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VoiceAbove says:February 2, 2012 at 11:08 pm
Well Rocky you were always a loyal person to the Redman Slate over the years. We all know the reason you never got in the hall was because you came from a TINY building so why take you when they knew you were loyal and didn't have a huge following. Anthony M always said the members come first its all about the members I guess Tony Donato was never listening when that was said. Tony Donato has done nothing to help any member since he came back to Foster. Tony Donato is a joke in Foster and Island City thats why he is using Eddie and alfonso to get his slate votes. What ever it takes to get back in nothing to do with the members.
So maybe this is your last hooray why not take a chance and if you were on the top of members voice I would respect that but NOT DONATO or any one from our old board. Tony has Alfonso on his slate WHY? because Foster is 80% African Americans that works for Tony. We are a union it has nothing to do with black or white best union man for the spot what about the other stewards in Foster like Frankie,Phil the DOG ? these guys forgot more then Alfonso knows not a knock against him just the truth. I know they were never asked. But hey when the members here in Foster found out Tony was a racist what was he to do….. Plus he ran for steward and got crushed by a walking zombie….. give me a break… Alfonso is a steward for 4 years , how he can even look himself in the mirror backing this guy maybe he knows its his only chance to get in the hall. I have know idea..
And Alfonso if you read this your BIO on members voice says your a steward for 2 centers 180 guys THATS A LIE ..TELL THE MEMBERS THE TRUTH. What did he tell the guys on his center that lost at arbitration and Donato didn't even show up???How did you look them in the yes? I do know you care for the people you represent?? I bet the house that if it was you Rocky and one of your guys got fired you would be there know matter what. Donato didn't go to any arbitrations of guys from Foster that were fired under his watch NOT ONE……. BUT when the WHITE CLERKS asked him to go to there arbitration he said YES WHY?????? Don't like the brothers Tony???????
Then Donato stands outside Foster with Dan Carey what a joke that was , and now on his web-site it says (wait let me go look)"Throughout my career with UPS, I was a strong supporter of Ron Carey for 20 years, during which time we all benefited from a strongly led Union." Donato wanted to p/ss on Careys grave. Donato didn't even go to Ron Carey's funeral did you Rocky? I did… The hall didn't even send flowers NOTHING Ronnie made it possible for all of them to be were there are and they showed no respect. Rocky you said that you would answer questions well lets see here are some…..
1. Ask Donato what was his plan to fix our medical since he was a trustee on the health and welfare??? I know what his plan was because I have a copy of what was giving to the lawyers before they lost… lets see if he tells the truth. I like how at the GMM meeting a member asked him what was his plan to fix it. Donato just walked away and sat down
2. There was a meeting set up the day after the vote count to fix our health plan and it was canceled that day, the lawyer was on her way to the hall and she got a phone call that it was canceled WHY??? Why leave our plan in the hands of a new slate and not fix it?? Because they didn't want to look bad , worried about getting back in….. But they did take out all of their so called vacation money from over the years and had a huge Christmas party at Russo's on the Bay …. Did you go Rocky?? I guess Riccardo's wasn't good enough , needed to go out with a big bang……
I know you have to say the right thing Rocky but if this was your slate only 3 other guys from it would have been on your slate….. I do feel that all of the guys on Donato slate are good guys but NO way are they all strong….. again maybe 4-5.
I believe in UNIONS I believe in Local 804 I do NOT believe in Donato……..And now Donato is standing outside buildings hand out a piece of paper with members voice experience on it…… LOL Just like the photo's with the thumbs up LOL
IS HOWIE RUNNING HIS CAMPAIGN ,, And for the record Rocky your right Frank L

you out of the porters job and Tony D was behind him 100%…..
Long Time Steward says: ( is ROCKY D running with members voice )
- February 5, 2012 at 4:25 pm
I didn`t know they had a plan to fix our health plan I wasn`t privledge to any of that information it may have been because I was out with my achilles injury. I was on a withdrawl card I couldn`t even vote in that last election. If you have a copy you have more info then I ever had. No I didn`t go to their Christmas party I didn`t even know they had one. Howie would never invite me anyway after he gave that job away & I was sitting home I called him up and gave him hell basically telling him I supported you in every election my doctors telling me I can`t do package anymore & this is how you pay me back ? Only I used a few words I can`t use on here. Like I said I`m my own man I`m going to speak my mind I don`t care if it`s some UPS management person or somebody in the hall. You also asked if I attended Ronnies wake no I didn`t and I`m kind of ashamed I didn`t. I loved Ronnie he got my job back after I was discharged for leading the overweight strike in my building. Patty Paganella asked me to pull out the preloaders which I did without question. Patty was my first B.A he was actually the secretary treasurer back then he groomed me I appreciated the way the company feared him. I was running this time reguardless I would never run before out of respect for Tony Magrene & Angelo both these men were always there for me and my members. I come from a pro union family my Dad God rest his soul was a laborer steward for local 731 for over 30 years so it`s kind of in my blood. I wanted to be with this slate because I would fear having to walk in and run a local with no experience doing so all my experience has been with representing my members. I feel it`s a good thing to have 3 experienced people on the slate that have hall experience. As far as my building being small yes it is but I do come from 43rd st. and still maintain some very close relationships there with other stewards & drivers. The company is actually talking about moving us back there this coming October. Maspeth is taking over our building. As far as representing my members I go above and beyond to keep them out of harms way with this company my phone is always on they all have my number I even pick up when I`m on vacaction if they have a need for anything. I don`t ask the company for any special privledges because I`m a steward I go out and work like any other driver I make no deals with them my integrity means a lot to me. I guess I`m old school. Our slate is very well qualified and has a lot of experience I think you should give Tony a chance I feel he really cares about our union.
