Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


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The new guy A......"The big Marshmallow" from what we hear has been in Foster Ave 2 or 3 times and just stands in a corner........The real test has not come yet, when he has to go and represent a driver......Chances are he will fold under presser like a marshmallow in the heat of a fire!!!!!!!!!! LOL.........

Had enough

Well-Known Member
that photo was great lol really funny....... Being a person in Foster your dead wrong , The couple of times I have seen Anthony and Tony D together they both say hello and shake hands. And saying he has no backbone you have no clue from what I'v heard he handles himself very well in the office, Reimo and the boys are already telling people that Anthony's going to be a problem. There's a very good buzz in the building about him. Again I'm sorry the promises Row A told you didn't work out... But I did see Tony D running ,, someone said spelling contest..............

Look I was never promised a Rose Garden, but all I see are weeds. They made promises and all they did was lie. Wake up and smell the coffee buddy. You seem to be a very uptight person and have a lot to say to protect them. But maybe you should realize they are not so strong, so make sure you do your stuff right, because I do not know how good you could be protected with this new board. Again and Again its not just me talking. Look around your building. Everyone is shaking their heads saying there is no more union. "In all the buildings."


Well-Known Member
from what we understand.......kenny r. Agitator 1 is now out of spring street, because all the stewards were fed up with him, because he did not know anything about the contract......members were getting fired left and right!!!!


Well-Known Member
I was informed Anthony C. The Big Marshmallow was in Foster 2 - 3 times in his life.......All he does is stand in a corner.......The true test will be when he has to represent a driver in the office.......Word is he will fold under pressure like a marshmallow under fire.......LOL


Well-Known Member
Harry "Machine Gun Weldon" is back from the grave!!!!!!!!! He has vowed to get a new set of teeth for the next arbitration, with the back pay money the company has given him for the three months he was out on the street:bigsmile2::bigsmile2::bigsmile2:


Well-Known Member
After six weeks, the big guy Tim S. finally showing up at Island City.....Looking like one of the porters.......When members complain that things are getting worse all he could say was I know , the boys on the board and "I do mean boys" because they cannot conduct themselves as men. Most of them don't know the first thing about the contract, because they were all feeder drivers and are delirious from the Diesel Fumes. Sammy C. the bull smile* Artist is more delirious then all of them, Tim says now he is chauffering him around and getting me lunch ":spaghetti:A big lunch".


Well-Known Member
While Dave O. Clueless was in Foster Ave for the last nine months, it was like having no Union at all..... More guys were fired and suspended!!!!! Reports says that Dave O. was afraid of mangement that he just agreed with everying they said. I don't think they understand that we need more then a Marshmallow in a building like Foster. We need a STREET BOSS someone with strength!!!! Dave O. had so much fear in his eyes we thought he was going to cry.......:stalker:


Well-Known Member
:thumbsup: LoL Hoaxster, I am never talking to myself. Although named the Lonewolf.......Like any wolf they always have a pack behind them.......These things are printed and posted all over our buildings. We have a Executive Board here who was voted in and the Membership is suffering Big time !!!!!!! I hope things are good where you are. Enjoy the weather, the heat finally left!!!



Well-Known Member
I was informed Anthony C. The Big Marshmallow was in Foster 2 - 3 times in his life.......All he does is stand in a corner.......The true test will be when he has to represent a driver in the office.......Word is he will fold under pressure like a marshmallow under fire.......LOL

who ever informed you is full of sh/t ,, since I'm there every day , He comes to Foster Mon, Wed ,Fri ,, he gets to the building at 6:00 walks around the preload with phil (since phil don't work ) talks to every one handles any union business. this I hear from the porters , then talks to the drivers as they come in ,then handles more union business with the drivers after there start time., this I see for myself he talks to everybody walks around like he owns the building ,, never in any corner.. sorry those lies won't fly.


Well-Known Member
Look I was never promised a Rose Garden, but all I see are weeds. They made promises and all they did was lie. Wake up and smell the coffee buddy. You seem to be a very uptight person and have a lot to say to protect them. But maybe you should realize they are not so strong, so make sure you do your stuff right, because I do not know how good you could be protected with this new board. Again and Again its not just me talking. Look around your building. Everyone is shaking their heads saying there is no more union. "In all the buildings."

