Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Active Member
Do you really think Sabbatino made a deal so UPS can fire drivers up in Elmsford?? Are you that ignorant and cynical to think that he would sell out his members?? As for Liam getting fired and the discharge upheld by an arbitrator (an arbitrator that Tim eventually fired for her relentless anti-union rulings), you seem happy and giddy that he was discharged. Shame on you!! A fellow union member and steward at that was fired under the watchful eye of Tony Donato who didnt even testify at Liam's arbitration!! Sure looks like a convenient outcome: UPS gets rid of an active steward who pissed off management everyday and Donato got rid of an active steward who made him look weak and ineffective. I wonder who Donato saved for sacrificing Liam!!

Yes yes yes...I sincerely believe that he made deals in an attemp to save his own butt. Why has he been bounced around from building to building like a used ball ? If an arbitrator agrees with the union does that make him anti company ? So when an arbitrator agrees with the company that makes him anti union.......The fact is that Liam did not present his case very well......Sabitinos hearing keeps on getting pushed back....why......deal time koolaid drinker.


Well-Known Member
Members Voice was at 43rd St on Friday handing out there flyer's. One side was there years of serves and the other was taking shots at our current board. I can't believe the lies that they have on there LOL Most drivers I know were laughing at how Tony and Angelo are trying to blame the current board when it comes to the medical. Part Timers will decide this election hands down that is why the current board will win easy. Members voice needed those 2 stewards to be fired and it didn't happen , I have friends in Melville and that building is behind Tim and Company.


Well-Known Member
Members Voice was at 43rd St on Friday handing out there flyer's. One side was there years of serves and the other was taking shots at our current board. I can't believe the lies that they have on there LOL Most drivers I know were laughing at how Tony and Angelo are trying to blame the current board when it comes to the medical. Part Timers will decide this election hands down that is why the current board will win easy. Members voice needed those 2 stewards to be fired and it didn't happen , I have friends in Melville and that building is behind Tim and Company.
You have a wild imagination ,because after what happened with those two stewards they are backing Members voice
all the way. I am from that building so I hear it first hand.


Well-Known Member
"Bounced around from building to building"?? The man wasnt bounced. WHen they first got in, he was given 5 buildings: elmsford, yorktown, mt vernon, manhattan north, and brush. Over time the work load was more evenly distributed to the other BA's. Now he only handles elmsford and yorktown.

As for his arbitration, im guessing ups is pushing back his hearing to piss sabbatino off.

As for liam's case, liam was only a driver when he got fired. It was Donato his BA who "did not present his case very well"!! Hmmm, I wonder why??


Well-Known Member
You have a wild imagination ,because after what happened with those two stewards they are backing Members voice
all the way. I am from that building so I hear it first hand.

Talk about a "wild imagination". You have no truckin idea who greg and jerry are backing "all the way".


Well-Known Member
Members Voice was at 43rd St on Friday handing out there flyer's. One side was there years of serves and the other was taking shots at our current board. I can't believe the lies that they have on there LOL Most drivers I know were laughing at how Tony and Angelo are trying to blame the current board when it comes to the medical. Part Timers will decide this election hands down that is why the current board will win easy. Members voice needed those 2 stewards to be fired and it didn't happen , I have friends in Melville and that building is behind Tim and Company.

Ive seen the flyer also. Besides the lies on the back about the health and welfare funds, they leave off some valuable biographical info the candidates. For instance under Donato, Angelo and Nemeth they left off: screwed up the health and welfare funds, bargained away 25 and out, supported the split raises and the two worst contracts ever, wasted our dues on bloated board salaries, supported hoffa in every election, never enforced the contract, and sold out certain members in back room deals.

And eyes you are right on. Members voice wanted the two stewards to lose their jobs. It was part of their two part strategy: blame the board for everything and hope the membership forgets what Donato and co did when they were in charge. Remember we did not forget how they destroyed records and notes and computer hard drives,etc when they lost re-election. That right there totally disqualifies the three top names on their pathetic slate.


