Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Active Member
You have a big mouth with no brains! You read the bylaws? If you read the bylaws correctly you would understand. it could be any day in October up to november something! Now you go figure the rest out. Ps. You could have a special meeting just for nominations. So like I said before fix it on the site so the members understand its a nominations meeting. If you had any brains there would not be over 500 members discharged.

Lonedope, I'll again refer you to your Local 804 bylaws! Nominations shall be made at a regular general membership meeting held in October of the election year. You're apparently looking at Article XXII, Section 4(a) of the IBT Constitution which states, in part, that nominations shall take place in September, October or November and could be held at a special membership meeting. However, in order to proceed in September, October or November at a special membership meeting, that language would have to be voted on and incorporated into the Local 804 bylaws. What was actually voted on and approved by the membership was the language that exists in the 804 bylaws. October nominations at a regular membership meeting, ballots go out in November, ballots counted in December, officers installed in January, Tony D. and the Members Voice whining into February.

I just added that last part! It's not actually in the bylaws...just a tradition after the last local election, the Steward elections, and the Delegate election!


Well-Known Member
Then making deals with management when a part timer makes book as a full timer, and it takes up to a year for him to start working as full timer, and by the way, his job classification is still a part-timer, and is owed 2 months of back pay for not able to work peak, because the union allow this to happen. Ask Anthony C for the facts.

It takes him up to a year to work full time but he is only owed 2 months pay????? TELL HIM TO PUT IN A GREIVANCE... STOP CRYING AND PUT IN A GRIEVANCE. Then come back and tell us what happens when he puts in the grievance. If he is a full timer then all he has to do is put in a grievance to get his back pay....



Well-Known Member
You are not even close I told you that once before. You are a ****** green jacket man, is the mold in your basement getting to you again. I have been around just as long as you and was in Maspeth with you, you ******. Did you paint anybody's mother house and get nothing or drive out to long island just for a thank you. Did you see tony new caddy. Now tell us how you sold out all the guys in you center for 50 stop. And your good friend John g was going to *****. When pagan ran against you and beat you. We had to stop him from kicking you ***in the parking lot. Did you die you hair for Easter and you are still making up stories

LOL Whats the matter Tony D the truth hurts...... Ron Carey hated your father and pushed him out. This is why you hate the Carey Family and told members in Foster ( me being one of them ) that you would p/ss on his grave...... Tony D be carefully your looking like a fat old man lately make sure those 1,000 dollar suits still fit....... Who is going to help you fill out your retirement papers since you can't read or write...... I'm sure you can always call Nancy.......


New Member
our old friend tex retired after 25 years his last years as a clerk and shop steward good luck with retirement tex so now no one wants the job so a jerk takes the job and makes his first deal with the devil part timers doing clerk work so he tells the preload manager being the clerks are 8 and out let them work 1 hour overtime
what did the clerk get not a thing
robert m must go


New Member
our old friend tex retired after 25 years his last years as a clerk and shop steward good luck with retirement tex so now no one wants the job so a jerk takes the job and makes his first deal with the devil part timers doing clerk work so he tells the preload manager being the clerks are 8 and out let them work 1 hour overtime
what did the clerks get not a thing
robert m must go


Well-Known Member
our old friend tex retired after 25 years his last years as a clerk and shop steward good luck with retirement tex so now no one wants the job so a jerk takes the job and makes his first deal with the devil part timers doing clerk work so he tells the preload manager being the clerks are 8 and out let them work 1 hour overtime
what did the clerks get not a thing
robert m must go

Is this Mike Rez????? LOL Your just upset because the steward told you that you could not work your vacation like you have done for years..... NO MORE DEAL MAKING MIKE.... LOL or is this Sal , now there's a deal maker... LOL still shinning Uncle Tony's shoes for getting you inside??? .....


Well-Known Member
Lonedope, I'll again refer you to your Local 804 bylaws! Nominations shall be made at a regular general membership meeting held in October of the election year. You're apparently looking at Article XXII, Section 4(a) of the IBT Constitution which states, in part, that nominations shall take place in September, October or November and could be held at a special membership meeting. However, in order to proceed in September, October or November at a special membership meeting, that language would have to be voted on and incorporated into the Local 804 bylaws. What was actually voted on and approved by the membership was the language that exists in the 804 bylaws. October nominations at a regular membership meeting, ballots go out in November, ballots counted in December, officers installed in January, Tony D. and the Members Voice whining into February.

I just added that last part! It's not actually in the bylaws...just a tradition after the last local election, the Steward elections, and the Delegate election!
You still don't know what your talking about that is why this board will be out!


Well-Known Member
This is why Tony D is a piece of garbage because he will do what ever it takes to get back in the hall to make his $167,000 and 2 pensions. Trust me his father is turning over in his grave......


Well-Known Member
News out of Foster...

