Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
This has been reported to the IRB. IBT. DOL. This executive board has been going after all the members who are now turning on them. If you don't agree with them. Now they tell everyone you are a hater. Anybody who with even think of voting for these guy again is playing with their family's life's.


Well-Known Member
I respect your opinion about Mark H but I don't agree. HE HAS BEEN GETTING PAID FOR 2 YEARS AND IS NEVER AROUND. And calling the hall would be a kangaroo court. Like I said it has been reported to this is different branches of the Union. It is a disgrace what happened, and they will pay for their disgracefull treatment of two long time, well respected stewards.
I guess this is what they meant by 24/7. Mark H has been missing in action and getting paid for two years.That is the members money I guess they forgot that part. Tim S just turn a blind eye and let's him get away with it. You call him a leader. He is more like Jim Jones, He has lead over 600 hundred members to being discharge. That is why the members of local 804 will be getting rid of these guy in the next election. Just like Ron C got rid of cigar Pete in local 282. That was another local cigar Pete destroyed. Just ask any member of local 282 from years ago.


Well-Known Member
WOW Tony D is up early ..... I guess you got your suit on , went to the corner got the bagels and paper. When you said Ron C got rid of Pete was that like when Ron Carey banned your father from his local and forced him to retire.....


Had enough

Well-Known Member
WOW Tony D is up early ..... I guess you got your suit on , went to the corner got the bagels and paper. When you said Ron C got rid of Pete was that like when Ron Carey banned your father from his local and forced him to retire.....

This is why everyone knows you are a sick person! Everyone knows that Mr. Donato died while he was still in the Union. PLEASE LET THE MAN REST IN PEACE ! It is Easter as you know!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I hope this thread never dies Ron Carey would be proud of you all. Keep fighting the good fight
This thread will die as soon as the Circus leaves Town! I know we do get a few laughs on here, but we have a serious problem! Ron's son knows we need help that is why he is helping the Members Voice. The Executive Board even screwed the Carey Family (May Ron rest in peace. I am uncomfortable to talk about the dead) LOL

Have a Happy Easter!


Well-Known Member
WOW Tony D is up early ..... I guess you got your suit on , went to the corner got the bagels and paper. When you said Ron C got rid of Pete was that like when Ron Carey banned your father from his local and forced him to retire.....

You are not even close I told you that once before. You are a ****** green jacket man, is the mold in your basement getting to you again. I have been around just as long as you and was in Maspeth with you, you ******. Did you paint anybody's mother house and get nothing or drive out to long island just for a thank you. Did you see tony new caddy. Now tell us how you sold out all the guys in you center for 50 stop. And your good friend John g was going to *****. When pagan ran against you and beat you. We had to stop him from kicking you ***in the parking lot. Did you die you hair for Easter and you are still making up stories
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Well-Known Member
Kevin G and Kevin M are two of the best stewards local 804 has ever had. This time the e-board will pay big time for what happened. Yes they sent three thugs to Melville to try and intimadate the two Kevins into steping down as shop stewards to make room for slime ball AW. BUT IT DIDN'T WORK. The thugs accused the two Kevins of being row A supporters and being on the take from UPS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,also threanted them with physical harm and to be brought up on charges. When the two Kevins called their bluff and defended themselves they didnt know what to do. Liam on the other hand tried to make excuses saying he told them (MH AND DF) they were going about things in the wrong way. And yes there are witnesses, AND YES THIS HAS BEEN REPORTED

I guess this is what they meant by 24/7. Mark H has been missing in action and getting paid for two years.That is the members money I guess they forgot that part. Tim S just turn a blind eye and let's him get away with it. You call him a leader. He is more like Jim Jones, He has lead over 600 hundred members to being discharge. That is why the members of local 804 will be getting rid of these guy in the next election. Just like Ron C got rid of cigar Pete in local 282. That was another local cigar Pete destroyed. Just ask any member of local 282 from years ago.

Does anyone know what the Total membership count is. Our Board left that part out on the LM2 report. ????


Well-Known Member
Wow....I guess Tim really did forget to add the total membership numbers.... I can't wait to hear this one...

You know mark was on medical leave....

Pete- bad news
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what the Total membership count is. Our Board left that part out on the LM2 report. ????
I am sure it was done on purpose so we can't see how low the membership is since they are in office. Another dumb move from this board. Do they really think we are that stupid. How insulting to think we would not be smart enough to notice this move?

Had enough

Well-Known Member
He will do the same thing everyone else does.... blame it on someone else!
This Executive Board has never taken the blame on their actions. They continually blame others starting with the members. They have given UPS all rights to do what they want with us. They blame the members for all the mishaps! We have no job security left what so ever!!


Well-Known Member
Lets see its 6 months before Nominations and I checked out your local 804 website and see you have all your meetings scheduled. Good job keeping the site up to date, it only took almost 2 1/2 years. But can you please post when the nominations meeting is, because everyone is anxious to know. We would also like to see the Revised LM-2 report.


Active Member
Lets see its 6 months before Nominations and I checked out your local 804 website and see you have all your meetings scheduled. Good job keeping the site up to date, it only took almost 2 1/2 years. But can you please post when the nominations meeting is, because everyone is anxious to know. We would also like to see the Revised LM-2 report.

