Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Not really, there are no "rumors" anywhere but in the ****************. You hear lots of voices don't you "enough". Unfortunately you seem to miss the voices that use logic and reason. UPS fires employees, not the union. Not the union when Howie was in and not the union now. Stewards, officers, agents, Tim or anyone else can't stop UPS from being the s&%theads they are. The union, regardless of who is in charge, can only react. Tony knows that and so do you, so cut the crap, run your losing campaign, and get ready to have your ass handed to you again. Did I get everything in the proper context this time ***?
PS. It's advice all-star, not advise.
loose the game ,instead of worrying about my spelling why don't you worry about your job! Because you are a one time vote!! Open yor eyes! Your board is the laughing stock!!!!


Active Member
loose the game ,instead of worrying about my spelling why don't you worry about your job! Because you are a one time vote!! Open yor eyes! Your board is the laughing stock!!!!

Actually Had enough, your spellling is sufficient to make you the "laughing stock". "loose the game"? Don't you mean lose the game? Hey...what the Hell...you're a worthy spokesperson for the Members Voice 2012 Slate. Hopefully, you'll be the guy that drafts their campaign literature! Yep...there's a strategic plan that just can't miss!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Actually Had enough, your spellling is sufficient to make you the "laughing stock". "loose the game"? Don't you mean lose the game? Hey...what the Hell...you're a worthy spokesperson for the Members Voice 2012 Slate. Hopefully, you'll be the guy that drafts their campaign literature! Yep...there's a strategic plan that just can't miss!


Active Member
You my friend are what we call a SCAB! When your a shop steward and your business agent tell you there is a union action going on, you don't try and relate that to someone asking you to jump of a bridge. You SCAB. We are part of a union and when the union authorizes you to do something within reason, you do it. And Gathering up the men for a serious safety concern is not unreasonable, Not when ups is walking all over the contract and violating every article in it.

Hit a sore button, didn't I. The shop steward, or in his case the shop stupid, and the business agent are not my bosses. I am my own man and do not have to follow the sheep to the slaughter house. Like I stated before the exec board does not treat everyone the same or else other stewards who were fired would have had a job at the union hall.I will continue to make my own decisions , Tim S and Dave O will never ever authorize me to do anything and if that is what you call a scab I will wear that label as a badge of honor .

Had enough

Well-Known Member
He wants to run a local but he can't spell third grade words...lol
Hey Hammer, lst everyone makes spelling mistakes especially when someone isn't a typist. I could give a $h*t about that. Why don't you talk about the important stuff like what is now going to happen to the 90 drivers, but I guess talking about my spelling is a good buff. I hear that Melville totally turned on Cigar Pete and his son Dave O! They say that the directions came from Pete to do a work stoppage. Could you just image that they are boasting that they saved the mens jobs when that incompetent board is the one who lost them their jobs.



Well-Known Member
Actually Had enough, your spellling is sufficient to make you the "laughing stock". "loose the game"? Don't you mean lose the game? Hey...what the Hell...you're a worthy spokesperson for the Members Voice 2012 Slate. Hopefully, you'll be the guy that drafts their campaign literature! Yep...there's a strategic plan that just can't miss!

LOL, He already is the spokeman for them. I can piksha dare campane literacha allredee. Voat four Tony D and da ten duwarfs. Voat four da membas voys !!


Well-Known Member
Was Melville a one, three or five day suspension for the drivers? How was today's meeting?
The arbitrator did not rule on the suspensions. But Im sure if they go to arbitration over this, the arbitrator will say the same thing: Dave O was at "fault" (I dont think he was) for ordering his members to meet and stay past their start time. The members as well as the two stewards did not disregard or ignore any directions of management. The meeting just ran into their start times. The worst case is they were all late for their start times.


Well-Known Member
So what you are saying is that two grown men , that know the difference between right and wrong, are like two sheep that just followed Dave O,s instructions ? If Dave told them to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge would they do that also ? They got jobs at the hall because they were part of the " in crowd " . Whats good for one should be good for all, its really that simple. How do you spell CORRUPTION ??!!

