Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Spin it anyway you like, one thing is for sure, the E board looked like a bunch of idiots on Sunday.

That's funny because for the last couple of days all the members at Foster are talking about is how Tony D looked like a fool again at the GMM.

You had part timers calling him out and he didn't know what to say.:panicsmiley:

He gets up to the mic and says I didn't represent the part timers in maspeth I only had the drivers in maspeth and foster. Lol only he forgot he had the part timers in foster but he never did I thing for them anyway..... What a joke he is.....

Feeder drivers are saying that Bill B our old VP is going to put a slate together because he wants to take votes away from members voice to make sure Tony D never gets back in the hall..... Way to go Billy..... LOL


Well-Known Member
I guess Vinny the Prozac kid forgot when tony save his job. He just can't take the rejection from tony. And he know when tony get in he will never paint the union hall again.


Well-Known Member
that's funny because for the last couple of days all the members at foster are talking about is how tony d looked like a fool again at the gmm.

you had part timers calling him out and he didn't know what to say.:panicsmiley:

he gets up to the mic and says i didn't represent the part timers in maspeth i only had the drivers in maspeth and foster. Lol only he forgot he had the part timers in foster but he never did i thing for them anyway..... What a joke he is.....

feeder drivers are saying that bill b our old vp is going to put a slate together because he wants to take votes away from members voice to make sure tony d never gets back in the hall..... Way to go billy..... Lol

lonewolfl aka tony d is freaking out ,,,,, its over have nancy fill out your retirement papers you clown........



Well-Known Member
Our Funded percentage was at 70.2% in Jan of 2010, now it is down to 65.00% in Jan of 2011 - The only pathway I see is our Board taking us is into the Critical status stage of below 65.00%

Jan of 2011 thats 15 months ago , so if its not below 65% then what will you say??? Just keep talking out your @ss like u do every morning on Fort Hamilton...... Keep asking Tony D what to write.......


Well-Known Member
Members Voice Slate is still not telling the truth on their website about the members that Alphonso C represents "Serves as the Shop Steward for two Package Centers, representing over 180 drivers and full-time helpers." That is a LIE he is only a steward for 1 center......

Members Voice Slate----- LIE , STEAL and CHEAT ,,,,what ever it takes baby.......


Well-Known Member
At our last General Membership Meeting Shop Steward Chris William challenged Tony D to come down to the hall and help the members.... LOL

Tony D help the members????? Thats funny...... Tony D will only help himself....

Tony D didn't go to members arbitrations in Foster that were fired when he was the BA......
Tony D after going back to Foster asked all the shop stewards to step down and not help the new board they all laughed at him....

Tony D help the members ????? THATS REALLY FUNNY......:obeyhypnosmiley:




Well-Known Member
Another three men fired in Yorktown this week The building is in a uproar. Chris s. is as useless as tits on a bull. Not one man can believe in the yorktown building how incompetent and utterly useless our current executive board is. We are all embarrassed for them. Vinny aka/aces should be a part of that board, because he is a sell out that is why he is not the steward anymore.


Well-Known Member
Another three men fired in Yorktown this week The building is in a uproar. Chris s. is as useless as tits on a bull. Not one man can believe in the yorktown building how incompetent and utterly useless our current executive board is. We are all embarrassed for them. Vinny aka/aces should be a part of that board, because he is a sell out that is why he is not the steward anymore.

Were any of the 3 terminations justified?


Well-Known Member
Were any of the 3 terminations justified?
Upstate, what you dont understand is that the lonelywolf doesnt care if they were justified or not or even if they were walked off or not. What he cares about is passing along bad news about the members, whether its true or false, just to hurt our union board. That has been the agenda of this group that posts on here from the beginning:undermine the executive board. That is what the lonelywolf (aka tony d or donato) did right before leaving office by shredding files and notes and destroying hard drives in their union computers. He also never showed up or was willing to help in old cases that he was the BA for. Like someone else said, he even told all his former stewards to resign in order to weaken the new executive board. (His former stewards at least had enough integrity to stay on and work with the new board).
And now this is an election year and this baffoon wants his old job back. LOL. Even better, he wants to be the president of our local!! LOL. That is a sick joke!! Listen I believe in democracy and elections always make the incumbents work harder for their jobs. It keeps them from becoming complacent. But when the top 3 spots of this members voice slate are 3 former board members that we soundly defeated 3 years ago because of their awful record, no thanks!!

To your question were any of them justified, I do not know. But the thing is donato wants the membership to believe that ONLY IN LOCAL 804 are members fired for dishonesty and falsification. He is either truly clueless about what happens nationwide or is a codswallop artist!!