Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Oh and one more thing, if you think anyone from the current e board writes their own material or is responsible for the content of the web site think again. IT REAKS OF TDU


Well-Known Member
Hey chicken #^%@ the president of the united states dont write his own speaches and Im not saying Tony didnt write that one. Remember I rather have someone with balls then the bunch of pansy ass BA's we have now !!!!!!

LOL what's the matter upset because ChickenandFries speaks the truth. You think that idiot has balls but he doesn't just a loud mouth with no answers. If Tony D really had balls then he would not have backed Hoffa or backed the last 2 contracts. Tony D is nothing more then a loud mouth phony.


Well-Known Member
Hey chicken #^%@ the president of the united states dont write his own speaches and Im not saying Tony didnt write that one. Remember I rather have someone with balls then the bunch of pansy ass BA's we have now !!!!!!
You took the words right outta my mouth!

LOL what's the matter upset because ChickenandFries speaks the truth. You think that idiot has balls but he doesn't just a loud mouth with no answers. If Tony D really had balls then he would not have backed Hoffa or backed the last 2 contracts. Tony D is nothing more then a loud mouth phony.
listen, in reality we all do things that we MIGHT not want to do, or might very well know is the wrong thing to do, BUT..... for various reasons (like wanting to keep your union gig) maybe we endorse people that we very well know are not right, even contracts that we know could be better! Tony, John ect...... were in no position to challenge Howies decision to endorse Hoffa / our contract! Keeping in mind while its not a stellar contract we probably should have been paying into our medical as most of corporate America has been doing for years..... but we are not paying yet! why is that, could it be because life is about "GIVE & TAKE"?

just my 2 cents!


Well-Known Member
You took the words right outta my mouth!

listen, in reality we all do things that we MIGHT not want to do, or might very well know is the wrong thing to do, BUT..... for various reasons (like wanting to keep your union gig) maybe we endorse people that we very well know are not right, even contracts that we know could be better! Tony, John ect...... were in no position to challenge Howies decision to endorse Hoffa / our contract! Keeping in mind while its not a stellar contract we probably should have been paying into our medical as most of corporate America has been doing for years..... but we are not paying yet! why is that, could it be because life is about "GIVE & TAKE"?

just my 2 cents!

You forget 1 thing Crash , Johnny Brown our Vice President at the time got up at a General Membership Meeting and told every one he would not back Hoffa. Tony D just sat there, he had his chance and he choose to stay with Hoffa.

Don't give me PROBABLY they all had a job to do while they were in office. Our pension has not got up in 14 years while places like upstate NY there pension is around 5,000.


Well-Known Member
we probably should have been paying into our medical as most of corporate America has been doing for years..... but we are not paying yet! why is that,

Its because our medical had 34 million around 2003 and ever month we were paying out anywhere from 200,000 to 500,000 a month to cover the bills. In stead of telling Hoffa if we don't get the money we need to fix our Medical and Pension we will not back this contract they sat on their hands and did nothing. NO BALLS

That was their time to show balls to fight for us and they did nothing. Waited untill they got re elected to tell us our pension was in trouble they knew 5 months earlier. Were you one of the thousand members that showed up at the General Membership meeting at 282? I was...

Same thing with our medical they knew it was going to arbitration months before the election and didn't say a word.

The truth is they were over there heads and didn't know what they were doing, had no clue how to run a local.

They did nothing after Ronnie went to Washington. They fooled us all, NOT ANY MORE.


Well-Known Member
LOL I read Tony D July 4 letter to the members , what a joke again he has no answers , says nothing.... Yes we all know he didn't write that himself he can barely read or write to begin with.

Nice photo LOL they can't even take a good photo..... LOL smart put fat Eddie in the middle to take up the whole photo. Tony D looks like psyco , Angelo looks like Uncle Fester..... Members Voice AKA Adams Family....

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Well-Known Member
these new ratings reflect the 24 month period since the current e-board took office. 10 = best 1=worst- president-tim.s=5 -sec.tres-jim.r=2 -vice.pres-pete.m=4 rec.sec-david.friend=7 trustee-neil.o=9 trustee-chris.s=5 trustee-mark.h=7 agent-dave.o=4 agent-sam.c=6 agent-steve.a=5 agent-liam.r=7 union rep-anthony.c=5 health safety= william.r=5 -my ratings are base on information i have complied over past 24 months. I was a strong supporter of row a in the past but now i guess i'm a free agent:happy2: I have not decided who i will be supporting in this years coming election but when i do you will hear it here first.
hello folks gps tracking is real please be careful out here brothers and sisters they know where you are at all times. new ratings are coming out soon to a screen near you.


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with this Executive Board they go pick a wacko TDU guy from Chicago. He is not even a member of local 804 or even knows anything about our Union. They made him a BA instead of picking one of our most qualified and experienced stewards. This is the biggest slap in the face to our shop stewards and membership!

