Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Howie had to go for sure. He should of retired a few years ago. It's a new slate with some experience mixed in. I said this before. That was a 40 yr plus running slate. Sure people want a change, but after 2 years the membership saw what Tim and these inexperience boys did to our local. Give it up buddy, they are done!!, open your ears and eyes! :nobrainzombis: This board has done NOT one thing right. Including fixing the medical. The members fixed the medical, you screwed us. We are paying now.

I agree the medical plan sucks now. To many members have high bills now. But after the dumb move with the two stewards who would even trust this board to negotiate our contract. We need them voted out.


Well-Known Member
I agree the medical plan sucks now. To many members have high bills now. But after the dumb move with the two stewards who would even trust this board to negotiate our contract. We need them voted out.

The "dumb move" problem was fixed, you need to move on from that brother. The medical does suck.


Well-Known Member
What kind of all star team?? One with 11 feeders?? LOL!! So you are trying to say there will be 3 slates running in november?? That will be fun. I dont think he has any pull anymore. Granted he is intelligent whereas Tony is a dope, but Buhlert is still complicit with what went on with the last board: the 2 weak contracts, the pension cut, the health and welfare problems, the high salaries, etc. The only real challenge to the current E/B would be stewards with no connection to the old board and NO FORMER E/B MEMBERS!!

There might be 4 running total


Well-Known Member
:drunkbf:That is exactly the problem....no one cares...until someone gets hurt or worse, because of these a--holes. I will say it loud and clear, if you deal drugs or cover it up in a UPS facility you should be terminated period. If something happened to a member of your family because of someone being high on the job you would be the first to say that the company should have one something, but to have the I don't care attitude is just wrong, pure and simple wrong. We are not stupid, we all know what went down at Brush and how it got swept under the rug by loss prevention ( right Tom C ). To hell with any of you that want to continue to not do anything or who continue the coverup, whether it be drinking while on duty or whether it be bringing drugs into the building or helping get them out of the building it is harmful to employees who want to just be able to come to work in a safe environment.

Has anyone contacted the olice on this matter?
Sometimes UPS needs a spark to make things right.


Well-Known Member
Bill B was never leader or even the number 2 man of the union. You can't blame the way Howie ran the union on him. He might be a dhead and a miserable person but in my opinion, the smartest member in this union.
grabbing your schlong in front of the membership and he is the smartest man in our union:nobrainzombis: whoever you are you need a fitness for duty test grabbing you package knowing you want to come back one day and lead your union is by no means a smart guy thats what we call a fool where i come even ant.c is not that reckless
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Well-Known Member
10, you seem to have a hangup about Anthony. From all I hear and see, he is a real good BA. Does he stand in the corner, i dont know but everyone has their own style. Some people are more in your face and aggressive and others are quiet but effective.

You are right, the meetings are night and day. Anyone can have their say and not get booed or spoken over by the board. They run twicce as long but we are also getting twice the amount of info and opinions by both the board members and the rank and file. The trainings have been great. I try to get to as many as they have. As for the call service, much improved. i dont call in the middle of the night but when I do call I get a BA or a call back later that day. On the safety teams, I disagree. Let UPS fail their little Ketter audits. If they want the committees back, we should get something for it.

Also, who is saying that Anthony is running on a different slate?? For president?? Listen, he is a smart guy who knows his stuff but he has got to move a little slower here (not a fat joke). Maybe one day. As for Tim, I see him as quite effective. He listens to everything you say and takes the time to explain things to you. I appreciate the fact that he runs a union that informs us and wants to involve us and not talk down to us. That itself is an big improvement over Howie. As for Buhlert, yes he was undignified when he grabbed himself at the union meeting but that does not mean he is unqualified to lead our union. We all do stupid stuff sometimes. My beefs with him is his record when he was VP. And of course ,Tony is just a clown!!
:didimiss:ok i can not let this one go from what you hear and see Anthony is a good ba please come to 10013 without the big bag of air and walk around and talk to us and we will tell you the real spagetti that was a nice cover up job but we don't buy it come inside 10013 i dare you where is our building raid please come inside 10013 i was there when those 40 young kids from foster stood together against BIG ANTHONY.C so save your crap for some other guy as for MR.PRESIDENT yeah he listens alright then he lies and promises you something or another he is a hairy face liar


Well-Known Member
grabbing your schlong in front of the membership and he is the smartest man in our union:nobrainzombis: whoever you are you need a fitness for duty test grabbing you package knowing you want to come back one day and lead your union is by no means a smart guy thats what we call a fool where i come even ant.c is not that reckless

Go back and re read what I posted before you keep making a complete fool of your self everytime I post. He might not be a people person and act like a maroon but he is the most knowledgable person to run this union and this is coming from a full row b supporter. Seems like a personal problem you have with anthony is affecting you brain.


