Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Has anyone notice how well UPS operations are working. It seems they are running on all eight cylinders! No drivers yelling at management or arguments no complaints no one writing up grievances except the steward. Supervisors and managers working, even when the E/B is watching. Management has no fear. I give the stewards a lot of credit, they have their hands full but I swear they have no backing. Two stewards got fired for almost a year for following the E/B direction. They were paid using members money, not that I am complaining but there was no vote. But more important, we lost power. The stewards did get their jobs back, but 53 drivers lost three days pay, again they were paid with members money, and we were sued for lost of revenue, the E/B still has not kept us informed on what is going on. The arbitrator did the right thing with the stewards but came down hard on the drivers, we lost! We lost big! I go to these union meetings and hear the E/B pound their collective chest on the dais about how great things are going, the only thing they have done is make our union weak and got hundreds of drivers fired. Remember, Its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog! You don't hear anyone at the work place, anyone saying how great the E/B has been. It's hard to find someone who would admit they voted row B, accept on brown cafe.

Had enough

Well-Known Member
I have one simple question! You left the Union only because you have personal matters right? What is the difference if you work in the union hall or you drive a truck? It's not like you had to leave the state. You are still working and putting in as many hrs,maybe even more hrs with UPS! I know that everyone who mentions your name calls you a quitter! If i were you, I think you should realize that what you say is pure cramp!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
AGITATOR AGITATOR, you had to step down for family reasons HAHAHAHA, whats wrong mama to busy running around with the FAR TO THE RIGHT FOX. I thought they represent everything you stand against, I guess not when the color is green. I hate to break the news to you BUT you had no clue what you were doing AND you were asked to step down. That so called eboard has some loose lips (more to come on that).
804 kicks asssssssss. We in other locals love your enthusiasm keep this thread alive. You have something a lot of other local unions crave. You care you are involved and you want to succeed. I'm proud to call you my union brothers and sisters. God bless


Well-Known Member
Just more proof of what a piece of garbage Tony D really is.

Hey Tony D when will you or any one from members voice going to start attacking UPS???? All you do is go from building to building trying to trash our board.

Thats because Tony D won't trash his friends and UPS management are his friends. UPS gives Tony D off when ever he wants it to go and campaign heard he has 40 OPH's in the last year. Plus a large amout of scheduled off days.

When UPS gives Tony D the day off our Union doesn't get any pension money. The company then gives the work he would have done to other drivers to do. Now these drivers have to say out to 10 , 11 oclock....


In Foster on Friday there were flyer's all over the building that had Tony D face on a milk carton that said; "MISSING , It's Friday have you seen Tony D" sure enough Tony D was not working.

Total BS All of the drivers were laughing and saying what a joke he is.

Here is more proof that UPS helps Tony D, they let him work as a helper so that he can go from driver to driver and Tony D tells his manager what drivers to send him to. While drivers are pulling loads in this heat , Tony D is making deals.



Well-Known Member
Hey, Agitator you left because you got two P/T fired when you first took that job. No one talked to you, workers in suffolk said you suck. Your E/B kept moving you from building to building. Where ever they put you drivers compliant. Now you want us to believe it was a family issue, Bull crap, your precious E/B did not even acknowledge you left. so I believe you were thrown out on your butt.

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
Hey, Agitator you left because you got two P/T fired when you first took that job. No one talked to you, workers in suffolk said you suck. Your E/B kept moving you from building to building. Where ever they put you drivers compliant. Now you want us to believe it was a family issue, Bull crap, your precious E/B did not even acknowledge you left. so I believe you were thrown out on your butt.
He is also a liar !
The guy that he said only showed up once a week pulled a work stoppage and not one person was fired not even the air driver they were going to discharge. No drivers were suspended and the Union wasn't fined.
He does not tell the truth all he does is try to start trouble and live up to TDU bull**********.
Ask him how many more stops he is doing than the driver who had the route while he was at the hall.
He is a Puke and has absolutely NO BALLS. You talk about the way people left office you Puke.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Agitator you left because you got two P/T fired when you first took that job. No one talked to you, workers in suffolk said you suck. Your E/B kept moving you from building to building. Where ever they put you drivers compliant. Now you want us to believe it was a family issue, Bull crap, your precious E/B did not even acknowledge you left. so I believe you were thrown out on your butt.

