Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Hey the little midget in Foster Ave has been passed up again. Row B has just appointed a new BA Anthony C. Little Frankie is kicking himself for real now! Even Row B knows Frankie is for Frankie, Your also a big rat for a little guy. We hope you learned your lesson. Not that there is hope for him, but Frankie don't be a trader either.

LOL even I laughed at that.... Anthony C was in Foster Thursday with Dave O , I talked to him for a couple of minutes he has Manh South but doesn't know what other barns he will get. He really handles himself well, he acts and looks like he's been a BA for 10 years. Even DOG (a stewart )had something good to say about him LOL.( and that don't come easy) Felt good to have him in the building. LIKE THE UNION WAS THERE..... I hope he gets Foster, but no one, NO ONE will be happier then Dave O , this way he doesn't have to think of ways not to come to Foster. YOUR MOUTH WILL ALWAYS ACT STRONG BUT YOUR EYES WILL ALWAYS SHOW YOUR FEAR.....
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Well-Known Member
I understand Row A, I respect the picnic is no big deal to you. But not to show at a meeting representing your men. I guess the point I am binging out, by not showing up is that he is not being so reliable. That's all. They should be present at these things so it shows your dedication to the members. Which shows your strength in the end. These places are were people mingle and you get to hear what's going on and understand the members issues. lol I did not see Management , but I did get there 2ish and not too many left. In the meantime watch your back and protect yourself. Take care:sad-little:
I just want to be fair with my comments and statements I make on here.... and report the true story not something made up by others trying to hurt the new board ......... the good.. the bad... and the ugleee .... Like i said in my earlier post .... had enough .. .. the clerks meeting was attended by only three members on the board ... so be fair in your comments ... and the pinic who cares ... if you do we think different .....lol its clear you dont like holmes but from reports Im getting he could be the real thing ... My favorite guy from the old board was .. the late Ron .c ..... and me and Tony . m was good friends ... also good friends with Anthony. g ..... Howie .... not a good listener lol but we got along well despite that lol ........

Had enough

Well-Known Member
The little midget in Foster Ave is a liar. He is going around telling all the clerks, there is going to be a major layoff. When you ask him who and when they are getting laid off he has no answers. He is also telling everyone he is running. Running for what? Is he running in the NY State Marathon or for the Jockey of the year? Everyone says Frankie is for Frankie and he is related to Benito Mussolini. For those of you who do not know who Mussolini, he was a trader.

Frankie you should be ashamed of yourself. You have no loyalty to anyone but yourself!


Well-Known Member
The little midget in Foster Ave is a liar. He is going around telling all the clerks, there is going to be a major layoff. When you ask him who and when they are getting laid off he has no answers. He is also telling everyone he is running. Running for what? Is he running in the NY State Marathon or for the Jockey of the year? Everyone says Frankie is for Frankie and he is related to Benito Mussolini. For those of you who do not know who Mussolini, he was a trader.

Frankie you should be ashamed of yourself. You have no loyalty to anyone but yourself!
I have recently spoken to a friend inside, there absolutely is a list of 125 clerks to be laid off ! seniority on this list dates back about 15-20 years ! go figure


New Member
Local 804 lol

There is a certain delegate who is looking for a return to the hall after a landslide loss.And as I see it there is no problem with that. The problem is that this individual is looking out for no one but himself. He foams at the mouth with every mistake the new administration makes,even though its always at the detriment of a local 804 member.He sees this as a crack in the opening to his return.
He thinks we forgot how during the 2006 election campaign they where telling us the pension was solid and in fine shape,when in fact as we found out after they won the election this was not true.Did it happen to just change overnight? Or was this a calculated risk?They knew there was outrage,that's why the next general membership meeting was cancelled.They would of had to explain themselves.That would of been interesting
Soon after this election we find out the health and welfare fund is in financial trouble.Why did'nt we hear about this sooner? Anyone want to take a guess? If it would of come out before the election they would of had no chance what so ever.You think losing 2 to 1 was bad?

Then after there devistating loss the old administration does all it can to make the transition for the new administration as difficult as possible.Even in real politics there is a transition team to make the change as smooth as possible so there are as few bumps as can be.As to not disrupt the membership.But he would of rather see us(the members)get screwed ,because of course his loss is our fault. P.S. I am not now nor was I ever a row B fan .( T. D. we are not idiots, most of us see right through .)


Re: Local 804 lol

welcome to the cafe 198703.
I hope you can find someone in here that can relate to your post.
I'm with local 938 up here in Canada,and we get very little for our dues.


Well-Known Member
I have recently spoken to a friend inside, there absolutely is a list of 125 clerks to be laid off ! seniority on this list dates back about 15-20 years ! go figure

I honestly dont think there is a total of 125 clerks in our local. I know there are 3 in my building and we have 13 building so I really dont know.


Well-Known Member
So finally with this ongoing case and my panel creeping up fast . I have finally met some of our new E board during prep for 10-1


Well-Known Member
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!!!!!!!!!wow...... Folks i hope these reports are false .... But these are some strong sources that i trust ... I know bill and steve and tony are having major money problems but this ....... Wow !!!!


Well-Known Member
Breaking news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reports are old e board members maybe under federal investigation and maybe indicted in early fall of this year!!!!!!!!!wow...... Folks i hope these reports are false .... But these are some strong sources that i trust ... I know bill and steve and tony are having major money problems but this ....... Wow !!!!

If this is true , the new E board must of found something and made phone calls.
row a and row b should all be investigated by federal gov. The only answer left is they were and are all paid off by ups. The total lack of respect by ups and walking all over the membership is out of this world. Never before has it been so one sided. It is sad. The members should get rid of all of them and get people who will restore the power!!