Yes your right people have to do there jobs , tell me one member that got fired that should not have? you say that I protect them , I don't know them .. you say there not strong true ,, Row A wasn't strong either look how many people got fired under them over 300 cases on the docket from Row A ,, so please stop ,, come with some facts,, this is what UPS is doing ,, guess we need Row A back to horse trade again ,, O by the way did you see how much monet Row A made last year ,, Howie 200,000 ,, what a joke...


Well-Known Member
I am not from foster.but my guys tell me, This guy Anthony C. is very lazy*************************************************
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Well-Known Member
I am not from foster.but my guys tell me, This guy Anthony C. is very lazy ******************************

nice try LOL but this isn't frankie ,, so you call him a deal maker , again no facts , now Tony D there's a deal maker just ask his old friend V M .......
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Well-Known Member
lonewolfl ,, you said "We need a STREET BOSS someone with strength!!!! " please tell us what does that mean?? please tell us how to be a street boss? tell us who you think would be a good street boss......


Well-Known Member
Yes your right people should do there jobs , don't cut corners , no this new E board isn't great but I trust them , that word trust is big , not the sh/t ROW A was doing over the years , our pension and medical. never did nothing about supervisors working , making deals like crazy . tell us its a fair contract , talk about someone being scared the whole Row A said nothing , did what ever Howie said ,, most would to, is they made the money they did.... no strong language since Ron Carey was in there ,, willing to give up coffee , and 25 and out in a heart beat.... thats scared ..... no one from that whole ROW A board said anything ,,, just like mice..... you don't think these guys are good to run our local ,,thats your right , but I'd rather see 11 new members run for office but NO ONE FROM ROW A ,,, what will the ROW A say" you can trust me NOW" LOL

Had enough

Well-Known Member
Oh Aces give me a break, please another one that hung on to Ron Carey's words! I will give that Ron was a good speaker. He was a bull :censored2: artist just like all the politians. We care about now, not when Ron was there. All these board men hanging on his words. Anyway Ron was a Bull :censored2:artist but he would run the Union a lot more classy they the men you hung out with there on the board . LOL. "Rip Ron: You also lie about Howie's salary. "Although I would like to say that Howie definatly made a few poor choices." Go on the internet and see the salaries. They all say different amounts. They have Howie making less money then a business agent. You believe that garbage? LOL. If he made that much maybe you should run. But then again you lie like the rest of the board. You sound like you were promised something and was let down. Trust you???? I trust you like I trust the Midget. Maybe you should hang out with the little Midget, you seem to have brown on your nose too! Don't worry I can order you a lb of cheese also. :wink2:


Well-Known Member
Oh Aces give me a break, please another one that hung on to Ron Carey's words! I will give that Ron was a good speaker. He was a bull :censored2: artist just like all the politians. We care about now, not when Ron was there. All these board men hanging on his words. Anyway Ron was a Bull :censored2: artist but he would run the Union a lot more classy they the men you hung out with there on the board . LOL. "Rip Ron: You also lie about Howie's salary. "Although I would like to say that Howie definatly made a few poor choices." Go on the internet and see the salaries. They all say different amounts. They have Howie making less money then a business agent. You believe that garbage? LOL. If he made that much maybe you should run. But then again you lie like the rest of the board. You sound like you were promised something and was let down. Trust you???? I trust you like I trust the Midget. Maybe you should hang out with the little Midget, you seem to have brown on your nose too! Don't worry I can order you a lb of cheese also. :wink2:

The salaries were taken directly from what Howie submitted to the NYS Dept of Labor file number 031-841, any arguments about his pay should be brought directly to him! HE FILED IT!!!!!! Howie wouldnt fudge numbers now, would he??. What business agent made more money than him????? Howie was on the payroll from local 804 and the international and heard he was actually double dipping, please if your going to post and try to dis credit someone, get some real facts.