Hey, when and if our union calls for a strike I and any other real union person will follow their leadership. Like the other post said: You are a scab and a union member in name only!!
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Well-Known Member
Hit a sore button, didn't I. The shop steward, or in his case the shop stupid, and the business agent are not my bosses. I am my own man and do not have to follow the sheep to the slaughter house. Like I stated before the exec board does not treat everyone the same or else other stewards who were fired would have had a job at the union hall.I will continue to make my own decisions , Tim S and Dave O will never ever authorize me to do anything and if that is what you call a scab I will wear that label as a badge of honor .

Again, Tim hired the two stewards because it was the union's action (Dave O) that caused them to be retalliated against and discharged. They did nothing wrong; they followed their union rep's order to gather the members. When other members are fired, it is usually THEIR OWN FAULTS OR ACTIONS, not the union's!! GET IT NOW ??


Active Member
LOL, He already is the spokeman for them. I can piksha dare campane literacha allredee. Voat four Tony D and da ten duwarfs. Voat four da membas voys !!

Yep...We gonna' do wats rite dis time cuz we no we skrewed it up last time. Vote for uz cuz we our duh guyz to leed duh uniom. we wazn/t last tyme and we blu da stuarts delections but we is reedy now to take duh leed. Vote Mbers Voice! Duh guyz hoo skrewed up yur health plan. Hey...we dit it once but dis time we promise not to due it again.


Active Member
Hey, when and if our union calls for a strike I and any other real union person will follow their leadership. Like the other post said: You are a scab and a union member in name only!!

What is a real union person, one who follows blindly without question.....only people without a brain follow blindly..remember the air traffic controllers that followed their leader without question...remember what happened to them, hey were all fired and replaced. The days of walking off the job and you rah rah bull**** are over. Go follow Tim and Chris and cigar Pete to the unemployment line. Proud to be a scab, rather be a so called scab than be associated with this out of touch local.......could never really understand what is so hard about just coming to work and doing your job anyway......this new and improved 804 finds every reason just to bitch about something......just remember this without UPS there would be no union, the union could not survive without UPS. Why do you think they are firing people left and right, they want you to take it to arbitration , it costs big dollars that the union does not have. What you have to learn is that everything does not have to be a war......keep on waging war with the company and they will keep on hurting the union in the pocketbook.


Well-Known Member
Again, Tim hired the two stewards because it was the union's action (Dave O) that caused them to be retalliated against and discharged. They did nothing wrong; they followed their union rep's order to gather the members. When other members are fired, it is usually THEIR OWN FAULTS OR ACTIONS, not the union's!! GET IT NOW ??

Hey brown, Im happy to see the stewards got their jobs back. I would love to see the arbritration award. With such a great win for the Local I can't believe no one has posted the award online. Maybe you can clear something up. Tim felt he should pay the stewards because cracker jack BA Dave screwed up. IS TIM ALSO GOING TO PAY ALL THE MEMBERS FACING A SUSPENSION (1-2 weeks) IN MELLVILE because they were all good soldiers and did what was asked. Oh and what about the fine the local is going to have to pay to UPS. If you have any pull see if you can get the award posted so we can all see how great the win was.