Had enough

Well-Known Member
What is wrong with this Executive Board they go pick a wacko TDU guy from Chicago. He is not even a member of local 804 or even knows anything about our Union. They made him a BA instead of picking one of our most qualified and experienced stewards. This is the biggest slap in the face to our shop stewards and membership!
This does not shock me at all! How many does this make in additional salaries? I guess it's payback to TDU again! I have never seen such incompentancy Like this circus!


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with this Executive Board they go pick a wacko TDU guy from Chicago. He is not even a member of local 804 or even knows anything about our Union. They made him a BA instead of picking one of our most qualified and experienced stewards. This is the biggest slap in the face to our shop stewards and membership!
can they do that?


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with this Executive Board they go pick a wacko TDU guy from Chicago. He is not even a member of local 804 or even knows anything about our Union. They made him a BA instead of picking one of our most qualified and experienced stewards. This is the biggest slap in the face to our shop stewards and membership!

Hey Tony D stop believing every thing UPS management tells you , what a maroon....

More proof that UPS wants Members Voice in the hall.



Well-Known Member
What is wrong with this Executive Board they go pick a wacko TDU guy from Chicago. He is not even a member of local 804 or even knows anything about our Union. They made him a BA instead of picking one of our most qualified and experienced stewards. This is the biggest slap in the face to our shop stewards and membership!

Amazing how some of you clowns just make :censored2: up and then come on here and proclaim it the truth. Fact is Dan Campbell was NOT brought in to be a BA. Dan has lots of experience in numerous Locals around this country including Local 705. He was brought to the Hall recently only to brief our E/B on contract negotiations with UPS (Im sure he back home as we speak). I believe he was instrumental in the 1997 contract as well as some earlier ones under Ron Carey. And by the way, he is NO radical. Yes, he is a member of TDU, but he was voted out of 705 because he was not radical enough. Nevertheless, his expertise is always welcomed here in Local 804. The last two contracts with Howie and Donato and Buhlert were weak and concessionary. They were lost without Ron Carey. Way out of their league!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
He will fit in with this group of clowns, you say he was voted out of a TDU. That is scary! What did he do in the last two contracts, 705 isn't part of the National Contract and he wasn't on the Nat'l Negotiations Commitiee so what does he know? How much is this costing us?


Well-Known Member
He will fit in with this group of clowns, you say he was voted out of a TDU. That is scary! What did he do in the last two contracts, 705 isn't part of the National Contract and he wasn't on the Nat'l Negotiations Commitiee so what does he know? How much is this costing us?

Again, what part of he was not brought in to be a part of our E/B dont you get?? And I never said he was voted "out of a TDU", whatever the hell that means. Years ago he was on the E/B at Local 705 and the members there wanted something more radical and agressive. As I hear they admired his intelligence and knowledge of the contract but voted to step it up. And by the way, they replaced him with another TDU member. Since leaving Local 705, I believe he has been a union official in Texas, Michigan and Wisconsin. Now he is retired from UPS and he goes around the country helping out newly elected reform E/Bs get started and negotiate contracts. He was not involved in the last two contracts. He pushed to reject the last two. And yes, you are right Local 705 is NOT part of the National contract. But maybe he can help our Local adopt some of their strong contract language in bargaining our supplemental this Fall.


Well-Known Member
Hey 804Brown thanks for the info , always nice when someone posts the facts.


Today is Friday that means Tony D took off again.... I heard Tony D has 30 OPH's in the last year........


Hey Tony D we only get paid for 5 oph's that means that you have 25 days that UPS saved from putting money into our pension.....




Well-Known Member
He will fit in with this group of clowns, you say he was voted out of a TDU. That is scary! What did he do in the last two contracts, 705 isn't part of the National Contract and he wasn't on the Nat'l Negotiations Commitiee so what does he know? How much is this costing us?
Comprehension appears to be lacking in this response. As far as credibility for Dan C., check out page 136 of the '97-'02 IBT-UPS Agreement and you'll find Dan's name. He was appointed to that committee by none other than Ron Carey! Remember him? What you won't find on that page is Tony D's name or any other Members Voice candidate. As 804Brown has stated Dan has been around and is extremely well educated on UPS issues. Good move from Tim and the board to bring in bright people to get the best deal possible for the members.


Well-Known Member
Comprehension appears to be lacking in this response. As far as credibility for Dan C., check out page 136 of the '97-'02 IBT-UPS Agreement and you'll find Dan's name. He was appointed to that committee by none other than Ron Carey! As 804Brown has stated Dan has been around and is extremely well educated on UPS issues. Good move from Tim and the board to bring in bright people to get the best deal possible for the members.

Talk about lacking Comprehension, The only credibility Dan has is that this guy has been run out of every local he has been in.
saginaw booted him
chicago booted him
and dont forgot Dan Campbell was kicked out of Texas also.
Members voted him out of office when he was the principal officer for him representing the company. 705 is finished with Dan Campbell.

TDU and Tim found another way to funnel our local 804 funds into the pockets of TDU.