Alphonso C who is running on members voice with his Uncle Tony D. Alphonso's Alt-Steward Pete R was fired over a month ago for falsification of documents , over all record and lying during an investigation. The BA Anthony C got UPS to offer Pete a last chance agreement , time served suspension and drop his NLRB charge against UPS and go back to work. Pete turned it down even thou Pete admitted and apologized for some of what the company said he did wrong at the hearing in which he was fired. Thats Pete's choice. I think he's crazy but his choice.

The problem I have is that Alphonso C who has been telling members that he will be the next BA of Foster after the election didn't even talk to Pete about taking the agreement, didn't say anything..I know this because Alphonso told drivers that it was Pete choice he's his own person... Alphonso wants to be a BA? now Pete will have to wait over a year for arbitration and even if he wins chances are NO back pay since Pete admitted wrong doing in his hearing plus the arbitrator will hear the offer UPS made Pete???? Anyone who knows anything knows the NLRB is full of sh/t in cases like this.

Unlike many people here I went and got my facts first before posting this info.

Alphonso C who is a 15 years with UPS and a 4 year shop steward who spent most of his time on safety committee's helping UPS scr@w members. Says he is a steward for 2 centers in Foster BUT that is a LIE...... BE HONEST.... YOU ARE RUNNING FOR THE HALL......

Now our Union has to pay Union dues money for Pete R to go to arbitration on something that is just a waste of members money. Yes I know the Union waste money on other things BUT the point is as a BA you have to make the right choices not only in the best interest of the member but also for the whole Union.

This is what Alphonso and Tony D plan is to sit back and allow members to get fired and blame the Union. Many drivers in Alphonso center have been fired for falsification of documents and he refuses to talk to the drivers about what they need to look out for to stay out of harms way. NO center meetings NOTHING... NEVER ONCE DID TONY D ADDRESS THE MEMBERS IN FOSTER TO HELP THEM OUT JUST HOPES IT BLOWS UP.....

This is why a driver is running agaisnt Alphonso for steward he does nothing to help the people he represents. Pete R does more to help drivers out then the steward.

Funny how Tony D hates Pete and Alphonso doesnt go to the discharge hearing or tell him he should consider the agreement..




Well-Known Member
from members voice web-site:


Teamster member of Local 804 for over 15 years. During this time he has served in several capacities- from unloader to Co-Chair of the Foster Avenue Hub Safety Committee (Brooklyn, NY) to his current position as a full-time Package Car Driver at Foster. Serves as the Shop Steward for two Package Centers, representing over 180 drivers and full-time helpers. Holds a certificate in Labor Studies from Cornell University.

WOW... so what they have is not correct???? Notice it doesn't say how long he's a steward for LOL ....Guess Tony had to make him look better then what he really is..... HEY MEMBERS VOICE NO NEED TO LIE.........maybe there is LOL

Lets not forget the certificate in Labor Studies from Cornell University that he holds was paid for by Union Members Union dues a gift from Tony D when he was in the hall. How many other stewards got the same chance to go to Cornell on the members back........

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Well-Known Member
from members voice web-site:


Teamster member of Local 804 for over 15 years. During this time he has served in several capacities- from unloader to Co-Chair of the Foster Avenue Hub Safety Committee (Brooklyn, NY) to his current position as a full-time Package Car Driver at Foster. Serves as the Shop Steward for two Package Centers, representing over 180 drivers and full-time helpers. Holds a certificate in Labor Studies from Cornell University.

WOW... so what they have is not correct???? Notice it doesn't say how long he's a steward for LOL ....Guess Tony had to make him look better then what he really is..... HEY MEMBERS VOICE NO NEED TO LIE.........maybe there is LOL

Lets not forget the certificate in Labor Studies from Cornell University that he holds was paid for by Union Members Union dues a gift from Tony D when he was in the hall. How many other stewards got the same chance to go to Cornell on the members back........

Is that the best you got, LOL -

Wanna talk about Members Union Dues, How much of our Dues went to pay for 2 Stewards that got fired due to the incompetence of our Board, How many other members got the same treatment from our Board who got fired - NONE

P.S. Here's more waste of members union dues $43,000.00 going to TDU
I hear that UPS security are finally questioning people at Brush about the "get the drugs out of the building case"
Lets see if this gets covered up also !
What took UPS security so long to finally start questioning people. Did the people involved really think that this incident was going to disappear ?Let the chips fall where they may. Last time I heard bypassing the clean in and clean out procedure was a dischargable offense. The people involved know what they tried to do but so do many other people, that's why they are not going to get away with this...there are way too many eyes on this, even security has to cover their behinds.


Active Member
You still don't know what your talking about that is why this board will be out!

Lonedope...I've just about given up on you. I've directed you to our bylaws and pointed out that your confusion about the nomination meeting is simply unfounded. It's right there in the bylaws, Lonedope, and you still can't accept that fact! Now, let me for a moment give you the benefit of the doubt, OK? Let's assume for a moment that I've misrepresented the bylaws (which I haven't) and let's also assume that I "don't know what I'm talking about" (which I actually do). Neither of those inane assertions of yours lead to the conclusion that "this board will be out"!