- VoiceAbove says:
February 6, 2012 at 11:14 pm
Didn't ask you if you knew I asked you to ask Tony of course your going to take the high road. Just refresh my memory was it the strike of 97 or the overweight strike were you didn't want to pull your building?(not that I blame you) I remember Donato cursing you out at the hall which one was it again???? I also remember what happen to you when you were running for a spot as alt-Delegate to the convention and Tony D told them to kick you off or else LOL Angelo was pretty upset that day…
LOL So what are you going to do Rocky blame Howie and Bill B for everything that went wrong in the hall???? So you think Howie should have giving you the porters job for all you did for Row A??? ,, WOW ,, Stop blaming Howie that was talked about at the hall and Frank L went to Tony for advise and he said NO. But who ever you want to believe said no I guess they were right your working fine…. I know GOD BLESS……
Come on Rocky stop your a good guy but please stop with the political answers its so not you
…… Ask Tony why he never went to any of the arbitrations of members that were fired under him when he left office???? Ask Tony what was the plan to fix the plan???? Truth be told you didn't go to Ronnie's funeral maybe because Row A wasn't going. What a disgrace to a great man. Maybe you forget conversations from the past but you know as well as I do that Donato hated Carey. Carey never wanted him in the hall he told Howie to put Sam Q on the slate. You should be one of the top 4 on the slate if your not thats a joke.Long Time Steward says: ( is ROCKY running with member voice )
- February 7, 2012 at 9:48 pm
I`ll ask Tony about that plan next time I see him and the paln. It doesn`t make sense you telling me some of those things because I was one of the stewards that pushed hard to get him elected instead of Sammy. I was introduced to him through Angelo. Actually Sammy is a really nice guy now that I`ve gotten to speak to him a few times. I just didn`t support him because he wasn`t a steward and Tony was Angelos friend I think Sammy was just an alternate. I don`t blame Billy B. for anything I happen to like Billy he`s always been a gentleman towards me. I blame Howie & Frank especially since I know that both Angelo & Magrene went to him and told him he wasn`t doing to right thing by giving that porter job to a feeder guy. And for the record I don`t want to be a porter I only wanted it because I was being told I was done with package. I was so pissed when that happened because I have a family and they were putting my family in harms way. I knew it was pay back for me not supporting that contract and being anti-Hoffa inspite of everything i still wouldn`t support it or him. The main reason why i didn`t go to Ronnies funeral was I didn`t want to pour more fuel on the fire from the guys in the hall I was already being branded a TDU guy which I`m not I honestly never thought they would get voted out. I was against it because it was taking away some of the things we fought for over the years I felt UPS was doing well and our contract should reflect the fact that we work for a profitably company not have any give backs in it. I know the whole story on the alternate delagate things I spoke to one of the guys I was going to run with and he told me what happened I have no reason not to believe him it just doesn`t make sense to me and for the record I`ve gone to every arbitration that any of my members had to go to I could never imagine not going. I really don`t believe Donato wouldn`t go if it was one of his people that doesn`t make sense to me either that`s part of their job..
Voice Above says: February 12, 2012 at 10:35 pm
posted by Rocky who is running on Members Voice slate the question was about Tony Donato not going to arbitrations of the members that were fired while he was there BA…." I really don`t believe Donato wouldn`t go if it was one of his people that doesn`t make sense to me either that`s part of their job.. " YES Rocky you are right not only was it part of his job BUT if he really cared about the members he should have been there. HE NEVER WENT TO ANY SINCE HE WAS OUT OF OFFICE…… And this garbage wants to be president??????
Posted by Rocky " I blame Howie & Frank especially since I know that both Angelo & Magrene went to him and told him he wasn`t doing to right thing by giving that porter job to a feeder guy." First off Rocky I know Anthony Magrene for over 25 years if he went to Frank and told he to give it to you it would have been done…. No questions asked….
Did you see , call , email Tony or ask Angelo about what was the plan to fix our medical AFTER they got re-elected you know the same way they TOLD US about our PENSION CUTS after they got re-elected…… OR how they NEVER TOLD us they vote yes to raise our UNION DUES FROM 2 to 2 1/2 times the hourly rate……