Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
News out of Foster :
Steward Election on Times Plaza and Tony's little puppet :puppet: Alfonso is not happy about it...... Alfonso is crying like a little baby:people_crybaby: he even asked the guy running against him to please :please: not to run because it isn't good for the center....... LOL I do think the puppet will win easy...but its great to watch him sweat:hot4:


Well-Known Member
News out of Foster :
Steward Election on Times Plaza and Tony's little puppet :puppet: Alfonso is not happy about it...... Alfonso is crying like a little baby:people_crybaby: he even asked the guy running against him to please :please: not to run because it isn't good for the center....... LOL I do think the puppet will win easy...but its great to watch him sweat:hot4:
They don't need you at the meeting. You only have one friend so they feel bad for you. The meeting was five hrs long! A lot was said on Video. They want you so they can tape your lies.


Well-Known Member
Part timers are getting screwed by our E Board. Part-timer was told by Anthony C he would be driving after he took his road test in January and made book 3 times. As of today Part Timer still classified as a pre-loader, currently still not getting his guarantee 8 hrs, there paying him time only. Monday is a paid holiday and hes gonna get paid holiday pay as a pre-loader. When Part timer asked Anthony C why he is still classified as a part timer, Anthony C answer was " It doesn't matter, what your classified as" Anthony C is a totally incompetent. Anthony C is helping the company and allowing this to happen to a dues paying member. What a no good bunch of bums on our E Board.....
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Well-Known Member
Another part timer in local sort made book as a driver. Its been 4 weeks and he hasn't worked in 4 weeks. Our Union is not doing anything for him. Management said, he cant work because they dont need him, maybe when they start hiring drivers they will put him in a drivers class. Part timer went to human resources to confirm this and they said the classes go by seniority and he may not even make the first class. What kinda B#SHT is this. Our board is allowing the company to do what they want. This is getting way out of hand. How much is Tim getting under the Table of this deal.............


Well-Known Member
Hey Mistake,,,, always wanted to ask you a question.... On holidays does Tony D come to your house or do you go to his? our do you take turns??????


Well-Known Member
Part timers are getting screwed by our E Board. Part-timer was told by Anthony C he would be driving after he took his road test in January and made book 3 times. As of today Part Timer still classified as a pre-loader, currently still not getting his guarantee 8 hrs, there paying him time only. Monday is a paid holiday and hes gonna get paid holiday pay as a pre-loader. When Part timer asked Anthony C why he is still classified as a part timer, Anthony C answer was " It doesn't matter, what your classified as" Anthony C is a totally incompetent. Anthony C is helping the company and allowing this to happen to a dues paying member. What a no good bunch of bums on our E Board.....

Here you go again with this , If what you are saying is true then how many grievances has he put in? Who is his shop steward and what are they doing about it??? He can call the hall and talk to Tim then if Tim does nothing he can call the International Brotherhood of Teamster in Washington and put in a complaint. He can even call the UPS hotline.

Hey , I know go up to Anthony C and ask him yourself whats going on , sounds like the guys talks to you so help him out and then post what he says...



Well-Known Member
Here you go again with this , If what you are saying is true then how many grievances has he put in? Who is his shop steward and what are they doing about it??? He can call the hall and talk to Tim then if Tim does nothing he can call the International Brotherhood of Teamster in Washington and put in a complaint. He can even call the UPS hotline.

Hey , I know go up to Anthony C and ask him yourself whats going on , sounds like the guys talks to you so help him out and then post what he says...


I hate to say this, but there are a few cases in Island City of part timers making their 40 days that are going only to arbitration only recently because of a few stewards.


Well-Known Member
Here you go again with this , If what you are saying is true then how many grievances has he put in? Who is his shop steward and what are they doing about it??? He can call the hall and talk to Tim then if Tim does nothing he can call the International Brotherhood of Teamster in Washington and put in a complaint. He can even call the UPS hotline.

Hey , I know go up to Anthony C and ask him yourself whats going on , sounds like the guys talks to you so help him out and then post what he says...

Lies,lies and more lies with you! Keep your mouth shut you don't know your about! Vinny your nose is growing.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say this, but there are a few cases in Island City of part timers making their 40 days that are going only to arbitration only recently because of a few stewards.

Sorry Chino but only you would understand your post LOL please give more details as to what happen thanks....in other words break it down :)


Well-Known Member
Lies,lies and more lies with you! Keep your mouth shut you don't know your about! Vinny your nose is growing.

LOL "you don't know your about" ????? Tony please have Nancy proof read all your posts first ........

Are you still going to get the paper and bagels in your $1,000 suits on the weekend ?????

Tony D couldn't spell cat if you gave him the A and the T... All he does well is yell and make deals. He always made deals behind his stewards back. He know that stewards like Frankie friend were 10 times smarter then he was so he left them in the dark. This is why Howie wanted Billy B to be the next President when he and Anthony M retired. Tony D was so p/ssed that Howie picked Billy , why don't you think Billy is running with Tony. Billy thinks Tony is a loud mouth clown plus only 1 person can run for President on a slate.........




Well-Known Member
Hey members voice your meet and greet video on your website only has 9 views and I watched it 3 times to count the 30 non members voice people that were there..... Its been about a week and only 6 people viewed it and I'm sure 5 were from members voice LOL

Now watch after I post this the count will go though the roof because Tony D will call all the slate guys and make them watch it 25 times each LOL.......