This Board will be elected to a second term simply because they've done the right thing. They've been honest with the members and they've worked hard to repair the damage of the previous Board! Tony D. and his pathetic slate are not going to win this election with cadillacs, $1,000 suits, a record of supporting Hoffa's dues increases, their most recent loses in the Steward and Delegate elections, the fact that they destroyed union records before leaving office, and their failure to assist with arbitrations that they filed when they were entrusted to represent the members of Local 804.

Tony D. & Members Voice? No thanks!


Active Member
Lonedope...I've just about given up on you. I've directed you to our bylaws and pointed out that your confusion about the nomination meeting is simply unfounded. It's right there in the bylaws, Lonedope, and you still can't accept that fact! Now, let me for a moment give you the benefit of the doubt, OK? Let's assume for a moment that I've misrepresented the bylaws (which I haven't) and let's also assume that I "don't know what I'm talking about" (which I actually do). Neither of those inane assertions of yours lead to the conclusion that "this board will be out"!

This Board will be elected to a second term simply because they've done the right thing. They've been honest with the members and they've worked hard to repair the damage of the previous Board! Tony D. and his pathetic slate are not going to win this election with cadillacs, $1,000 suits, a record of supporting Hoffa's dues increases, their most recent loses in the Steward and Delegate elections, the fact that they destroyed union records before leaving office, and their failure to assist with arbitrations that they filed when they were entrusted to represent the members of Local 804.

Tony D. & Members Voice? No thanks!
God help this membership if this current board gets in again......they are incompetent beyond belief......they only do the right thing when you agree with them and are part of their crew, if you are not they will only do the bare minimum to avoid a lawsuit by a member but will not go the extra mile.....VOTE THE BUMS OUT.


Active Member
God help this membership if this current board gets in again......they are incompetent beyond belief......they only do the right thing when you agree with them and are part of their crew, if you are not they will only do the bare minimum to avoid a lawsuit by a member but will not go the extra mile.....VOTE THE BUMS OUT.

Umm...oldmetrony...the "BUMS" were voted out in the last election! Those were the bums who hid the health plan problems from us, cancelled a health plan meeting prior to leaving office, cancelled all pending arbitrations on the remainder of their watch, supported Hoffa and his dues increase, destoyed union files related to grievances, refused to assist or testify in arbitrations that they had filed, and had their heads handed to them in the Steward and Delegate elections!

The current Board has been forthright and honest in answering all problems and questions at membership meetings. In fact, Tony D. and his slate of losers have proven themselves to be cowards at the membership meetings! All talk leading up to the meetings...and dead silence once the meeting begins!

That's not leadership...it's nothing more than blowhard wannabe' " I want my bloated salary back!

Tim and his slate have my vote! And I hear a lot of guys saying the same thing!



Well-Known Member

Unlike many people here I went and got my facts first before posting this info.

Now our Union has to pay Union dues money for Pete R to go to arbitration on something that is just a waste of members money. Yes I know the Union waste money on other things BUT the point is as a BA you have to make the right choices not only in the best interest of the member but also for the whole Union.

If what you say are facts, which you never give:

Your BA Anthony C is know to be a deal maker, that his MO. Sure Anthony C wanted him to take a last chance agreement, so they would fire him the very next day for something stupid like putting the wrong mileage in his board and bang he would be gone, he had his last chance. All our Board does is make deals and take disapline. I respect Pete R for turning down a Company deal.

Now you want to talk about having a problem spending the members money on the members. There is no better way to spend it. Would you rather the Board give the members money to TDU, TERM TO DATE 43,000.00 and counting.......

Go stick your head up a camels behind, your sure to find an ACE up there....


Well-Known Member
If what you say are facts, which you never give:

Your BA Anthony C is know to be a deal maker, that his MO. Sure Anthony C wanted him to take a last chance agreement, so they would fire him the very next day for something stupid like putting the wrong mileage in his board and bang he would be gone, he had his last chance. All our Board does is make deals and take disapline. I respect Pete R for turning down a Company deal.

Many drivers out of Foster have taken last chance agreements and are still working even when Tony D was our BA. I like Pete and I hope he knows what he's doing....


Active Member
Umm...oldmetrony...the "BUMS" were voted out in the last election! Those were the bums who hid the health plan problems from us, cancelled a health plan meeting prior to leaving office, cancelled all pending arbitrations on the remainder of their watch, supported Hoffa and his dues increase, destoyed union files related to grievances, refused to assist or testify in arbitrations that they had filed, and had their heads handed to them in the Steward and Delegate elections!

The current Board has been forthright and honest in answering all problems and questions at membership meetings. In fact, Tony D. and his slate of losers have proven themselves to be cowards at the membership meetings! All talk leading up to the meetings...and dead silence once the meeting begins!

That's not leadership...it's nothing more than blowhard wannabe' " I want my bloated salary back!

Tim and his slate have my vote! And I hear a lot of guys saying the same thing!
What you hear are the toilet bowls flushing once again and TIM S is back to doing the flushing.......They were in over their heads from the beginning.....They have destroyed our local along with their TDU friends..............STOP THE INSANITY, STOP THE BLEEDING.