Speaking of things not dying..why am I still working with that person that deals drugs on the Brush local sort ? Security supposedly interviewed him and the steward that conspired with him to get his drugs out of the building yet he is still employed. Yet I still have to get scanned every night, what a joke. Did our security dept go to the video tape ? Did they interview the management person who as he was leaving the building remarked about the smell of pot but just kept on walking, good job .....Did they ever read the security guards statement ? What did happen was that security terminated the security guards employment , not right away mind you but weeks after because a complaint was filed.He was stupid enough to get the steward instead of a management person, he should have known better but the other two are still employed and are not model employees either.So I ask once again why do I have to work with people that conduct criminal activities on ups property and why would a seward assist a criminal.Once again security goes after the easy kills and terminates a 6.00 an hour security guard just making ends meet,nice job. Still have some faith, not much, that is still being looked at as well as his accomplice in crime.