Well-Known Member
Hey brown why do you keep on ignoring me. Why dont the E BOARD post the steward arbitration award.

Not ignoring you. I dont have the arbitration decision. Why dont you go to the hall and read it yourself and take notes or ask Tim to read it at the next union meeting. Plus Im not sure if it is legal or ethical to post an arbitration decision but maybe a synopsis of what was in it would be helpful on the website.


Well-Known Member
Not ignoring you. I dont have the arbitration decision. Why dont you go to the hall and read it yourself and take notes or ask Tim to read it at the next union meeting. Plus Im not sure if it is legal or ethical to post an arbitration decision but maybe a synopsis of what was in it would be helpful on the website.

Every member has a right to read that decision, we wouldnt want Tim and company accused of not being open about everything to the membership. That decision could wind up costing the local millions when it is all said and done.


Well-Known Member
Every member has a right to read that decision, we wouldnt want Tim and company accused of not being open about everything to the membership. That decision could wind up costing the local millions when it is all said and done.

Whats the number of backlog cases up to at this point thats going to cost the local ( thats your dues money going down the drain members ) at this point.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen the flyer also. Besides the lies on the back about the health and welfare funds, they leave off some valuable biographical info the candidates. For instance under Donato, Angelo and Nemeth they left off: screwed up the health and welfare funds, bargained away 25 and out, supported the split raises and the two worst contracts ever, wasted our dues on bloated board salaries, supported hoffa in every election, never enforced the contract, and sold out certain members in back room deals.

And eyes you are right on. Members voice wanted the two stewards to lose their jobs. It was part of their two part strategy: blame the board for everything and hope the membership forgets what Donato and co did when they were in charge. Remember we did not forget how they destroyed records and notes and computer hard drives,etc when they lost re-election. That right there totally disqualifies the three top names on their pathetic slate.

What you post here is all B/S. I am not voting for this current board . THROW THE BUMS OUT, OPEN YOUR EYES. CORRECT THE MISTAKE.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
What a bunch of ******* on this thread
Whats the matter hammer? Now your cursing everyone with their opinions because the members are figuring out that they made a mistake. Maybe if the E. board did their job this would have not happened. They had almost threes years to prove themselves. But they have messed up time after time. If they did one thing right the members would have had a different opinion!!!


Well-Known Member
Every member has a right to read that decision, we wouldnt want Tim and company accused of not being open about everything to the membership. That decision could wind up costing the local millions when it is all said and done.

Funny because Howie never let anyone read them........Were you crying them????


Well-Known Member
Whats the matter hammer? Now your cursing everyone with their opinions because the members are figuring out that they made a mistake. Maybe if the E. board did their job this would have not happened. They had almost threes years to prove themselves. But they have messed up time after time. If they did one thing right the members would have had a different opinion!!!

They did a lot right starting with telling us the truth. Being MEN and fixing our medical not running from it like our old board did. Changing how our money was being invested so that our pension is doing a lot better.