Who cares.... Did you go to the GMM today? The election is over members voice is done. Billy grab your nuts is done... Tim S is smarter then Tony D and Billy B when it comes to running a campaign.

The part timers will decided who wins this election and they are backing the current board big time.

No Tony D, No Angelo and No John N this was the last chance for them to hit the mic and they did not , none of them did. Quiet as a church mouse.

This was by far the best Local 804 meeting I have been to in the last 15 years. Made me proud to be a Teamster.

Tony D was the joke of the meeting even heard Bill B laughing to another member about the Tony D missing on a milk carton flyer.

Again I'm very sorry that the stewards on members voice got suckered by Tony D , spending they money and burning there OPH's sick days and vacations for that clown....

Members Voice and Bill B will get a good amount of votes BUT THEY CAN'T WIN.....


Well-Known Member
Unable to attend the meeting was upset because wanted to see the fireworks from Billy and Tony D. Talk to a friend that went he said the place was packed like he has never seen before. More then half the room was part timers and at least 75% of the room were supporting our E Board. He said that most people were wearing the contract brown teeshirts. He said it was a good meeting and that Tim and Pete sounded very strong and acted like leaders. He also said that you would have no clue that an election was coming up because no one said anything. He said he didn't see Angelo but Billy was there but he never got up.
He said that the theme of the meeting was getting our local to be united and to get behind our board so that we can get a strong contract. Wish I could have been there our old board always cancelled the summer meeting which I always thought was wrong. The number 1 issue I hear people talking about is our pension now we have a board that will fight for us on this issue. Our Board will not sit back and let Hoffa just tell us what to take they will fight. Our old board were nothing more then a bunch of pawns for Hoffa and UPS that only cared about how much money they were making.
Angelo, Tony, Billy, John and Steve these are all people from our old board we the members know what they got us in the last 2 contracts NOTHING our pension has not gone up in 15 years. We must give our current E Board the chance to negotiate this contract and see what they can do for our membership. We all know what the old board did.


Well-Known Member
I really dont see the pension going up with its current funding status. Is it a little better than it has been? yes. Is it enough for an increase? no.


Well-Known Member
Ratings are as follows 10 is the best 0 is the worst. This time brothers and sisters i will be giving my ratings for the entire term from 2010 to the present day. Brothers and sister i have many years at ups i will be retiring after the contract is settled. This is my honest assessment of each e board member. President-Tim.S =2 This guy is just not Presidental material his attire his knowledge of the contract and those out of control general membership meetings adds to me saying he should'nt be relected. Sec Tres-Jim.R=0 Short and sweet Jim never had a building. Jim should'nt be relected. Vice Pres-Pete.M=3 Hard fighter but just not right for this century maybe 25 years ago. And the feeder dept too many mistakes made in feeder dept. Nassau package too many deaths on your watch. Pete.M should'nt be relected. Rec Sec - David.friend=7 One of the guys i like on the e board Daves a Good Business Agent he has balls he pulled the safety commitees on his own i respected that. My old friend Angelo.G is giving Dave hell but i hear he holds his own. Yes David.friend should be relected. I will continue on Saturday my sons just came over:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Again 1 is the worst and 10 is the best. Trustee-Neil.O=8 Neil.O happens to also be one of those board members I'm fond of the guys just an all around good union man.Yes Neil.O should be relected. Trustee-Chris.S=5 Chris is a tough hard nose guy that comes from one direction from reports i get from up north.The 9.5 list is starting to work up there.Yes Chris.S should be relected. Trustee-Mark.H=7 Mark.H has produced about 8-22.3 jobs in nassau according to the 804 magazine. Great job but i hear nothing posted lately.He also speaks up for the insiders and part timers.Yes Mark.H should be relected. Ok thats it for today next will be the business agents.