't have much experience. Vinny G , Alex Z , Orlando M , Danny M and Alfonzo C are the weak ones on the slate. Plus 3 of them are company guys anyway ( lets see if any one can pick with 3 )

I could see Danny B and Rocky going with Bill. Eddie and Alfonzo are loyal to Tony D. Angelo not sure but if Rocky goes he may follow.

Going to be very interesting.........I maybe retired when it all goes down but I will enjoy it........


Well-Known Member
Members voice only has one guy from the eastern long island buildings and that was very bad geographical planning from Tony D. Not having anyone from Nassau or Melville would haunt him. I could see Bill and Steve running adding a few of the feeder guys like mango, medina and a few other of his followers but that will split the vote for the people that dont like row b and it wouldnt be enough for them to win. It will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Are your sure I'm not Vinny. No your Vinny.
I'm going to be a different jackass until he gets his answer from Tim or one of the trustees!

Lets go back to the last contract. When our pension was cut by 40%. Who negotiated the pension to be restored, AFTER local 804 members voted down the SUPPLEMENTAL contract that our board said "ITS A FAIR CONTRACT FOR THESE TIMES?" Well, as you must know since you know it all, the health and welfare and pension go hand and hand. The trusties decide how much of the money goes into the pension and how much goes into the health and welfare. Wake up anc cut the B.S. We are not part of the central states pension and or health and welfare. We at 804 negotiate our pension and our Health and Welfare. And you guys want to run our union? you cant even face the facts and the truth. The old board members did NOT negotiate any extra money to bring our health and welfare up to where it needed to be over the last decade as health care costs were rising.....period


Well-Known Member
Are your sure I'm not Vinny. No your Vinny.
I'm going to be a different jackass until he gets his answer from Tim or one of the trustees!

Lets go back to the begining of our current contract. UPS and our trusties voted to cut our pension accrual rate by 40%. We needed money to be put into our pension to get back what we lost,(do to a vote our board blamed on a trustie from local 447). After MEMBERS from 804 voted the contract down, (after tony and company said "its a fair contract for these times") Who negotiated the Money to be put into the pension to restore it??? Local 804 did. Why you ask? Because as with our Health and Welfare, our Pension is also negotiated through our SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. Our health and Welfare and Pension go hand and hand. We are not part of the Central States fund. We Negotiate our own Pension and our own Health and Welfare. WAKE UP! And you guys want to run this union??? You cant evern face and or handle the truth. Our Old board did NOT negotiate any extra money to restore our health and welfare as it was decreasing year after year. They saw it was loosing money and did NOTHING to try and save it. Its not rocket science. When the costs of Healthcare all over the country is rising, you need to get more money to cover those increases.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Lets go back to the begining of our current contract. UPS and our trusties voted to cut our pension accrual rate by 40%. We needed money to be put into our pension to get back what we lost,(do to a vote our board blamed on a trustie from local 447). After MEMBERS from 804 voted the contract down, (after tony and company said "its a fair contract for these times") Who negotiated the Money to be put into the pension to restore it??? Local 804 did. Why you ask? Because as with our Health and Welfare, our Pension is also negotiated through our SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. Our health and Welfare and Pension go hand and hand. We are not part of the Central States fund. We Negotiate our own Pension and our own Health and Welfare. WAKE UP! And you guys want to run this union??? You cant evern face and or handle the truth. Our Old board did NOT negotiate any extra money to restore our health and welfare as it was decreasing year after year. They saw it was loosing money and did NOTHING to try and save it. Its not rocket science. When the costs of Healthcare all over the country is rising, you need to get more money to cover those increases.

The truth is the old board did not vote for a reduction in the pension. To further that the 447 trustee was conviced that the pension was in trouble so he voted with UPS.
UPS realized they wouldn't get the contract approval with out restoring the pension. If you look at the chart on the 804 site the reserves were at $15 million to my guess, so I guess that was not a problem at the moment.
I don't want to run this union but maybe someone like you who seems to have some clue should run for office because these guys don't have a clue.
You should also ask who negotiates the money we get for Pension, Health and Welfare.