Well-Known Member
What you post here is all B/S. I am not voting for this current board . THROW THE BUMS OUT, OPEN YOUR EYES. CORRECT THE MISTAKE.
You can vote for who ever you want to. But this membership remembers what the old board did to our union and 3 of them are trying to crawl back in; back to the scene of the crime. Im sorry but we do not wish to go back to those days anymore. We voted in record numbers for this current board for a reason: we felt Howie and Tony and the boys had lost touch with the rank and file and had become complacent and lazy. We also voted against them because they practically bankrupted our health and welfare funds and made poor decisions on our pension investments. They pulled in huge salaries and didnt visit our buildings. Several of them had personal/friendly relationships with certain DMs. Some of them still do. They also backed Hoffa and his sell out contracts that we all have to live with. Yeah go ahead vote for those guys again. You and the other terminally angry members that dont see what a relief it is to have a board that talks to you and looks you in the eye and tells you the truth. A group of guys that are committed to making this a better local than they found it. A group of guys that took an oath to not sell out the members and not make back room deals with management. Since they have been in office, we now see BA's at all times of the evening and early morning. We never had that before. We have BA's coming to our building 2-3 times a week. And yes we have BA's willing to step it up like Dave O did in Melville and show UPS they mean businesss. Tony and co never had the balls to do what Dave did. He and others were too busy being in UPS' pockets. The only time Tony and co got excited and active was when they needed to get re-elected. Other than that they were old, complacent, ineffective union hacks whose best days were behind them. By no means do I think this current board is perfect. However, with a little over 2 years in office, these guys have begun to fix what needed to be fixed in our union. We now have union reps working around the clock addressing all of our problems not just the drivers. Our health funds are growing once again due to difficult moves they had to make to save our funds from going broke. Now thanks to our new board an increase in our pension is not out of the question. Now we have BA's who dont go fishing with their building's DM or make backroom deals in secret. We are told at every union meeting the status of all our funds (as boring as it is when sitting there). We have parking lot meetings with our BA's all the time now. Are members still getting fired under their leadership? Yes, but guess what? Members get fired nationwide for the same "offenses". Read some of the other threads on brown cafe: telematics, falsification, dishonesty, clean in clean out, lying about accidents,etc. Our next contract needs to give us better language in order to survive on this job. ANd thats another reason we voted the current board in: to negotiate a good contract that looks out for our best interests and doesnt sell us out like Row A did!!


Active Member
You can vote for who ever you want to. But this membership remembers what the old board did to our union and 3 of them are trying to crawl back in; back to the scene of the crime. Im sorry but we do not wish to go back to those days anymore. We voted in record numbers for this current board for a reason: we felt Howie and Tony and the boys had lost touch with the rank and file and had become complacent and lazy. We also voted against them because they practically bankrupted our health and welfare funds and made poor decisions on our pension investments. They pulled in huge salaries and didnt visit our buildings. Several of them had personal/friendly relationships with certain DMs. Some of them still do. They also backed Hoffa and his sell out contracts that we all have to live with. Yeah go ahead vote for those guys again. You and the other terminally angry members that dont see what a relief it is to have a board that talks to you and looks you in the eye and tells you the truth. A group of guys that are committed to making this a better local than they found it. A group of guys that took an oath to not sell out the members and not make back room deals with management. Since they have been in office, we now see BA's at all times of the evening and early morning. We never had that before. We have BA's coming to our building 2-3 times a week. And yes we have BA's willing to step it up like Dave O did in Melville and show UPS they mean businesss. Tony and co never had the balls to do what Dave did. He and others were too busy being in UPS' pockets. The only time Tony and co got excited and active was when they needed to get re-elected. Other than that they were old, complacent, ineffective union hacks whose best days were behind them. By no means do I think this current board is perfect. However, with a little over 2 years in office, these guys have begun to fix what needed to be fixed in our union. We now have union reps working around the clock addressing all of our problems not just the drivers. Our health funds are growing once again due to difficult moves they had to make to save our funds from going broke. Now thanks to our new board an increase in our pension is not out of the question. Now we have BA's who dont go fishing with their building's DM or make backroom deals in secret. We are told at every union meeting the status of all our funds (as boring as it is when sitting there). We have parking lot meetings with our BA's all the time now. Are members still getting fired under their leadership? Yes, but guess what? Members get fired nationwide for the same "offenses". Read some of the other threads on brown cafe: telematics, falsification, dishonesty, clean in clean out, lying about accidents,etc. Our next contract needs to give us better language in order to survive on this job. ANd thats another reason we voted the current board in: to negotiate a good contract that looks out for our best interests and doesnt sell us out like Row A did!!

I will keep tho simple. First of all Dave O almost cost 2 stewards their jobs. The arbitration could have gone either way. People voted in record numbers because everyone was caught up in the change is better theme of the day. Its a free country, if you want to vote the current fools in again that is your right to try to do so but THEY WILL NOT BE GETTING MY VOTE. REPEAT MY VOTE DOES NOT GO TO TIM AND HIS MERRY BAND OF CLOWNS.