Lonedope...you seem to know that it's "6 months before Nominations", right? And you also point out that all meetings have been scheduled, right? So why don't you look at the top of a current calander? It says April, right? Okay...now add 6 to April and...oh never mind, I'll help you with the math. 6 months from April is October and there is a general membership meeting scheduled for October 21st.

You also may want to look at Article 12 of your Bylaws on page 20. Nomination and Election of Officers, Section 1 "Nominations for all offices to be filled in a local union officers election shall be made at a regular general membership meeting held in October of the election year and at least thirty (30) days prior to the mailing of the ballots."

Hope this helps, Lonedope. It's all right there on the Local 804 website. I gotta' tell ya' though Lonedope...somehow I've just got a feeling that you'll still screw it up.


Well-Known Member
Lonedope...you seem to know that it's "6 months before Nominations", right? And you also point out that all meetings have been scheduled, right? So why don't you look at the top of a current calander? It says April, right? Okay...now add 6 to April and...oh never mind, I'll help you with the math. 6 months from April is October and there is a general membership meeting scheduled for October 21st.

You also may want to look at Article 12 of your Bylaws on page 20. Nomination and Election of Officers, Section 1 "Nominations for all offices to be filled in a local union officers election shall be made at a regular general membership meeting held in October of the election year and at least thirty (30) days prior to the mailing of the ballots."

Hope this helps, Lonedope. It's all right there on the Local 804 website. I gotta' tell ya' though Lonedope...somehow I've just got a feeling that you'll still screw it up.
Hey 804 backwards you must be on the board because you sound as screwed up as them. Read your bylaws its either October or November. This is why the E-Baord will not be in office after January lst.

804 backwards, It should be posted as a Nominations meeting for the Membership. Maybe you should fix it for the correct information. Just like you forgot to put the total number of Membership on your LM-2 Report!


Active Member
Hey 804 backwards you must be on the board because you sound as screwed up as them. Read your bylaws its either October or November. This is why the E-Baord will not be in office after January lst.

804 backwards, It should be posted as a Nominations meeting for the Membership. Maybe you should fix it for the correct information. Just like you forgot to put the total number of Membership on your LM-2 Report!

Lonedope...read the Bylaws again! It's not either October or November! Nominations are in October! Ballots go out in November! Ballots are counted in December! Are you even capable of reading the 804 Bylaws or the International Constitution? Jeeeezus...just look at the time frame! If nominations were held in November, ballots would then go out in December and be counted in January...after the elected officers are to take office! Do you understand that bacic concept, Lonedope? And no...I am not on the board or working for Local 804 in any capacity. Your blatant stupidity just scares the Hell out of me when I consider that you, or anyone you are associated with, think that they could do a better job than the board that saved our Health Plan, is reviving our Pension Plan and is providing better representation than Tony D. and his band of idiots!


Well-Known Member
" the board that saved our Health Plan, is reviving our Pension Plan and is providing better representation

The board didn't save our Health plan, it the members who paid for it through our pockets by raising our Co-pays, Emergency Visits, reducing our Disability Benefits, raising our Retirement benefits, its those idiot trustees on our Board who basically went along with UPS and let UPS take control of our Health plan by agreeing with those raises without a fight.

Better representation your ****s, You call getting 2 stewards fired better rep, losing thousands of dollars, and costing the members thousands of dollars. Then making deals with management when a part timer makes book as a full timer, and it takes up to a year for him to start working as full timer, and by the way, his job classification is still a part-timer, and is owed 2 months of back pay for not able to work peak, because the union allow this to happen. Ask Anthony C for the facts.

Membership is down 2 years in a row, a loss of over 500 members. 804 is NOT MOVING FORWARD


Well-Known Member
Lonedope...read the Bylaws again! It's not either October or November! Nominations are in October! Ballots go out in November! Ballots are counted in December! Are you even capable of reading the 804 Bylaws or the International Constitution? Jeeeezus...just look at the time frame! If nominations were held in November, ballots would then go out in December and be counted in January...after the elected officers are to take office! Do you understand that bacic concept, Lonedope? And no...I am not on the board or working for Local 804 in any capacity. Your blatant stupidity just scares the Hell out of me when I consider that you, or anyone you are associated with, think that they could do a better job than the board that saved our Health Plan, is reviving our Pension Plan and is providing better representation than Tony D. and his band of idiots!
You have a big mouth with no brains! You read the bylaws? If you read the bylaws correctly you would understand. it could be any day in October up to november something! Now you go figure the rest out. Ps. You could have a special meeting just for nominations. So like I said before fix it on the site so the members understand its a nominations meeting. If you had any brains there would not be over 500 members discharged.
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Active Member
The board didn't save our Health plan, it the members who paid for it through our pockets by raising our Co-pays, Emergency Visits, reducing our Disability Benefits, raising our Retirement benefits, its those idiot trustees on our Board who basically went along with UPS and let UPS take control of our Health plan by agreeing with those raises without a fight.

Better representation your ****s, You call getting 2 stewards fired better rep, losing thousands of dollars, and costing the members thousands of dollars. Then making deals with management when a part timer makes book as a full timer, and it takes up to a year for him to start working as full timer, and by the way, his job classification is still a part-timer, and is owed 2 months of back pay for not able to work peak, because the union allow this to happen. Ask Anthony C for the facts.

Membership is down 2 years in a row, a loss of over 500 members. 804 is NOT MOVING FORWARD

​And if the rumor mill is true, more to come !