Well-Known Member
The "dumb move" problem was fixed, you need to move on from that brother. The medical does suck.
No,No you can't brush that under the carpet! That was a real bad choice the union made. Even a rookie knows that you do not have your stewards do a work Stopage . That is the B.A.'s Job! This board should never been Elected from the beginning, partly my fault. I will vote them out this time.


Well-Known Member
Go back and re read what I posted before you keep making a complete fool of your self everytime I post. He might not be a people person and act like a maroon but he is the most knowledgable person to run this union and this is coming from a full row b supporter. Seems like a personal problem you have with anthony is affecting you brain.
you sound like the maroon question for you smart guy Is good judgement needed to run a union tick toc tick toc ok let me help you out YES good JUDGEMENT is needed its plenty of players out there better then lebron james but they did not make the judgement calls to get where he is at so judgement is everything i guess when you grow and become a man you won't admire gangsters and thugs but the business men that made better choices in life and 804 brown you need to wise up


Well-Known Member
you sound like the maroon question for you smart guy Is good judgement needed to run a union tick toc tick toc ok let me help you out YES good JUDGEMENT is needed its plenty of players out there better then lebron james but they did not make the judgement calls to get where he is at so judgement is everything i guess when you grow and become a man you won't admire gangsters and thugs but the business men that made better choices in life and 804 brown you need to wise up

run on much? How did we get on basketball???? and NO there is not plenty of players better than Lebron.


Well-Known Member
No,No you can't brush that under the carpet! That was a real bad choice the union made. Even a rookie knows that you do not have your stewards do a work Stopage . That is the B.A.'s Job! This board should never been Elected from the beginning, partly my fault. I will vote them out this time.
hey buddy if you have no more money the bills don't get paid the fund was broke get the facts before you talk the information is there for you to see so come to the table with real facts the fund was broke they just did'nt tell us guy come on unless your just a :censored2: and do not care what the facts are


Well-Known Member
:didimiss:ok i can not let this one go from what you hear and see Anthony is a good ba please come to 10013 without the big bag of air and walk around and talk to us and we will tell you the real spagetti that was a nice cover up job but we don't buy it come inside 10013 i dare you where is our building raid please come inside 10013 i was there when those 40 young kids from foster stood together against BIG ANTHONY.C so save your crap for some other guy as for MR.PRESIDENT yeah he listens alright then he lies and promises you something or another he is a hairy face liar

What are you talking about??????? Come inside 10013???? What is 10013????? Nothing in Spring St is called 10013 what a clown.You don't even know what your talking about. Thats what happens when you get wrong info you sound like a jackass........

Those part timers at the general meeting were not there against Anthony C you idiot they were there to make sure the part time voice is heard for the up coming contract. It was Anthony C that got them all together for a meeting at the Union hall so that there voice could be heard. They even thank Anthony C at the next meeting , so go change your name this one didn't work.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about??????? Come inside 10013???? What is 10013????? Nothing in Spring St is called 10013 what a clown.You don't even know what your talking about. Thats what happens when you get wrong info you sound like a jackass........

Those part timers at the general meeting were not there against Anthony C you idiot they were there to make sure the part time voice is heard for the up coming contract. It was Anthony C that got them all together for a meeting at the Union hall so that there voice could be heard. They even thank Anthony C at the next meeting , so go change your name this one didn't work.


Well-Known Member
Anthony.c will get less than 78 votes in this years election. Tim.s will get 109 votes in this election. Bring back Ken.r hey ken.r we need you bad real bad PLEASE HELP US AT 10013 WE NEED HELP PLEASE HELP US PLEASE 10013


Well-Known Member
Anthony.c will get less than 78 votes in this years election. Tim.s will get 109 votes in this election. Bring back Ken.r hey ken.r we need you bad real bad PLEASE HELP US AT 10013 WE NEED HELP PLEASE HELP US PLEASE 10013

Sorry brother but tim and anthony will exceed your count by a few hundred minimum. As far as your cry for help from Ken R ? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry brother but tim and anthony will exceed your count by a few hundred minimum. As far as your cry for help from Ken R ? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!
how can you laugh at our dismay we are crying out for help BIG ANTHONY DID NOT ANSWER TO BELL they may very well exceed my vote count but not by much brother and hey ANTHONY stop calling around asking who i could be i see u most times when your in 10013 i even talk with you sometimes what a scam that is contract talk is all i hear