Well-Known Member
The truth is the old board did not vote for a reduction in the pension. To further that the 447 trustee was conviced that the pension was in trouble so he voted with UPS.
UPS realized they wouldn't get the contract approval with out restoring the pension. If you look at the chart on the 804 site the reserves were at $15 million to my guess, so I guess that was not a problem at the moment.
I don't want to run this union but maybe someone like you who seems to have some clue should run for office because these guys don't have a clue.
You should also ask who negotiates the money we get for Pension, Health and Welfare.

I believe that Washington negotiates the total amount and our local breaks it down into how much goes to H/W and how much goes into the pension.


Well-Known Member
I believe that Washington negotiates the total amount and our local breaks it down into how much goes to H/W and how much goes into the pension.

This is exactly how it works. Furthermore, the local has the right, based upon the vote of the membership, to divert split raises to shore up a weak pension fund, which is what is happening with the NYS Teamsters Pension Plan. Our split raises for the duration of this contract are being diverted to the pension fund, which is fine with me because I'd rather make sure that my pension is secure and can live without the extra money now. It will be a nice jump when we go back to top rate when this contract is over.


Well-Known Member
I believe you are right .

Originally Posted by 804brown
I believe that Washington negotiates the total amount and our local breaks it down into how much goes to H/W and how much goes into the pension.

just like our last contract UPS put 12 million into our pension thur the supplemental agreement to fix our pension , we need to force them to put more in to our medical.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 804brown
I believe that Washington negotiates the total amount and our local breaks it down into how much goes to H/W and how much goes into the pension.

just like our last contract UPS put 12 million into our pension thur the supplemental agreement to fix our pension , we need to force them to put more in to our medical.

You think your pension is fixed? We need large contributions in both.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 804brown
I believe that Washington negotiates the total amount and our local breaks it down into how much goes to H/W and how much goes into the pension.

just like our last contract UPS put 12 million into our pension thur the supplemental agreement to fix our pension , we need to force them to put more in to our medical.
Each supplement and or rider negotiates H/W and P but the dollars mirror the National negotiations. Some plans are set monthly increases while other plans pay a per dollar (straight time) amount. These last few years worked out to $40 per year increase to be split between respective funds by vote of the fund trustees according to need. Remember the market took a major downturn in 2008 after the last contract was in place. Many Pension plans dropped into red zone status not because of trustee actions, but because of market performance. Whatever direction the trustees allocate the yearly contractual increase have only a slight impact on fund performance. The market return is the big player in pension and utilization/prescription drug costs are the big players in H&W. Insufficencies in these plans will not be repaired by UPS's contribution increases. They can be repaired by benefit reductions and improved market performance. The 804 trustees have acted prudently in the long term interest of their members, possibly at their own peril if they seek re-election. Real leaders make tough choices.


Well-Known Member
You think your pension is fixed? We need large contributions in both.
I have to admit fixed was not the right word, what I meant to say was that the money UPS put back into our pension keep the accrual rate as it was before the cuts , $144.00 a year. So that our pension stayed at $3,600 after 30 years or 25 years if your 55.

Did not want to confuse people......

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Had enough

Well-Known Member
The circus must be in town!!! Sources say they showed up at Foster Ave. It was clearly told that they were standing against the wall while all the supervisors were working !!! Great campaign kickoff!!!!


Well-Known Member
The circus must be in town!!! Sources say they showed up at Foster Ave. It was clearly told that they were standing against the wall while all the supervisors were working !!! Great campaign kickoff!!!!

Sources?? Come on just say Tony D told you, stop with the sources.

Yes our Executive Board was at Foster from 5 am till around 9 am walking around the building talking to preloaders , seeing whats going on and no sups were working. Then they greeted the drivers as they walked into the building. Nice to see them here they all got a good reception.

I never saw Tony D run out of the building so fast ever morning he hangs around running his mouth not today LOL get those airs done on time you clown.....