Well-Known Member
What is a real union person, one who follows blindly without question.....only people without a brain follow blindly..remember the air traffic controllers that followed their leader without question...remember what happened to them, hey were all fired and replaced. The days of walking off the job and you rah rah bull**** are over. Go follow Tim and Chris and cigar Pete to the unemployment line. Proud to be a scab, rather be a so called scab than be associated with this out of touch local.......could never really understand what is so hard about just coming to work and doing your job anyway......this new and improved 804 finds every reason just to bitch about something......just remember this without UPS there would be no union, the union could not survive without UPS. Why do you think they are firing people left and right, they want you to take it to arbitration , it costs big dollars that the union does not have. What you have to learn is that everything does not have to be a war......keep on waging war with the company and they will keep on hurting the union in the pocketbook.
The air traffic controllers were screwed by a President who promised support as a candidate and acted far differently as President. Although PATCO members went on an illegal strike, few remember their expressed concerns over safety issues, that did receive attention only after they were fired. It may have costs them their jobs but they had the stones to stand up for what they believed, and all air travellers are safer because of what they did.
L804 members elected this board to do what the last guys wouldn't do. These guys aren't the deal makers that ran all over the members a few short years ago, nearly bankrupting the Pension and Health Funds. Remember the last contract offer Howie and Tony put their support behind? You'd be under that contract had Tim and Co not stood up. Of course these guys aren't perfect, but they're miles ahead of what they replaced.
Scabbie, it's a two way street. UPS succeeds because of the workers. UPS would destroy themselves without the union. Arbitrations are expensive but they give a local a decent chance of success. Go to a Panel system and UPS will own L804.
How lonely you must be hiding under your bed, or should I say Tony's bed.


Active Member
the air traffic controllers were screwed by a president who promised support as a candidate and acted far differently as president. Although patco members went on an illegal strike, few remember their expressed concerns over safety issues, that did receive attention only after they were fired. It may have costs them their jobs but they had the stones to stand up for what they believed, and all air travellers are safer because of what they did.
L804 members elected this board to do what the last guys wouldn't do. These guys aren't the deal makers that ran all over the members a few short years ago, nearly bankrupting the pension and health funds. Remember the last contract offer howie and tony put their support behind? You'd be under that contract had tim and co not stood up. Of course these guys aren't perfect, but they're miles ahead of what they replaced.
Scabbie, it's a two way street. Ups succeeds because of the workers. Ups would destroy themselves without the union. Arbitrations are expensive but they give a local a decent chance of success. Go to a panel system and ups will own l804.
How lonely you must be hiding under your bed, or should i say tony's bed.

united parcel service already owns 804....that's a fact...keep on drinking tim s toilet water.


Active Member
Its UPS and they certainly do not.

Is that what you get hung up on , whether I call the company United Parcel Service or UPS ?? Yourself, Tim, Cigar Pete and the rest of the "leadership" are really pathetic. By the way what kind of deal was made with B/A Chris S ( the one who IS FIRED from UPS ) that his arbitration hearing is pushed back yet again. Lets see if I can guess on this one: UPS says let us have our way with firing drivers , etc up in Elmsford....dont fight too hard for them and we will postpone your hearing again. Thank goodness the arbitrator already made a decision on Liam R....FIRED, GONE, ASTA LA VISTA BABY, whats he going to do in the very near future ?


Well-Known Member
Is that what you get hung up on , whether I call the company United Parcel Service or UPS ?? Yourself, Tim, Cigar Pete and the rest of the "leadership" are really pathetic. By the way what kind of deal was made with B/A Chris S ( the one who IS FIRED from UPS ) that his arbitration hearing is pushed back yet again. Lets see if I can guess on this one: UPS says let us have our way with firing drivers , etc up in Elmsford....dont fight too hard for them and we will postpone your hearing again. Thank goodness the arbitrator already made a decision on Liam R....FIRED, GONE, ASTA LA VISTA BABY, whats he going to do in the very near future ?

Do you really think Sabbatino made a deal so UPS can fire drivers up in Elmsford?? Are you that ignorant and cynical to think that he would sell out his members?? As for Liam getting fired and the discharge upheld by an arbitrator (an arbitrator that Tim eventually fired for her relentless anti-union rulings), you seem happy and giddy that he was discharged. Shame on you!! A fellow union member and steward at that was fired under the watchful eye of Tony Donato who didnt even testify at Liam's arbitration!! Sure looks like a convenient outcome: UPS gets rid of an active steward who pissed off management everyday and Donato got rid of an active steward who made him look weak and ineffective. I wonder who Donato saved for sacrificing Liam!!