Had enough

Well-Known Member
LOL "you don't know your about" ????? Tony please have Nancy proof read all your posts first ........

Are you still going to get the paper and bagels in your $1,000 suits on the weekend ?????

Tony D couldn't spell cat if you gave him the A and the T... All he does well is yell and make deals. He always made deals behind his stewards back. He know that stewards like Frankie friend were 10 times smarter then he was so he left them in the dark. This is why Howie wanted Billy B to be the next President when he and Anthony M retired. Tony D was so p/ssed that Howie picked Billy , why don't you think Billy is running with Tony. Billy thinks Tony is a loud mouth clown plus only 1 person can run for President on a slate.........


Mr AcesUp804,

I have been following brown for some time, I've been a teamster for 20+ years, and have actively been involved in our union. All your post is Bull S##T
If you actually were a True Member and cared for the membership you would post the truth. You say you are a senior member who just keeps posting bull. Do you actually read what you are posting, you sound like a lunatic and it is obvious you couldn't care less about the membership.

Help build a better union for future members , if you think people take you serious you are a fool.


Well-Known Member
Mr AcesUp804,

I have been following brown for some time, I've been a teamster for 20+ years, and have actively been involved in our union. All your post is Bull S##T
If you actually were a True Member and cared for the membership you would post the truth. You say you are a senior member who just keeps posting bull. Do you actually read what you are posting, you sound like a lunatic and it is obvious you couldn't care less about the membership.

Help build a better union for future members , if you think people take you serious you are a fool.

Glad to see that I have made you grow a pair and sign up with Brown Café welcome....

To say all of my post are BS then you are nothing more then a clown or someone that changed his screen name which I think your are.
If I heard something then thats what I say if it fact then I post it. Do I also have fun yes.
The one thing that Tony's ballwashers on here don't do is prove me wrong time and time again I put the facts out there and his ballwashers run away......

So if I'm BS then why don't YOU prove me wrong or go have another hotdog...

What Billy wasn't going to be the next president????
What Billy and Tony both didn't want to be president????
What Frankie isn't smarter then Tony D???? LOL
What Howie and Tony M weren't going to retire together????

BigShoesSmallFeet funny how you and MistakeVoting4ThisBoard spell there name..... VERY WEAK

But we all know what bigshoessmallfeet means you could be Steve M , Billy B SON


Active Member
Speaking of things not dying..why am I still working with that person that deals drugs on the Brush local sort ? Security supposedly interviewed him and the steward that conspired with him to get his drugs out of the building yet he is still employed. Yet I still have to get scanned every night, what a joke. Did our security dept go to the video tape ? Did they interview the management person who as he was leaving the building remarked about the smell of pot but just kept on walking, good job .....Did they ever read the security guards statement ? What did happen was that security terminated the security guards employment , not right away mind you but weeks after because a complaint was filed.He was stupid enough to get the steward instead of a management person, he should have known better but the other two are still employed and are not model employees either.So I ask once again why do I have to work with people that conduct criminal activities on ups property and why would a seward assist a criminal.Once again security goes after the easy kills and terminates a 6.00 an hour security guard just making ends meet,nice job. Still have some faith, not much, that is still being looked at as well as his accomplice in crime.

Our "leading by example and with integrity " L.O.L. security department is staying very quiet on this issue, they really think that it is just going to fade away. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Sorry Brush Avenue security the only way it will go away is when you do your job in regards to the individuals that are mentioned in that write up that you have, or did it get shredded ??


Well-Known Member
Seems like someone couldnt diffuse the time bomb that was created down there in the BX. Well hope they get whats coming to them for trying to cover it up.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
I know Mark H has been mia for a while(hearsay) but my real question is where the hell has the number 2 man Jimmy R been the past 2.5 years????

Hammer it took you 2.5 years to figure out what he is all about? It really sucks when you realize that you've been had.

The guy was a carwash and an alternate steward and all he did was stand in the backround trying to cause trouble.
He must spend his day calling his TDU friends and signing checks to all the TDU printers and law firms.

It really sucks to be wrong doesn't Hammer, so join the club, not what you voted for either!


Well-Known Member
Hammer it took you 2.5 years to figure out what he is all about? It really sucks when you realize that you've been had.
The guy was a carwash and an alternate steward and all he did was stand in the backround trying to cause trouble.He must spend his day calling his TDU friends and signing checks to all the TDU printers and law firms.It really sucks to be wrong doesn't Hammer, so join the club, not what you voted for either

I use to feel the same way about Mark H because when he was here in Foster he wouldn't say hello or take the time to talk to the full timers. Now I realize that its his style if you don't like it thats OK but all of the part timers in Foster like him and will vote for him so if 40 full timers vote against him and 300 do ,, well you do the math, I hear its the same thing in Nassau......

Thats why Tim is using Chris W out of Island City to help in the hall.




Had enough

Well-Known Member
Happy Memorial Day Brothers and Sisters! It turned out to be a nice day. Enjoy your day off with your families and remember The heat is coming. Stay Cool.:grouphugg:


Active Member
[h=2]Re: What are some stuff that could get the employees fired?[/h]
Possession of drugs on company property. Once in a blue moon, the feds will bring in a sniffer dog to a hub. You got a bag of weed in your pocket and the dog sits down next to you, you are SOL.
This was found on the forum "What are some things that can get you fired at UPS.

I guess they were NOT referring to the infamous Brush Ave building ----LOL