Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Rocky D who is running with members voice AKA Long Time Steward
Long Time Steward says: February 29, 2012 at 7:01 pm Look Voiceabove you have to take things with a grain of salt . I was kidding around about the posting thing I shoot from the hip a lot. I think that if Tony had any problem with any of the stuff I posted he would say something to me. He hasn`t, I even spoke to him today and yes this is who I`m running with I don`t have any problem with him or any of the guys I`m running with. Just to let you know a lot of members don`t feel as you do he has a lot of positive support out there. I guess from what I read you and him must have a history that goes back a bit maybe you should learn to bury the hachet and do what`s best for our union. I think I know who you are anyway your one of 2 people I can think of don`t worry I won`t post who I think you are. Anyway I think you would have to agree what has happened to our local is not in the best interest of our members. It really hurts me to see our once great & powerful union that I was always proud to be a member of turn into this. I still love our union and I feel with the right people there it will once be great again. Those of us that grew up in this local when Ronnie was at the helm have the right to expect better he must be looking down on this local now and shaking his head in disbelief.


  • VoiceAbove says:
    March 6, 2012 at 10:13 pm
    Come on Rocky give me a break talk about a totally lame response. I asked you serious questions that YOU said YOU would ask Tony and Angelo and YOU came back with nothing…… WHY because Donato is afraid to answer them……I know that YOU tried to get them answered but they blew you off.

    You say I should " bury the hachet " the old board destroyed a once GREAT UNION THAT RON CAREY HELP BUILT. You tell me what they did for the membership after Ronnie left.

    33 million in reserve that Carey left went down to 4 million when they left NOW in 2 years its back up to 17 million OUR pension that they watched have crappie investment returns year after year and did nothing. Wanting to give up 25 and out….. WHAT A JOKE……

    RON CAREY himself said that our old board was selling out the members of LOCAL 804 and that they would not be around long. HE WAS RIGHT go to YOUTUBE and see it for yourself.
    Labor Notes Interviews Ron Carey about the UPS Contract - YouTube

    You yourself said it was BS the way our old board treated Ron Carey. Donato has said a number of times that he would p/ss on Ronnie's grave. Now he has the nerve to use the Carey name….. VERY SAD. Howie was right you didn't deserve that porter job maybe YOU feel because you kissed Row A's @ss all those years they should have taken care of you BUT thats not how it works.

    I have worked in Brooklyn for my whole career at UPS and know Donato very well. HE WILL NEVER GET MY VOTE.



Well-Known Member
A LOT more than that is going on at Brush, oh if only our security dept would really do their job and stop the coverups, what a decent place it would be to work. If people do the wrong thing, hourly or management, address the infraction and take the appropriate discipline, but do not just do nothing.....DO YOUR JOB !......WATCHING AND WAITING.


Well-Known Member
A LOT more than that is going on at Brush, oh if only our security dept would really do their job and stop the coverups, what a decent place it would be to work. If people do the wrong thing, hourly or management, address the infraction and take the appropriate discipline, but do not just do nothing.....DO YOUR JOB !......WATCHING AND WAITING.

"AMAZING" The drinking on the clock coverup was fascinating, I guess they really look out for their RATS, and other cooperators in general!


Well-Known Member
The truth always comes out, it just takes time. The coverups at Brush can not go on forever. The main coverup guy Ralph friend is retired....be patient.

No Retaliation: No employee or representative of UPS will be disciplined, lose a job or contract, or be retaliated against in any way for asking questions or voicing concerns about our legal or ethical obligations when acting in “good faith.” Good faith does not mean an individual has to be right; but it does mean that the individual must believe that the information provided is truthful.
Additional information can be found in the section of this Code titled “No Retaliation” and on the Corporate Compliance and Ethics website. It is important that questions or concerns related to the Code or alleged violations of the Code be communicated through one of the many available reporting channels.
If any aspect of the Code is unclear or if we have any questions or concerns, we should talk to our direct manager or supervisor. We can also use the Open Door Policy to talk to someone else in management, including a Human Resources manager, or someone from the function with the expertise and responsibility to address the concern. These individuals may have the information needed, or will be able to refer the question to another appropriate source.
We can also contact the UPS Help Line when we have a concern or want to report a potential violation of our legal or ethical responsibilities. The UPS Help Line is a confidential way to report questionable accounting, financial or audit matters, suspected bribery of public officials, facts that may affect the vital interest of UPS; the moral or physical integrity of its employees or its representatives; or other potential violations of our legal or ethical responsibilities.
The UPS Help Line is answered by an outside vendor and is available to all employees and representatives of UPS, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Interpreters are available for language assistance. The UPS Help Line is not equipped with caller ID, recorders, or other devices that can identify or trace the caller’s number. The UPS Help Line website is managed by a third party that is required by contract and/or by applicable laws to provide confidentiality.


not what i voted for

Well-Known Member

I think you are confused this thread is about the best interest of Local 804 Members not UPS.
Every morning management violates the moral integrity of their employees.
If you are a union member you should read your by-laws, there is a mention of bringing harm to other union members.


Well-Known Member

not what i voted for:

not confused at all...let me explain...

management people that are dishonest should be delt with accordingly, for example if your supervisor was going on the road or working inside high as a kite on booze, pot or some other substance and you knew about it don't you have an obligation to say something or do you just keep quite and let him or her go on the road and kill or injure someone.

the same with a union member, if you know of a union member who is at work drunk, drinking , smoking pot, sniffing cocaine etc ,aren't you the one doing harm to other good union members by not saying anything. the workplace should have zero tolerance for substance abuse , you do not have the right to come to work high and put other union members in harms way.

and if you know about, whether you are a management person or an hourly, and cover it up....hello Brush Ave......you are the one that is doing the harm to all union members. if the union member has a problem he or she can get help, ups and the teamsters have a program that addresses that, but to say nothing and to cover it up is wrong.


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Well-Known Member
Im not too sure the hotline is a 3rd party and I would use every other option before I would even pick up the phone. I also do believe the call will be recorded. I have seen some so called problems turn into a dishonesty act and the employee was fired.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
If this is in the morning it is a problem. I have never seen a steward or someone's friend let a driver go on the road in the shape you describe. My sugestion is to go to the steward or drivers friends and tell them this person needs help now before something bad happens.


Well-Known Member
Whether its in the morning, afternoon, evening or night ..it's a PROBLEM. And is is happening. A union members safety, making sure he or she gets home to their family is more important than any coverup and more important than standing idely by and ignoring the problems. Get your priorities in order, get people the help they need, and get the people that supply this **** out of the building.